android 模拟器无法启动问题解决

Android 模拟器无法运行解决方案  :

这个问题让人很蛋疼,不看visual box 报错 真心搜寻不到关键词解决

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I install Genymotion on the Ubuntu 16.04 64Bit. I created a virtual emulator for Android 6.0 then I run this emulator but emulator is disappearing and the emulator is running background. I checked the emulator on the VirtualBox and I saw this issue: 

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1 Answer

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up vote 2 down vote accepted

I solved the issue:
System Settings > Software & Updates > Additional Drivers : Then you click Apply Changes button and you restart your pc.

I don't know reason of the issue, open source driver is not running for Genymotion but NVIDIA is running.
