MobileNet v1模型详读




目前针对这一问题的研究主要是从两个方面来进行的:一是对复杂模型采取剪枝、量化、权重共享等方法,压缩模型得到小模型,这一部分的内容我已经在上篇博客中做了概括,感兴趣的同学可以阅读一下: ;二就是直接设计小模型进行训练。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第1张图片
本次要介绍的就是小模型中的一个代表作MobileNet v1,它是一种基于流水线结构,使用深度级可分离卷积构建的轻量级神经网络,并通过两个超参数的引入使得开发人员可以基于自己的应用和资源限制选择合适的模型。

Depthwise Separable Convolution

MobileNet是基于深度级可分离卷积构建的网络,其实这种结构最早是出现在GoogleNet v3的inception中,它是将标准卷积拆分为了两个操作:深度卷积(depthwise convolution) 和 逐点卷积(pointwise convolution),Depthwise convolution和标准卷积不同,对于标准卷积其卷积核是用在所有的输入通道上(input channels),而depthwise convolution针对每个输入通道采用不同的卷积核,就是说一个卷积核对应一个输入通道,所以说depthwise convolution是depth级别的操作。而pointwise convolution其实就是普通的卷积,只不过其采用1x1的卷积核。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第2张图片
如上图所示:输入尺寸为 DF x DF x M,标准卷积核的尺寸为 DK x DK x M x N

  1. 采用标准卷积核进行卷积,步长为1且padding,那么输出尺寸应该为 DF x DF x N,计算量为 DK x DK x M x N x DF x DF;
  2. 采用depthwise separable convolution的方式进行卷积,先使用 M个Depthwise Convolutional Filter对输入的M个通道分别进行卷积得到尺寸为 DF x DF x M,这一步的计算量为 DK x DK x M x DF x DF;再使用N个 1 x 1 x M的卷积核进行逐点卷积得到输出尺寸为 DF x DF x N,这一步的计算量为 M x N x DF x DF;故总的计算量为 DK x DK x M x DF x DF + M x N x DF x DF。
    一般情况下N取值比较大,那么如果采用 3 x 3 卷积核的话,depthwise separable convolution相较标准卷积可以降低大约9倍的计算量。

Network Structure and Training

MobileNet v1模型详读_第3张图片
MobileNet的网络结构如下表1所示,一共由28层构成(不包括Avg Pool和FC层,且把深度卷积和逐点卷积分开算),其除了第一层采用的是标准卷积核之外,剩下的卷积层都用的是 Depth wise Separable Convolution。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第4张图片
单纯的根据乘加运算的计算量来衡量网络是远远不够的,举个例子,非结构化的稀疏矩阵的计算并不一定比密集矩阵的计算快很多,除非稀疏化程度够高。我们知道,矩阵乘法一般都是通过General Matrix Multiply Functions的方法来进行计算的,但是在进行卷积前要先通过一种叫做im2col的方法对原来的卷积核和输入进行重新排序才可以进行矩阵乘法,其原理如下图所示。而如果我使用的是 1 x 1 的卷积核就不需要重新排序,这就是最优化的数值线性代数算法。如上表2,MobileNet有95%的计算量和74.59%的参数集中在 1 x 1 的卷积层上,而且几乎另外的参数也都在全连接层上。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第5张图片在TensorFlow中使用类似InceptionV3 的异步梯度下降RMSprop对MobileNet做训练。与训练大模型不同的是,我们较少使用正则和数据增强技术,因为小模型不易陷入过拟合;没有使用side heads or label smoothing,我们发现在深度卷积核上放入很少的L2正则或不设置权重衰减的很重要,因为这部分参数很少。

Width Mutiplier:Thinner Models

虽然MobileNet网络结构和延迟已经比较小了,但是很多时候在特定应用下还是需要更小更快的模型,为此引入了宽度因子 alpha(Width Mutiplier)在每一层对网络的输入输出通道数进行缩减,输入通道数由 M 到 alphaM,输出通道数由 N 到 alphaN,变换后的计算量变为: DK x DK x alpha x M x DF x DF + alpha x M x alpha x N x DF x DF;

