








  • id="win5" path="/dataReduction">
  • 数据摄取
  • 数据管理
  • 数据利用
  • 模板维护



myLib.desktop = {
    winWH: function () {
        $('body').data('winWh', {
            'w': $(window).width(),
            'h': $(window).height()
    desktopPanel: function () {
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            'taskBar': {
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            'lrBar': {
                '_this': $('#lr_bar'),
                'default_app': $('#default_app'),
                'start_block': $('#start_block'),
                'start_btn': $('#start_btn'),
                'start_item': $('#start_item'),
                'default_tools': $('#default_tools')
            'deskIcon': {
                '_this': $('.deskIcon'),
                'icon': $('li.desktop_icon')
            'powered_by': $('a.powered_by')
    getMydata: function () {
        return $('body').data();
    mouseXY: function () {
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    contextMenu: function (jqElem, data, menuName, textLimit) {
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                    name: menuName,
                    textLimit: textLimit,
                    afterShow: function () {
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                                wh = myData.winWh; //获取当前document宽高
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        $(document.body).click(function (event) {
myLib.desktop.win = {
    winHtml: function (title, url, id) {
        return "
" + title + "
"; }, //添加遮障层,修复iframe 鼠标经过事件bug iframFix: function (obj) { obj.each(function () { var o = $(this); if (o.find('.zzDiv').size() <= 0) o.append($("
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} else { objTab = myLib.desktop.taskBar.findWinTab(obj); objTab.removeClass('selectTab').addClass('defaultTab'); } }, //最大化窗口函数 maximizeWin: function (obj) { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), wh = myData.winWh; //获取当前document宽高 obj .css({ 'width': wh['w'], 'height': wh['h'] - 70, 'left': 0, 'top': 70 }) .draggable("disable") .resizable("disable") .fadeTo("fast", 1) .find(".winframe") .css({ 'width': wh['w'] - 6, 'height': wh['h'] - 64 }); }, //还原窗口函数 hyimizeWin: function (obj) { var myData = obj.data(), winLocation = myData.winLocation; //获取窗口最大化前的位置大小 obj.css({ 'width': winLocation['w'], 'height': winLocation['h'], 'left': winLocation['left'], // 'top': winLocation['top'] 'top': winLocation['top'] }) .draggable("enable") .resizable("enable") .find(".winframe") .css({ 'width': winLocation['w'] - 6, 'height': winLocation['h'] - 70 }); }, //交换窗口z-index值 switchZindex: function (obj) { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), $topWin = myData.topWin, $topWinTab = myData.topWinTab, curWinZindex = obj.css("z-index"), maxZ = myData.maxZindex, objTab = myLib.desktop.taskBar.findWinTab(obj); if (!$topWin.is(obj)) { obj.css("z-index", maxZ); objTab.removeClass('defaultTab').addClass('selectTab'); $topWin.css("z-index", curWinZindex); $topWinTab.removeClass('selectTab').addClass('defaultTab'); this.iframFix($topWin); //更新最顶层窗口对象 $('body').data("topWin", obj).data("topWinTab", objTab); } }, //新建窗口实例 newWin: function (options) { var _this = this; var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), wh = myData.winWh, //获取当前document宽高 $windows = $("div.windows"), curwinNum = myLib._is(myData.winNum, "Number") ? myData.winNum : 0; //判断当前已有多少窗口 _this.iframFix($windows); //默认参数配置 var defaults = { WindowTitle: null, WindowsId: null, WindowPositionTop: 'center', /* Posible are pixels or 'center' */ WindowPositionLeft: 'center', /* Posible are pixels or 'center' */ WindowWidth: Math.round(wh['w'] * 0.8), /* Only pixels */ WindowHeight: Math.round(wh['h'] * 0.82), /* Only pixels */ WindowMinWidth: 250, /* Only pixels */ WindowMinHeight: 250, /* Only pixels */ iframSrc: null, /* 框架的src路径*/ WindowResizable: true, /* true, false*/ WindowMaximize: true, /* true, false*/ WindowMinimize: true, /* true, false*/ WindowClosable: true, /* true, false*/ WindowDraggable: true, /* true, false*/ WindowStatus: 'regular', /* 'regular', 'maximized', 'minimized' */ WindowAnimationSpeed: 500, WindowAnimation: 'none' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); //判断窗口位置,否则使用默认值 var wLeft = myLib._is(options['WindowPositionLeft'], "Number") ? options['WindowPositionLeft'] : (wh['w'] - options['WindowWidth']) / 2; var wTop = myLib._is(options['WindowPositionTop'], "Number") ? options['WindowPositionTop'] : (wh['h'] - options['WindowHeight']) / 2; //给窗口赋予新的z-index值 var zindex = curwinNum + 100; var id = "myWin_" + options['WindowsId']; //根据传来的id将作为新窗口id $('body').data("winNum", curwinNum + 1); //更新窗口数量 //判断如果此id的窗口存在,则不创建窗口 if ($("#" + id).size() <= 0) { //在任务栏里添加tab myLib.desktop.taskBar.addWinTab(options['WindowTitle'], options['WindowsId']); //初始化新窗口并显示 $("body").append($(_this.winHtml(options['WindowTitle'], options['iframSrc'], id))); var $newWin = $("#" + id), $icon = $("#" + options['WindowsId']), $iconOffset = $icon.offset(), $fram = $newWin.children(".winframe"), winMaximize_btn = $newWin.find('a.winMaximize') //最大化按钮 , winMinimize_btn = $newWin.find('a.winMinimize') //最小化按钮 , winClose_btn = $newWin.find('a.winClose') //关闭按钮 , winHyimize_btn = $newWin.find('a.winHyimize'); //还原按钮 winHyimize_btn.hide(); if (!options['WindowMaximize']) winMaximize_btn.hide(); if (!options['WindowMinimize']) winMinimize_btn.hide(); if (!options['WindowClosable']) winClose_btn.hide(); //存储窗口最大的z-index值,及最顶层窗口对象 $('body').data({ "maxZindex": zindex, "topWin": $newWin }); //判断窗口是否启用动画效果 if (options.WindowAnimation == 'none') { $newWin .css({ "width": options['WindowWidth'], "height": options['WindowHeight'], "left": wLeft, "top": wTop, "z-index": zindex }) .addClass("loading") .show(); } else { $newWin .css({ "left": $iconOffset.left, "top": $iconOffset.top, "z-index": zindex }) .addClass("loading") .show() .animate({ width: options['WindowWidth'], height: options['WindowHeight'], top: wTop, left: wLeft }, 500); } $newWin .data('winLocation', { 'w': options['WindowWidth'], 'h': options['WindowHeight'], 'left': wLeft, 'top': wTop }) .find(".winframe") .css({ "width": options['WindowWidth'] - 6, "height": options['WindowHeight'] - 64 }); //等待iframe加载完毕 //.load(function(){ //调用窗口拖动,参数可拖动的范围上下左右,窗口id和,浏览器可视窗口大小 if (options['WindowDraggable']) { _this.drag([0, 0, wh['w'] - options['WindowWidth'] - 10, wh['h'] - options['WindowHeight'] - 35], id, wh); } //调用窗口resize,传递最大最小宽度和高度,新窗口对象id,浏览器可视窗口大小 if (options['WindowResizable']) { _this.resize(options['WindowMinWidth'], options['WindowMinHeight'], wh['w'] - wLeft, wh['h'] - wTop - 35, id, wh); } //当改变浏览器窗口大小时,更新其拖动和拖曳区域大小 $(window).wresize(function () { _this.upWinDrag_block($newWin); _this.upWinResize_block($newWin); }); //}); //如果有多个窗口,当单击某个窗口,则使此窗口显示到最上面 if (curwinNum) { var $allwin = $("div.windows"); $allwin.bind({ "mousedown": function (event) { _this.switchZindex($(this)); }, "mouseup": function () { $(this).find('.zzDiv').remove(); } }); } //窗口最大化,最小化,及关闭 winClose_btn.click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); _this.closeWin($(this).parent().parent().parent()); }); //最大化 winMaximize_btn.click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); if (options['WindowStatus'] == "regular") { _this.maximizeWin($(this).parent().parent().parent()); $(this).hide(); winHyimize_btn.show(); options['WindowStatus'] = "maximized"; } }); //还原窗口 winHyimize_btn.click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); if (options['WindowStatus'] == "maximized") { _this.hyimizeWin($(this).parent().parent().parent()); $(this).hide(); winMaximize_btn.show(); options['WindowStatus'] = "regular"; } }); //最小化窗口 winMinimize_btn.click(function () { _this.minimize($(this).parent().parent().parent()); }); } else { //如果已存在此窗口,判断是否隐藏 var wins = $("#" + id), objTab = myLib.desktop.taskBar.findWinTab(wins); if (wins.is(":hidden")) { wins.show(); objTab.removeClass('defaultTab').addClass('selectTab'); //当只有一个窗口时 myLib.desktop.win.switchZindex(wins); } } }, upWinResize_block: function (win) { //更新窗口可改变大小范围,wh为浏览器窗口大小 var offset = win.offset(); win.resizable("option", { 'maxWidth': $(window).width() - offset.left - 10, 'maxHeight': $(window).height() - offset.top - 35 }); }, upWinDrag_block: function (win) { var h = win.innerHeight(), w = win.innerWidth(); //更新窗口可拖动区域大小 win.draggable("option", "containment", [10, 10, $(window).width() - w - 10, $(window).height() - h - 35]); }, drag: function (arr, win_id, wh) { var _this = this; $("#" + win_id) .draggable({ handle: "#" + win_id + ' .win_title', iframeFix: false, containment: arr, delay: 50, distance: 30 }) .bind("dragstart", function (event, ui) { _this.iframFix($(this)); }) .bind("dragstop", function (event, ui) { var obj_this = $(this); var offset = obj_this.offset(); //计算可拖曳范围 _this.upWinResize_block(obj_this); obj_this //更新窗口存储的位置属性 .data('winLocation', { 'w': obj_this.width(), 'h': obj_this.height(), 'left': offset.left, 'top': offset.top }) .find('.zzDiv').remove(); }); $("div.win_title").css("cursor", "move"); }, resize: function (minW, minH, maxW, maxH, win_id, wh) { var _this = this; $("#" + win_id) .resizable({ minHeight: minH, minWidth: minW, containment: 'document', maxWidth: maxW, maxHeight: maxH }) .css("position", "absolute") .bind("resize", function (event, ui) { var h = $(this).innerHeight(), w = $(this).innerWidth(); _this.iframFix($(this)); //拖曳改变窗口大小,更新iframe宽度和高度,并显示iframe $(this).children(".winframe").css({ "width": w - 6, "height": h - 64 }); }) .bind("resizestop", function (event, ui) { var obj_this = $(this); var offset = obj_this.offset(); var h = obj_this.innerHeight(), w = obj_this.innerWidth(); //更新窗口可拖动区域大小 _this.upWinDrag_block(obj_this); obj_this //更新窗口存储的位置属性 .data('winLocation', { 'w': w, 'h': h, 'left': offset.left, 'top': offset.top }) //删除遮障iframe的层 .find(".zzDiv").remove(); }); } }; //侧边工具栏 myLib.NS("desktop.lrBar"); myLib.desktop.lrBar = { init: function () { //读取元素对象数据 var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(); var $default_tools = myData.panel.lrBar['default_tools'], $def_tools_Btn = $default_tools.find('span'), $start_btn = myData.panel.lrBar['start_btn'], $start_item = myData.panel.lrBar['start_item'], $default_app = myData.panel.lrBar['default_app'], $lrBar = myData.panel.lrBar['_this'], wh = myData.winWh; //初始化侧栏位置 var tops = Math.floor((wh['h'] - $lrBar.height()) / 2) - 50; $lrBar.css({ 'top': tops }); //如果窗口大小改变,则更新侧边栏位置 $(window).wresize(function () { var tops = Math.floor(($(window).height() - $lrBar.height()) / 2) - 50; $lrBar.css({ 'top': tops }); }); //任务栏右边默认组件区域交互效果 $def_tools_Btn.hover(function () { $(this).css("background-color", "#999"); }, function () { $(this).css("background-color", "transparent"); }); //默认应用程序区 $default_app .find('li') .hover(function () { $(this).addClass('btnOver'); }, function () { $(this).removeClass('btnOver'); }) .find('img').dblclick(function () { var title = $(this).attr('title'), wid = $(this).parent().attr('id'); var href = $(this).attr('path'); myLib.desktop.win.newWin({ WindowTitle: title, iframSrc: href, WindowsId: wid, WindowAnimation: 'easeInBack' }); }) .end() .end() .sortable({ revert: true }); //开始按钮、菜单交互效果 $start_btn.click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if ($start_item.is(":hidden")) $start_item.show(); else $start_item.hide(); }); $("body").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $start_item.hide(); }); } }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //声明任务栏空间,任务栏相关js操作 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ myLib.NS("desktop.taskBar"); myLib.desktop.taskBar = { timer: function (obj) { var curDaytime = new Date().toLocaleString().split(" "); obj.innerHTML = curDaytime[1]; obj.title = curDaytime[0]; setInterval(function () { obj.innerHTML = new Date().toLocaleString().split(" ")[1]; }, 1000); }, upTaskWidth: function () { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), $task_bar = myData.panel.taskBar['_this']; var maxHdTabNum = Math.floor($(window).width() / 100); //计算任务栏宽度 $task_bar.width(maxHdTabNum * 100); //存储活动任务栏tab默认组数 $('body').data("maxHdTabNum", maxHdTabNum - 2); }, init: function () { //读取元素对象数据 var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(); var $task_lb = myData.panel.taskBar['task_lb'], $task_bar = myData.panel.taskBar['_this'], wh = myData.winWh; var _this = this; _this.upTaskWidth(); //当改变浏览器窗口大小时,重新计算任务栏宽度 $(window).wresize(function () { _this.upTaskWidth(); }); }, contextMenu: function (tab, id) { var _this = this; //初始化任务栏Tab右键菜单 var data = [ [{ text: "最大化", func: function () { $("#myWin_" + tab.data('win')).find('a.winMaximize').trigger('click'); } }, { text: "最小化", func: function () { myLib.desktop.win.minimize($("#myWin_" + tab.data('win'))); } }], [{ text: "关闭", func: function () { $("#smartMenu_taskTab_menu" + id).remove(); myLib.desktop.win.closeWin($("#myWin_" + tab.data('win'))); } }] ]; myLib.desktop.contextMenu(tab, data, "taskTab_menu" + id, 10); }, addWinTab: function (text, id) { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(); var $task_lb = myData.panel.taskBar['task_lb'], $task_bar = myData.panel.taskBar['_this'], tid = "myWinTab_" + id, allTab = $task_lb.find('a'), curTabNum = allTab.size(), docHtml = "" + text + ""; //添加新的tab $task_lb.append($(docHtml)); var $newTab = $("#" + tid); //右键菜单 this.contextMenu($newTab, id); $task_lb .find('a.selectTab') .removeClass('selectTab') .addClass('defaultTab'); $newTab .data('win', id) .addClass('selectTab') .click(function () { var win = $("#myWin_" + $(this).data('win')); if (win.is(":hidden")) { win.show(); $(this).removeClass('defaultTab').addClass('selectTab'); //当只有一个窗口时 myLib.desktop.win.switchZindex(win); } else { if ($(this).hasClass('selectTab')) { myLib.desktop.win.minimize(win); } else { myLib.desktop.win.switchZindex(win); } } }); $('body').data("topWinTab", $newTab); //当任务栏活动窗口数超出时 if (curTabNum > myData.maxHdTabNum - 1) { var LeftBtn = $('#leftBtn'), rightBtn = $('#rightBtn'), bH; LeftBtn .show() .find("a") .click(function () { var pos = $task_lb.position(); if (pos.top < 0) { $task_lb.animate({ "top": pos.top + 40 }, 50); } }); rightBtn .show() .find("a") .click(function () { var pos = $task_lb.position(), h = $task_lb.height(), row = h / 40; if (pos.top > (row - 1) * (-40)) { $task_lb.animate({ "top": pos.top - 40 }, 50); } }); $task_lb.parent().css("margin", "0 100"); } }, delWinTab: function (wObj) { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), $task_lb = myData.panel.taskBar['task_lb'], $task_bar = myData.panel.taskBar['_this'], LeftBtn = $('#leftBtn'), rightBtn = $('#rightBtn'), pos = $task_lb.position(); this.findWinTab(wObj).remove(); var newH = $task_lb.height(); if (Math.abs(pos.top) == newH) { LeftBtn.find('a').trigger("click"); } if (newH == 40) { LeftBtn.hide(); rightBtn.hide(); $task_lb.parent().css("margin", 0); } }, findWinTab: function (wObj) { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), $task_lb = myData.panel.taskBar['task_lb'], objTab; $task_lb.find('a').each(function (index) { var id = "#myWin_" + $(this).data("win"); if ($(id).is(wObj)) { objTab = $(this); } }); return objTab; } } //桌面图标 myLib.NS("desktop.deskIcon"); myLib.desktop.deskIcon = { //桌面图标排列 arrangeIcons: function () { var myData = myLib.desktop.getMydata(), winWh = myData.winWh, $deskIconBlock = myData.panel.deskIcon['_this'], $icon = myData.panel.deskIcon['icon']; //设置桌面图标容器元素区域大小 $deskIconBlock.css({ "width": (winWh['w'] - 75) + "px", "height": (winWh['h'] - 82) + "px", "margin-top": "10px", // 'margin-left': '75px' }); //对图标定位 var iconNum = $icon.size(); //存储当前总共有多少桌面图标 $('body').data('deskIconNum', iconNum); var gH = 110; //一个图标总高度,包括上下margin var gW = 120; //图标总宽度,包括左右margin var rows = Math.floor((winWh['h'] - 75) / gH); var cols = Math.ceil(iconNum / rows); var curcol = 0, currow = 0; //alert(rows); $icon.css({ "position": "absolute", "margin": 0, "left": function (index, value) { var v = curcol * gW + 30; if ((index + 1) % rows == 0) { curcol = curcol + 1; } return v; }, "top": function (index, value) { var v = (index - rows * currow) * gH + 20; if ((index + 1) % rows == 0) { currow = currow + 1; } return v; } }); return $icon; }, init: function () { //将当前窗口宽度和高度数据存储在body元素上 myLib.desktop.winWH(); var _this = this; //调用父级对象 var $icon = _this.arrangeIcons(); //如果窗口大小改变,则重新排列图标 $(window).wresize(function () { myLib.desktop.winWH(); //更新窗口大小数据 _this.arrangeIcons(); }); //图标鼠标经过效果 $icon.hover(function () { $(this).addClass("desktop_icon_over"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("desktop_icon_over"); }) //双击图标打开窗口 .dblclick(function (options) { var title = $(this).children(".text").text(), wid = this.id; var href = this.getAttribute("path"); if(wid.indexOf('sm')>=0){//判断小图标和大图标的id截取部分是否一样 wid = 'win'+wid.substring(2); title = $(this).find('.text').text();//标题 } var win = $("#myWin_" + wid);//获取双击选中的图标id if (win.length == 0) { myLib.desktop.win.newWin({//new新窗口 WindowTitle: title, iframSrc: href, WindowsId: wid, WindowAnimation: 'easeInBack' }); } else { var id2 = "myWin_" + wid; //根据传来的id将作为新窗口id var curIndex = $("#" + id2).css("z-index"); var maxId = ""; var maxIndex = curIndex; var windows = $(".windows"); for (var i = 0; i < windows.length; i++) { var index = $(windows[i]).css("z-index"); var id = $(windows[i]).attr("id"); // alert(index); if (index > maxIndex) { maxIndex = index; maxId = id; } } $("#" + id2).css("z-index", maxIndex); $("#myWinTab_" + wid).siblings().addClass("defaultTab"); $("#myWinTab_" + wid).addClass("selectTab"); $("#myWinTab_" + wid).siblings().removeClass("selectTab"); $("#" + maxId).css("z-index", curIndex); $('body').data("topWin", $("#" + id2)).data("topWinTab", $("#myWinTab_" + wid));//更新窗口,否则会出现穿透 } $('.float_box').hide(); $('.mb0').hide(); $('.dvDockStartOuter').hide(); $('.navigation_circle').show(); }) .draggable({ revert: true, helper: "clone", opacity: 0.7, start: function (event, ui) { var offset = $(this).offset(); $('body').data("curDragIcon", $(this)); } }) .droppable({ drop: function () { var curDragIcon = $('body').data("curDragIcon"); curDragIcon.insertAfter($(this)); var l = $(this).css('left'), t = $(this).css('top'); $(this).css({ 'left': curDragIcon.css('left'), 'top': curDragIcon.css('top') }); curDragIcon.css({ 'left': l, 'top': t }); }, }); //初始化桌面右键菜单 var data = [ [{ text: "显示桌面", func: function () {} }], [{ text: "系统设置", func: function () {} }, { text: "主题设置", func: function () {} }], [{ text: "退出系统", func: function () {} }], [{ text: "关于fleiCms", func: function () {} }] ]; myLib.desktop.contextMenu($(document.body), data, "body", 10); } } //当页面加载完毕执行 $(function () { //存储桌面布局元素的jquery对象 myLib.desktop.desktopPanel(); //初始化任务栏 myLib.desktop.taskBar.init(); //初始化桌面图标 myLib.desktop.deskIcon.init(); //初始化侧边栏 myLib.desktop.lrBar.init(); })

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@media \0screen\,\screen\9 {
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.dvDockStartOuter {
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.mb0 {
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#navigation {
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#navigation li:first-child {
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#navigation li {
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#navigation li .libox {
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.libg {
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@media \0screen\,\screen\9 {
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.click_libg {
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@media \0screen\,\screen\9 {
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.small_icon {
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.small_icon img {
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#navigation span {
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.navigation_btn {
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@media \0screen\,\screen\9 {
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.navigation_btn img {
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#start0,#start1,#start {
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.navigation_circle {
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.navigation_circle img {
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.start_circle {
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#start:hover {
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#start0:hover {
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#start1:hover {
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.zhankai {
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.nav_big {
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.mb1 {
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@media \0screen\,\screen\9 {
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.nav_bigbtn img {
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#deskIcon1 li{
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#navigation li{
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#navigation li .text{
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/*.deskIcon li{
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#navigation li:nth-child(2){
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#navigation li:nth-child(3){
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#navigation li:nth-child(4){
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#navigation li:nth-child(5){
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#navigation li:nth-child(6){
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#navigation .desktop_icon_over {
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