(转)PHP HipHop实战之安装篇







With HipHop we’ve reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead. This project has had a tremendous impact on Facebook.



我的环境准备: Centos 5.5 64bit,Corei7 860,4G内存(注意:内存不能太小,HipHop在make时候和运行时候是很耗内存的;操作系统最好为64位)



[user@localhost ~]$ su -
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir build
[root@localhost ~]# cd build


[root@localhost build]# yum install yum-priorities
[root@localhost build]# wget http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/RPMS.dag/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
[root@localhost build]# rpm -import http://apt.sw.be/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt
[root@localhost build]# rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.*.rpm
[root@localhost build]# rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.*.rpm
[root@localhost build]# yum check-update
[root@localhost build]# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo  修改enabled = 0


[root@localhost build]# yum install /
binutils /
binutils-devel /
bison /
cmake /
curl-devel /
distcc /
expat /
gcc  /
gcc-c++ /
gd  /
gd-devel /
git /
libcap-devel /
libevent-devel /
libmcrypt-devel /
libssh2 /
libxml2-devel /
openssl-devel /
pcre-devel /
re2c /
flex /
zlib /

4.安装perl git

[root@localhost build]# wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/RPMS/x86_64/perl-Git-
[root@localhost build]# rpm -U perl-Git-


[root@localhost build]# wget http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/uploads/77/151/3.0/tbb30_20100406oss_lin.tgz
[root@localhost build]# tar xvzf tbb30_20100406oss_lin.tgz
[root@localhost build]# export TBB_INSTALL_DIR="/root/build/tbb30_20100406oss"
[root@localhost build]# export TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM="intel64/cc4.1.0_libc2.4_kernel2.6.16.21"

注意:我一开始cmake的时候,总会报Could NOT find TBB library的错误,分析了hiphop-php/CMake/FindTBB.cmake源码后,发现167行为:








[root@localhost build]# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hphp/files/CentOS%205%2064bit/RPM/boost-1.37.0-1.x86_64.rpm/download
[root@localhost build]# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hphp/files/CentOS%205%2064bit/RPM/boost-devel-1.37.0-1.x86_64.rpm/download
[root@localhost build]# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hphp/files/CentOS%205%2064bit/RPM/icu-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpm/download
[root@localhost build]# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hphp/files/CentOS%205%2064bit/RPM/libicu-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpm/download
[root@localhost build]# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hphp/files/CentOS%205%2064bit/RPM/libicu-devel-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpm/download
[root@localhost build]# rpm -ivh /
icu-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpm /
libicu-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpmm /
libicu-devel-4.2.1-6.x86_64.rpm /
boost-1.37.0-1.x86_64.rpm /


[root@localhost build]# wget http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/archive/onig-5.9.2.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# tar xvfz onig-5.9.2.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# cd onig-5.9.2
[root@localhost onig-5.9.2]# ./configure && make && sudo make install
[root@localhost onig-5.9.2]# cd ..


[root@localhost build]# git clone git://github.com/facebook/hiphop-php.git


[root@localhost build]# wget http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent-1.4.13-stable.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# tar xvzf libevent-1.4.13-stable.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# cd libevent-1.4.13-stable
[root@localhost libevent-1.4.13-stable]# cp ../hiphop-php/src/third_party/libevent-1.4.13.fb-changes.diff .
[root@localhost libevent-1.4.13-stable]# patch -p1 < libevent-1.4.13.fb-changes.diff
[root@localhost libevent-1.4.13-stable]# ./configure && make && make install
[root@localhost libevent-1.4.13-stable]# cp .libs/libevent.so /usr/lib64/libevent.so
[root@localhost libevent-1.4.13-stable]# cd ..


[root@localhost build]# wget http://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.20.0.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# tar xvzf curl-7.20.0.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# cd curl-7.20.0
[root@localhost curl-7.20.0]# cp ../hiphop-php/src/third_party/libcurl.fb-changes.diff .
[root@localhost curl-7.20.0]# patch -p1 < libcurl.fb-changes.diff
[root@localhost curl-7.20.0]# ./configure && make && make install
[root@localhost curl-7.20.0]# cp .libs/libcurl.so /usr/lib64/libcurl.so
[root@localhost curl-7.20.0]# cd ..