通常alpha在(0, 1]之间,比较典型的值有 1, 0.75, 0.5 和 0.25。计算量和参数数量减少程度与未使用宽度因子之前提高了1/alpha**2倍。

Resolution Multiplier: Reduced Representation

我们引入的第二个控制模型大小的超参数是:分辨率因子ρ(resolution multiplier ),用于控制输入和内部层表示,即用分辨率因子控制输入的分辨率。
DK x DK x alpha x M x ρ x DF x ρ x DF + alpha x M x alpha x N x ρ x DF x ρ x DF;

通常 ρ在(0, 1]之间,比较典型的输入分辨为224、192、160、128。计算量量减少程度与未使用宽度因子之前提高了1/(alpha2 x ρ x ρ)倍,参数量没有影响。**

MobileNet v1模型详读_第6张图片
上表中的各种不同设置下的乘积运算量和参数量都是在 DK = 3, M = N = 512, DF = 14下得到的。


1. Model Choices
MobileNet v1模型详读_第7张图片
MobileNet v1模型详读_第8张图片
上面的Shallow MobileNet是把前五层 14 x 14 x 512 的可分离的卷积核去掉了
MobileNet v1模型详读_第9张图片MobileNet v1模型详读_第10张图片
2. Model Shrinking Hyperparameters

MobileNet v1模型详读_第11张图片
Figure4展示了当宽度因子分别取{1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25},分辨率因子分别取{224, 192, 160, 128}时组合的16中模型对应准确率和计算量之间呈现出一种对数-线性关系,转折点是在宽度因子取0.25时有一个"跳跃"。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第12张图片
Figure展5示了当宽度因子分别取{1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25},分辨率因子分别取{224, 192, 160, 128}时组合的16中模型对应准确率和参数量之间的关系。
MobileNet v1模型详读_第13张图片
MobileNet v1模型详读_第14张图片
MobileNet v1模型详读_第15张图片

3. Face Attributes

MobileNet的框架技术可用于压缩大型模型,在Face Attributes任务中,我们验证了MobileNet的蒸馏(distillation )技术的关系,蒸馏的核心是让小模型去模拟大模型,而不是直接逼近Ground Label:
MobileNet v1模型详读_第16张图片





