type Node struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
type Subtree struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Children []Node `json:"children"`
type Tree struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Children []Subtree `json:"children"`
type sunburst struct {
label1, label2 string
func GetTreeJson1(sql string) string {
sun := make(map[string][]Subtree)
sunsub := make(map[sunburst][]Node)
orm := db.GetOrm()
sqlstr := "select exhtrade as label1,exhtrade2 as label2,exhproject as label3,sum(exhclicknum) as count from tp_exhibitionkey where ektype='展品' and exhid=18238 GROUP BY label1,label2,label3"
infos, err := orm.QueryString(sqlstr)
arr1 := make([]Tree, 0, 10)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("[service:Summary:GetTreeJson]: exhtrade QueryString: %v", err))
return ""
} else {
for _, item := range infos {
label1 := item["label1"]
label2 := item["label2"]
label3 := item["label3"]
count, _ := strconv.Atoi(item["count"])
sunsub[sunburst{label1, label2}] = append(sunsub[sunburst{label1, label2}], Node{Name: label3, Value: count})
for key, item := range sunsub {
burst := sunburst(key)
sun[burst.label1] = append(sun[burst.label1], Subtree{Name: burst.label2, Children: item})
for key, item := range sun {
arr1 = append(arr1, Tree{Name: key, Children: item})
jsonByte, _ := json.Marshal(arr1)
jsonStr := string(jsonByte)
return jsonStr
//根据sql语句生成树状json串 之前实现的多次循环查询数据库
func GetTreeJson(sql string) string {
orm := db.GetOrm()
sqlstr := fmt.Sprintf("select distinct label1 from (%s) t ", sql)
infos, err := orm.QueryString(sqlstr)
arr1 := make([]Tree, 0, 10)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("[service:Summary:GetTreeJson]: exhtrade QueryString: %v", err))
return ""
} else {
for _, item := range infos {
label1 := item["label1"]
sqlstr := fmt.Sprintf("select distinct label2 from (%s) t where label1='%s' ", sql, label1)
infos, _ := orm.QueryString(sqlstr)
arr2 := make([]Subtree, 0, 10)
for _, item := range infos {
label2 := item["label2"]
sqlstr := fmt.Sprintf("select label3,count from (%s) t where label1='%s' and label2='%s' ", sql, label1, label2)
infos, _ := orm.QueryString(sqlstr)
arr3 := make([]Node, 0, 10)
for _, item := range infos {
label3 := item["label3"]
count, _ := strconv.Atoi(item["count"])
arr3 = append(arr3, Node{Name: label3, Value: count})
arr2 = append(arr2, Subtree{Name: label2, Children: arr3})
arr1 = append(arr1, Tree{Name: label1, Children: arr2})
jsonByte, _ := json.Marshal(arr1)
jsonStr := string(jsonByte)
return jsonStr