[root@localhost build]# wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.5/mysql-5.5.3-m3.tar.gz/from/http://mysql.he.net/
[root@localhost build]# tar zxvf mysql-5.5.3-m3.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# cd mysql-5.5.3-m3/
[root@localhost mysql-5.5.3-m3]# ./configure --prefix=/root/bulid/mysql/ --enable-assembler --with-extra-charsets=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --with-big-tables --with-readline --with-ssl --with-embedded-server --enable-local-infile --with-plugins=partition,innobase,myisammrg
[root@localhost mysql-5.5.3-m3]# make && make install
[root@localhost mysql-5.5.3-m3]# cd ..
[root@localhost build]# export MYSQL_DIR="/root/bulid/mysql"
[root@localhost build]# vi hiphop-php/CMake/FindMySQL.cmake


[root@localhost build]# wget http://memcached.googlecode.com/files/memcached-1.4.5.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# wget http://launchpad.net/libmemcached/1.0/0.42/+download/libmemcached-0.42.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# tar zxvf memcached-1.4.5.tar.gz
[root@localhost build]# cd memcached-1.4.5
[root@localhost memcached-1.4.5]# ./configure --with-libevent=/root/build/libevent-1.4.1/
[root@localhost memcached-1.4.5]# make && make install
[root@localhost memcached-1.4.5]# cd ../libmemcached-0.42
[root@localhost libmemcached-0.42]# ./configure --with-memcached-dir=/root/build/memcached-1.4.5
[root@localhost libmemcached-0.42]# make && make install
[root@localhost libmemcached-0.42]# cd ..

13.cmake HipHop

[root@localhost build]# export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/root/build
[root@localhost build]# cd hiphop-php/
[root@localhost hiphop-php]# git submodule init
[root@localhost hiphop-php]# git submodule update
[root@localhost hiphop-php]# export HPHP_HOME=`pwd`
[root@localhost hiphop-php]# export HPHP_LIB=`pwd`/bin
[root@localhost hiphop-php]# cmake .