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# =============================================================================
"""MobileNet v1.
MobileNet is a general architecture and can be used for multiple use cases.
Depending on the use case, it can use different input layer size and different
head (for example: embeddings, localization and classification).
As described in
  MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for
    Mobile Vision Applications
  Andrew G. Howard, Menglong Zhu, Bo Chen, Dmitry Kalenichenko, Weijun Wang,
    Tobias Weyand, Marco Andreetto, Hartwig Adam
100% Mobilenet V1 (base) with input size 224x224:
See mobilenet_v1()
Layer                                                     params           macs
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/Conv2D:                                 864      10,838,016
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/depthwise:                    288       3,612,672
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_pointwise/Conv2D:                     2,048      25,690,112
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_2_depthwise/depthwise:                    576       1,806,336
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_2_pointwise/Conv2D:                     8,192      25,690,112
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_3_depthwise/depthwise:                  1,152       3,612,672
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_3_pointwise/Conv2D:                    16,384      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_4_depthwise/depthwise:                  1,152         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_4_pointwise/Conv2D:                    32,768      25,690,112
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_5_depthwise/depthwise:                  2,304       1,806,336
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_5_pointwise/Conv2D:                    65,536      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_6_depthwise/depthwise:                  2,304         451,584
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_6_pointwise/Conv2D:                   131,072      25,690,112
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_7_depthwise/depthwise:                  4,608         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_7_pointwise/Conv2D:                   262,144      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_8_depthwise/depthwise:                  4,608         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_8_pointwise/Conv2D:                   262,144      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_9_depthwise/depthwise:                  4,608         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_9_pointwise/Conv2D:                   262,144      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_10_depthwise/depthwise:                 4,608         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_10_pointwise/Conv2D:                  262,144      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_11_depthwise/depthwise:                 4,608         903,168
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_11_pointwise/Conv2D:                  262,144      51,380,224
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_12_depthwise/depthwise:                 4,608         225,792
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_12_pointwise/Conv2D:                  524,288      25,690,112
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_13_depthwise/depthwise:                 9,216         451,584
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_13_pointwise/Conv2D:                1,048,576      51,380,224
Total:                                                 3,185,088     567,716,352
75% Mobilenet V1 (base) with input size 128x128:
See mobilenet_v1_075()
Layer                                                     params           macs
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_0/Conv2D:                                 648       2,654,208
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_depthwise/depthwise:                    216         884,736
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_1_pointwise/Conv2D:                     1,152       4,718,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_2_depthwise/depthwise:                    432         442,368
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_2_pointwise/Conv2D:                     4,608       4,718,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_3_depthwise/depthwise:                    864         884,736
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_3_pointwise/Conv2D:                     9,216       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_4_depthwise/depthwise:                    864         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_4_pointwise/Conv2D:                    18,432       4,718,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_5_depthwise/depthwise:                  1,728         442,368
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_5_pointwise/Conv2D:                    36,864       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_6_depthwise/depthwise:                  1,728         110,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_6_pointwise/Conv2D:                    73,728       4,718,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_7_depthwise/depthwise:                  3,456         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_7_pointwise/Conv2D:                   147,456       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_8_depthwise/depthwise:                  3,456         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_8_pointwise/Conv2D:                   147,456       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_9_depthwise/depthwise:                  3,456         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_9_pointwise/Conv2D:                   147,456       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_10_depthwise/depthwise:                 3,456         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_10_pointwise/Conv2D:                  147,456       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_11_depthwise/depthwise:                 3,456         221,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_11_pointwise/Conv2D:                  147,456       9,437,184
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_12_depthwise/depthwise:                 3,456          55,296
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_12_pointwise/Conv2D:                  294,912       4,718,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_13_depthwise/depthwise:                 6,912         110,592
MobilenetV1/Conv2d_13_pointwise/Conv2D:                  589,824       9,437,184
Total:                                                 1,800,144     106,002,432

# Tensorflow mandates these.
# 绝对引入,与之对应的是相对引入
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import namedtuple
import functools

import tensorflow as tf

slim = tf.contrib.slim

# Conv and DepthSepConv namedtuple define layers of the MobileNet architecture
# Conv defines 3x3 convolution layers
# DepthSepConv defines 3x3 depthwise convolution followed by 1x1 convolution.
# stride is the stride of the convolution
# depth is the number of channels or filters in a layer
Conv = namedtuple('Conv', ['kernel', 'stride', 'depth'])
DepthSepConv = namedtuple('DepthSepConv', ['kernel', 'stride', 'depth'])

# MOBILENETV1_CONV_DEFS specifies the MobileNet body
    Conv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=32),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=64),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=128),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=128),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=256),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=256),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=512),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=2, depth=1024),
    DepthSepConv(kernel=[3, 3], stride=1, depth=1024)

# 做全零填充
def _fixed_padding(inputs, kernel_size, rate=1):
  """Pads the input along the spatial dimensions independently of input size.
  Pads the input such that if it was used in a convolution with 'VALID' padding,
  the output would have the same dimensions as if the unpadded input was used
  in a convolution with 'SAME' padding.
    inputs: A tensor of size [batch, height_in, width_in, channels].
    kernel_size: The kernel to be used in the conv2d or max_pool2d operation.
    rate: An integer, rate for atrous convolution.
    output: A tensor of size [batch, height_out, width_out, channels] with the
      input, either intact (if kernel_size == 1) or padded (if kernel_size > 1).
  kernel_size_effective = [kernel_size[0] + (kernel_size[0] - 1) * (rate - 1),
                           kernel_size[0] + (kernel_size[0] - 1) * (rate - 1)]
  pad_total = [kernel_size_effective[0] - 1, kernel_size_effective[1] - 1]
  pad_beg = [pad_total[0] // 2, pad_total[1] // 2]
  pad_end = [pad_total[0] - pad_beg[0], pad_total[1] - pad_beg[1]]
  padded_inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [pad_beg[0], pad_end[0]],
                                  [pad_beg[1], pad_end[1]], [0, 0]])
  return padded_inputs

