GDB Tutorial: Advanced Debugging Tips For C/C++ Programmers

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GDB Tutorial: Advanced Debugging Tips For C/C++ Programmers


add debug option -g when compile the source code













Run A Program With Arguments

There are two ways you can feed arguments to your program

1. gdb --args executablename arg1 arg2 arg3

   --args says thateverything that follows is the command and arguments, just as you'd normallytype them at the commandline prompt

2. gdb programe

   r  arg1 arg2 ....


1. breakpoint(断点)

b  linenumber

b  filename:linenumber

b  function

b  filename:function


Get information  aboutall breakpoints

info breakpoint 


delete an existing breakpoint

delete breakpoints 1


set a temporary breakpoint

tbreak powere


If you have a program without debug symbols then you can’tuse any of the above option. Instead, the gdb allows you to specify a breakpoint for memory addresses

break upon matching memory address

b *(memory address)

break after a condition

b linenumber if variable==1


2.get the information about the arguments passed to afunction  (查看函数传入参数)

info args


3. get the information about the local variables

info locals to execute a function to the end after breakpoint, itwill run through the entire function

finsh to print the line number in GDB wihile debugging



6.add watchers

Adding watch points is same like telling the debugger togive an dynamic analysis of changes to the variables.And it's easy to add awatch point in your code.

watch variable


7.How to skip/ignore breakpoints

while you are  runningthrough a loop in your code and wouldn't want to pause for every break, thenignore command can help.

Here is how you can skip a breakpoint the number of timesyou want.


First check the index of the break point which you want toignore. Use the info breakpoints command.

Then run the following command in the gdb debugger, say wewant to ignore the break for 1000 times

ignore 1 10000


8.debug dynamic libs need to set

set breakpoint pending on

otherwise it will report the error:forexample

(gdb) b mps_guide_db.c:1699

No source file named mps_guide_db.c.

Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or[n]) [answered N; input not from terminal]