-- MySQL Include dir: /root/bulid/mysql/include  library dir: /root/bulid/mysql/lib/mysql
-- MySQL client libraries: mysqlclient_r
-- Found libevent: /usr/lib64/libevent.so
-- Found GD: /usr/lib64/libgd.so
-- Found ICU header files in /usr/include
-- Found ICU libraries: /usr/lib64/libicuuc.so
-- Skipping TCmalloc
-- Found Intel TBB
-- Found mcrypt: /usr/lib/libmcrypt.so
-- Looking for arpa/inet.h
-- Looking for arpa/inet.h - found
-- Looking for netinet/in.h
-- Looking for netinet/in.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for string.h
-- Looking for string.h - found
-- Looking for sys/socket.h
-- Looking for sys/socket.h - found
-- Looking for sys/time.h
-- Looking for sys/time.h - found
-- Looking for unistd.h
-- Looking for unistd.h - found
-- Looking for sys/types.h
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found
-- Looking for stdint.h
-- Looking for stdint.h - found
-- Looking for stddef.h
-- Looking for stddef.h - found
-- Check size of size_t
-- Check size of size_t - done
-- Check size of ssize_t
-- Check size of ssize_t - done
-- Check size of uint32_t
-- Check size of uint32_t - done
-- Check size of uint8_t
-- Check size of uint8_t - done
-- Looking for AF_LOCAL
-- Looking for AF_LOCAL - found
-- Looking for PF_LOCAL
-- Looking for PF_LOCAL - found
-- Looking for memset
-- Looking for memset - found
-- Looking for socket
-- Looking for socket - found
-- Looking for strerror
-- Looking for strerror - found
-- Found libevent: /usr/lib64/libevent.so
-- Looking for event_get_version_number
-- Looking for event_get_version_number - found.
-- Performing Test HAVE_LIBEVENT_145
-- Performing Test HAVE_LIBEVENT_145 - Success
-- Found libevent 1.4.5+
-- Looking for include files INCLUDE_CHECK_stdlib.h
-- Looking for include files INCLUDE_CHECK_stdlib.h - found
-- Looking for include files INCLUDE_CHECK_assert.h
-- Looking for include files INCLUDE_CHECK_assert.h - found
-- Looking for strcasecmp
-- Looking for strcasecmp - found
-- Looking for strchr
-- Looking for strchr - found
-- Downloading 8859-1.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-2.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-3.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-4.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-5.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-6.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-7.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-8.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-9.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-10.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-11.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-13.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-14.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-15.TXT
-- Downloading 8859-16.TXT
-- Downloading EastAsianWidth.txt
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_STAT_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDLIB_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STDLIB_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STRING_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STRING_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_MEMORY_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_MEMORY_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STRINGS_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_STRINGS_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_INTTYPES_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_INTTYPES_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_UNISTD_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_UNISTD_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_DLFCN_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_DLFCN_H - found
-- Looking for fdatasync
-- Looking for fdatasync - found
-- Looking for usleep
-- Looking for usleep - found
-- Looking for fullfsync
-- Looking for fullfsync - found
-- Looking for localtime_r
-- Looking for localtime_r - found
-- Looking for gmtime_r
-- Looking for gmtime_r - found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Searching 16 bit integer
-- Check size of unsigned short
-- Check size of unsigned short - done
-- Using unsigned short
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LOCALE_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LOCALE_H - found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LIMITS_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_LIMITS_H - found
-- Check size of int32_t
-- Check size of int32_t - done
-- Looking for strtoll
-- Looking for strtoll - found
-- Looking for atoll
-- Looking for atoll - found
-- Looking for strftime
-- Looking for strftime - found
-- Looking for setlocale
-- Looking for setlocale - found
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /root/build/hiphop-php


14.make HipHop,离胜利仅仅一步之遥了!

[root@localhost hiphop-php]# make




721 static Variant php_mysql_localize_result (MYSQL *mysql ) {
722 mysql = mysql ->last_used_con ;
723 if ( !mysql ->fields ) return true ;
724 if (mysql ->status != MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT ) {
725     // consistent with php_mysql_do_query_general
726     return true ;
727 }


typedef struct st_mysql
NET           net ;                     /* Communication parameters */
unsigned char *connector_fd ;           /* ConnectorFd for SSL */
char           *host ,*user ,*passwd ,*unix_socket ,*server_version ,*host_info ;
char           *info , *db ;
struct charset_info_st *charset ;
MYSQL_FIELD   *fields ;
MEM_ROOT      field_alloc ;
my_ulonglong affected_rows ;
my_ulonglong insert_id ;               /* id if insert on table with NEXTNR */
my_ulonglong extra_info ;               /* Not used */
unsigned long thread_id ;               /* Id for connection in server */
unsigned long packet_length ;
unsigned int  port ;
unsigned long client_flag ,server_capabilities ;
unsigned int  protocol_version ;
unsigned int  field_count ;
unsigned int  server_status ;
unsigned int  server_language ;
unsigned int  warning_count ;
struct st_mysql_options options ;
enum mysql_status status ;
my_bool       free_me ;                 /* If free in mysql_close */
my_bool       reconnect ;               /* set to 1 if automatic reconnect */

/* session-wide random string */
char          scramble [SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1 ] ;
my_bool unused1 ;
void *unused2 , *unused3 , *unused4 , *unused5 ;

LIST   *stmts ;                     /* list of all statements */
const struct st_mysql_methods *methods ;
void *thd ;
Points to boolean flag in MYSQL_RES  or MYSQL_STMT. We set this flag
from mysql_stmt_close if close had to cancel result set of this object.

my_bool *unbuffered_fetch_owner ;
/* needed for embedded server - no net buffer to store the 'info' */
char *info_buffer ;
void *extension ;


我把722的mysql = mysql->last_used_con;删除后重新make就没有问题了。