def mobilenet_v1_base(inputs,
  """Mobilenet v1.
  Constructs a Mobilenet v1 network from inputs to the given final endpoint.
    inputs: a tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels].
    final_endpoint: specifies the endpoint to construct the network up to. It
      can be one of ['Conv2d_0', 'Conv2d_1_pointwise', 'Conv2d_2_pointwise',
      'Conv2d_3_pointwise', 'Conv2d_4_pointwise', 'Conv2d_5'_pointwise,
      'Conv2d_6_pointwise', 'Conv2d_7_pointwise', 'Conv2d_8_pointwise',
      'Conv2d_9_pointwise', 'Conv2d_10_pointwise', 'Conv2d_11_pointwise',
      'Conv2d_12_pointwise', 'Conv2d_13_pointwise'].
    min_depth: Minimum depth value (number of channels) for all convolution ops.
      Enforced when depth_multiplier < 1, and not an active constraint when
      depth_multiplier >= 1.
    depth_multiplier: Float multiplier for the depth (number of channels)
      for all convolution ops. The value must be greater than zero. Typical
      usage will be to set this value in (0, 1) to reduce the number of
      parameters or computation cost of the model.
    conv_defs: A list of ConvDef namedtuples specifying the net architecture.
    output_stride: An integer that specifies the requested ratio of input to
      output spatial resolution. If not None, then we invoke atrous convolution
      if necessary to prevent the network from reducing the spatial resolution
      of the activation maps. Allowed values are 8 (accurate fully convolutional
      mode), 16 (fast fully convolutional mode), 32 (classification mode).
    use_explicit_padding: Use 'VALID' padding for convolutions, but prepad
      inputs so that the output dimensions are the same as if 'SAME' padding
      were used.
    scope: Optional variable_scope.
    tensor_out: output tensor corresponding to the final_endpoint.
    end_points: a set of activations for external use, for example summaries or
    ValueError: if final_endpoint is not set to one of the predefined values,
                or depth_multiplier <= 0, or the target output_stride is not
  # 定义"瘦身"后的卷积核通道数
  depth = lambda d: max(int(d * depth_multiplier), min_depth)
  end_points = {}

  # Used to find thinned depths for each layer.
  if depth_multiplier <= 0:
    raise ValueError('depth_multiplier is not greater than zero.')
  # 如果没有设置conv_dfs,就用上面我们定义的网络结构
  if conv_defs is None:
    conv_defs = MOBILENETV1_CONV_DEFS

  if output_stride is not None and output_stride not in [8, 16, 32]:
    raise ValueError('Only allowed output_stride values are 8, 16, 32.')

  padding = 'SAME'
  if use_explicit_padding:
    padding = 'VALID'
  with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'MobilenetV1', [inputs]):
    with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.separable_conv2d], padding=padding):
      # The current_stride variable keeps track of the output stride of the
      # activations, i.e., the running product of convolution strides up to the
      # current network layer. This allows us to invoke atrous convolution
      # whenever applying the next convolution would result in the activations
      # having output stride larger than the target output_stride.
      current_stride = 1

