C 标准库——/

  • C 标准库—— string.h
  • C 标准库 —— time.h
  • C 标准库 —— limits.h
  • C 标准库 —— stdio.h
  • C 标准库—— stdlib.h(包括 rand srand 的实现)
  • C 标准库——/
  • C 标准库—— assert.h

1. std:pow()


double pow(double _X, double _Y);

2. std::fabs() vs std::abs()

In C++, it’s always sufficient to use std::abs; it’s overloaded for all the numerical types.


In C, abs only works on integers, and you need fabs for floating point values. These are available in C++ (along with all of the C library), but there’s no need to use them.

在 C 中,abs()只作用于整型数据,fabs()自然对于浮点数类型

1. abs()

long double abs(long double _X);
float abs(float _X);
double abs(double _X);
int abs(int _X);

2. fabs()


  • (1)long double
  • (2)float
  • (3)double
