相关论文调查: 遗传算法在Web服务选择/组合方面的应用

在Ei里搜(((genetic) WN KY) AND ((web service) WN TI)) (标题里含有web service, suject/title/abstract里含genetic), 共有51条记录, 其中中国有31篇, 美国欧洲很少. 论文数最多的是北京邮电大学的Zhang, Chengwen(张成文)(共6篇);从时间上来看, 2008(12), 2007(17), 2006(8), 2005(7), 之前几年较少, 2009年目前只有1篇, 照这个数据来看, 遗传算法在web服务方向应用的研究(或者说是出论文)应该还有潜力可挖.
在isi web of science搜索"标题=(web service) AND 主题=(genetic)", 排除无关记录, 剩下的有12条记录.

[1] X. Ye and R. Mounla, "A hybrid approach to QoS-aware service composition," ICWS 2008 (EI)
[2] R. Berbner, M. Spahn, N. Repp, O. Heckmann, and R. Steinmetz, "Heuristics for QoS-aware Web service composition," ICWS 2006(EI)
[3] Cao, L. and J. Cao, et al. (2005). "Genetic algorithm utilized in cost-reduction driven web service selection." COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS 3802 : 679-686.(SCI)
[4] Cao, L. and M. L. Li, et al. (2005). "Cost-driven web service selection using genetic algorithm." INTERNET AND NETWORK ECONOMICS, PROCEEDINGS 3828 : 906-915.(SCI)
[5] Liu, S. L. and Y. X. Liu, et al. (2005). "A dynamic web service selection strategy with QoS global optimization based on multi-objective genetic algorithm." GRID AND COOPERATIVE COMPUTING - GCC 2005, PROCEEDINGS 3795 : 84-89.(SCI)

[1] W. Y. Liang and C. C. Huang, "The generic genetic algorithm incorporates with rough set theory - An application of the web services composition," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 36, pp. 5549-5556, 2009.(EI)
[2] 龚小勇(重庆大学),朱庆生,武春岭,李林, 支持服务质量全局最优和动态重计划的Web服务组合Web services composition supporting global optimal and dynamic re-planning of QoS,计算机集成制造系统, 2008年 第10期(EI)
[3] G. Canfora, P. M. Di, R. Esposito, and M. L. Villani, "A framework for QoS-aware binding and re-binding of composite web services," Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 81, pp. 1754-1769, 2008.(EI)
[4] Y. Ma and C. Zhang, "Quick convergence of genetic algorithm for QoS-driven web service selection," Computer Networks, vol. 52, pp. 1093-1104, 2008.(EI)(SCI)
[5] Wang, H. C. and C. S. Lee, et al. (2007). "Combining subjective and objective QoS factors for personalized web service selection." EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 32 (2): 571-584.(SCI)
[6] 胡春华(中南大学)  吴敏  刘国平  徐德智,  一种基于业务生成图的Web服务工作流构造方法( An Approach to Constructing Web Service Workflow Based on Business Spanning Graph ), 软件学报, 2007 18(8) (EI)
[7] 刘书雷(国防科大)  刘云翔  张帆  唐桂芬  景宁, 一种服务聚合中QoS全局最优服务动态选择算法(A Dynamic Web Services Selection Algorithm with QoS Global Optimal in Web Services Composition), 软件学报,2007,18(3):646-656(EI)
[8] C. Zhang, S. Su, and J. Chen, "DiGA: Population diversity handling genetic algorithm for QoS-aware web services selection," Computer Communications, vol. 30, pp. 1082-1090, 2007.(EI)
[9] 张成文(北京邮电), 苏森, 陈俊亮, 基于遗传算法的QoS感知的Web服务选择(Genetic Algorithm on Web Services Selection Supporting QoS), <<计算机学报>>2006年 第29卷第07期 (EI)

1. 以上论文都是根据关键词搜索得到, 论文内容没有全都浏览过, 所以可能有些论文可能只是提到了遗传算法, 而不是主要应用.
2. 很多sci收录的论文也是ei收录的, 不过部分论文只标了sci收录.
3. 国内期刊上此类文章较多(软件学报2篇, 计算机学报1篇, CIMS 1篇)
4. 一开始在ISI Web of Science里搜索时没有选引文数据库, 默认包括了好几个数据库包括(CPCI-S), 经老大指出, 只选SCI-Expanded数据库, 并校正了以上相关内容.