      # 空洞卷积中的rate参数,当rate=1时等价于标准卷积
      rate = 1

      net = inputs
      # 展开 conv_defs 中定义的各种卷积操作
      for i, conv_def in enumerate(conv_defs):
        # 第i个卷积操作
        end_point_base = 'Conv2d_%d' % i
        # 如果当前stride已经满足用户指定的输出stride 则后面的stride强制为1
        # 但是rate=rate*stride保证感受野;
        # 如果没有满足输出stride, stride和网络配置一样,但是layer_rate=1
        if output_stride is not None and current_stride == output_stride:
          # If we have reached the target output_stride, then we need to employ
          # atrous convolution with stride=1 and multiply the atrous rate by the
          # current unit's stride for use in subsequent layers.
          layer_stride = 1
          layer_rate = rate
          rate *= conv_def.stride
          layer_stride = conv_def.stride
          layer_rate = 1
          current_stride *= conv_def.stride

        if isinstance(conv_def, Conv):
          end_point = end_point_base
          if use_explicit_padding:
            net = _fixed_padding(net, conv_def.kernel)
          net = slim.conv2d(net, depth(conv_def.depth), conv_def.kernel,
          end_points[end_point] = net
          if end_point == final_endpoint:
            return net, end_points

        elif isinstance(conv_def, DepthSepConv):
          end_point = end_point_base + '_depthwise'

          # By passing filters=None
          # separable_conv2d produces only a depthwise convolution layer
          if use_explicit_padding:
            net = _fixed_padding(net, conv_def.kernel, layer_rate)
          net = slim.separable_conv2d(net, None, conv_def.kernel,

          end_points[end_point] = net
          if end_point == final_endpoint:
            return net, end_points

          end_point = end_point_base + '_pointwise'

          net = slim.conv2d(net, depth(conv_def.depth), [1, 1],

          end_points[end_point] = net
          if end_point == final_endpoint:
            return net, end_points
          raise ValueError('Unknown convolution type %s for layer %d'
                           % (conv_def.ltype, i))
  raise ValueError('Unknown final endpoint %s' % final_endpoint)

# 在mobilenet_v1_base的基础上增加池化
def mobilenet_v1(inputs,
  """Mobilenet v1 model for classification.
    inputs: a tensor of shape [batch_size, height, width, channels].
    num_classes: number of predicted classes. If 0 or None, the logits layer
      is omitted and the input features to the logits layer (before dropout)
      are returned instead.
    dropout_keep_prob: the percentage of activation values that are retained.
    is_training: whether is training or not.
    min_depth: Minimum depth value (number of channels) for all convolution ops.
      Enforced when depth_multiplier < 1, and not an active constraint when
      depth_multiplier >= 1.
    depth_multiplier: Float multiplier for the depth (number of channels)
      for all convolution ops. The value must be greater than zero. Typical
      usage will be to set this value in (0, 1) to reduce the number of
      parameters or computation cost of the model.
    conv_defs: A list of ConvDef namedtuples specifying the net architecture.
    prediction_fn: a function to get predictions out of logits.
    spatial_squeeze: if True, logits is of shape is [B, C], if false logits is
        of shape [B, 1, 1, C], where B is batch_size and C is number of classes.
    reuse: whether or not the network and its variables should be reused. To be
      able to reuse 'scope' must be given.
    scope: Optional variable_scope.
    global_pool: Optional boolean flag to control the avgpooling before the
      logits layer. If false or unset, pooling is done with a fixed window
      that reduces default-sized inputs to 1x1, while larger inputs lead to
      larger outputs. If true, any input size is pooled down to 1x1.
    net: a 2D Tensor with the logits (pre-softmax activations) if num_classes
      is a non-zero integer, or the non-dropped-out input to the logits layer
      if num_classes is 0 or None.
    end_points: a dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding
    ValueError: Input rank is invalid.
  input_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list()
  if len(input_shape) != 4:
    raise ValueError('Invalid input tensor rank, expected 4, was: %d' %

