



  作用是在系统启动和热插拔 或动态加载驱动程序时,自动产生驱动程序所需的节点文件。文件系统中的/dev目录下的设备节点都是由mdev创建的。使用mdev时不加参数就是用hotplug机制来决定创建什么样的设备文件。而用mdev -s命令是表示用sys文件系统提供的信息来创建设备文件的.
  mdev -s扫描/sys/class和/sys/block中所有的类设备目录,如果在目录中含有名为"dev"的文件,且文件中包含的是设备号,则mdev就利用这些信息为这个设备在/dev下创建设备节点。


     1.在buildroot配置menuconfig中打开对mdev的支持。我当前使用的BusyBox 1.18.x版本,未查到mdev的选项,只有udev选项。所以我就打开了udev选项,也是可行的。这部分还有待澄清。具体打开方式读者可以自行查找,在此就不作说明了。


mount -t devfs none /dev
mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug  /* 系统感知到热拔插事件时执行/sbin/mdev程序 */
mdev -s                                     /* 根据/sys/目录下的结节信息创建/dev/目录下的设备节点 */ 


mmcblk0 0:0 777 * kill -s SIGUSR2 `pidof car_video`

     4.在card_video这个进程中,使用signal(SIGUSR2, card_detection);注册信号函数,在函数中就可以通过判断/dev下的卡结点是否存在来识别卡插入还是拔出状态。进而做进一步操作。


MDEV Config (/etc/mdev.conf)

Mdev has an optional config file for controlling ownership/permissions of
device nodes if your system needs something more than the default root/root
660 permissions.

The file has the format:
or @ :

For example:
hd[a-z][0-9]* 0:3 660

The config file parsing stops at the first matching line. If no line is
matched, then the default of 0:0 660 is used. To set your own default, simply
create your own total match like so:
.* 1:1 777

You can rename/move device nodes by using the next optional field.
: [=path]
So if you want to place the device node into a subdirectory, make sure the path
has a trailing /. If you want to rename the device node, just place the name.
hda 0:3 660 =drives/
This will move "hda" into the drives/ subdirectory.
hdb 0:3 660 =cdrom
This will rename "hdb" to "cdrom".

Similarly, ">path" renames/moves the device but it also creates
a direct symlink /dev/DEVNAME to the renamed/moved device.

If you also enable support for executing your own commands, then the file has
the format:
: [=path] [@|$|*]
: [>path] [@|$|*]
The special characters have the meaning:
@ Run after creating the device.
$ Run before removing the device.
* Run both after creating and before removing the device.

The command is executed via the system() function (which means you're giving a
command to the shell), so make sure you have a shell installed at /bin/sh. You
should also keep in mind that the kernel executes hotplug helpers with stdin,
stdout, and stderr connected to /dev/null.

For your convenience, the shell env var $MDEV is set to the device name. So if
the device "hdc" was matched, MDEV would be set to "hdc".