  with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'MobilenetV1', [inputs], reuse=reuse) as scope:
    with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm, slim.dropout],
      net, end_points = mobilenet_v1_base(inputs, scope=scope,
      # 网络输入图像尺寸为224 * 224时,此时的net尺寸为 7*7*1024
      with tf.variable_scope('Logits'):
        if global_pool:
          # Global average pooling.
          # 如果直接采用global_pool进行采样,则输出维度变为[batch, 1, 1, 1024]
          net = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], keep_dims=True, name='global_pool')
          end_points['global_pool'] = net
          # Pooling with a fixed kernel size.
          # 这里主要是为了防止采用分辨率因子缩小图像尺寸之后,输入就不是原来的 7 * 7 *1024,所以先调用函数所有池化核的尺寸
          kernel_size = _reduced_kernel_size_for_small_input(net, [7, 7])
          net = slim.avg_pool2d(net, kernel_size, padding='VALID',
          end_points['AvgPool_1a'] = net
        # 如果num_classes为0或者None,直接返回
        if not num_classes:
          return net, end_points
        # 1 x 1 x 1024
        net = slim.dropout(net, keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob, scope='Dropout_1b')
        # 用 1 x 1的卷积来替代全连接层
        logits = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None,
                             normalizer_fn=None, scope='Conv2d_1c_1x1')
        # logits维度为 batch x 1 x 1 x 1000, 调用tf.squeeze将1, 2维度的1删掉变为 batch x 1000
        if spatial_squeeze:
          logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [1, 2], name='SpatialSqueeze')
      end_points['Logits'] = logits
      if prediction_fn:
        end_points['Predictions'] = prediction_fn(logits, scope='Predictions')
  return logits, end_points

mobilenet_v1.default_image_size = 224

def wrapped_partial(func, *args, **kwargs):
  partial_func = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
  functools.update_wrapper(partial_func, func)
  return partial_func

mobilenet_v1_075 = wrapped_partial(mobilenet_v1, depth_multiplier=0.75)
mobilenet_v1_050 = wrapped_partial(mobilenet_v1, depth_multiplier=0.50)
mobilenet_v1_025 = wrapped_partial(mobilenet_v1, depth_multiplier=0.25)

def _reduced_kernel_size_for_small_input(input_tensor, kernel_size):
  """Define kernel size which is automatically reduced for small input.
  If the shape of the input images is unknown at graph construction time this
  function assumes that the input images are large enough.
    input_tensor: input tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels].
    kernel_size: desired kernel size of length 2: [kernel_height, kernel_width]
    a tensor with the kernel size.
  shape = input_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
  if shape[1] is None or shape[2] is None:
    kernel_size_out = kernel_size
    kernel_size_out = [min(shape[1], kernel_size[0]),
                       min(shape[2], kernel_size[1])]
  return kernel_size_out

def mobilenet_v1_arg_scope(
  """Defines the default MobilenetV1 arg scope.
    is_training: Whether or not we're training the model. If this is set to
      None, the parameter is not added to the batch_norm arg_scope.
    weight_decay: The weight decay to use for regularizing the model.
    stddev: The standard deviation of the trunctated normal weight initializer.
    regularize_depthwise: Whether or not apply regularization on depthwise.
    batch_norm_decay: Decay for batch norm moving average.
    batch_norm_epsilon: Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero
      in batch norm.
    batch_norm_updates_collections: Collection for the update ops for
      batch norm.
    normalizer_fn: Normalization function to apply after convolution.
    An `arg_scope` to use for the mobilenet v1 model.
  batch_norm_params = {
      'center': True,
      'scale': True,
      'decay': batch_norm_decay,
      'epsilon': batch_norm_epsilon,
      'updates_collections': batch_norm_updates_collections,
  if is_training is not None:
    batch_norm_params['is_training'] = is_training

  # Set weight_decay for weights in Conv and DepthSepConv layers.
  weights_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=stddev)
  regularizer = tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(weight_decay)
  if regularize_depthwise:
    depthwise_regularizer = regularizer
    depthwise_regularizer = None
  with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.separable_conv2d],
                      activation_fn=tf.nn.relu6, normalizer_fn=normalizer_fn):
    with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm], **batch_norm_params):
      with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], weights_regularizer=regularizer):
        with slim.arg_scope([slim.separable_conv2d],
                            weights_regularizer=depthwise_regularizer) as sc:
            return sc
