本文介绍使用 RocketMQ 的 C++ 客户端(即 rocketmq-client-cpp )、通过最简单的示例代码介绍 RocketMQ 编程。
GitHub 上的定义如下:
RocketMQ-Client-CPP is the C/C++ client of Apache RocketMQ, a distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and flexible scalability.
当前,RocketMQ-Client-CPP 支持如下特性:
rocketmq-client-cpp 的安装是通过脚本 build.sh 实现的,不过在安装之前,需要确保开发环境中已经安装了下表所需的编译软件和库:
软件/库名 | 版本号 |
操作系统 | CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 |
gcc-c++(c++ compiler while need support C++11) | 4.8.5 |
cmake(build jsoncpp require it) | |
automake(build libevent require it) | 1.13.4 |
autoconf(build libevent require it) | 2.69 |
libtool(build libevent require it) | 2.4.2 |
bzip2-devel(boost depend it) | 1.0.6 |
zlib-devel(boost depend it) | 1.2.7 |
执行下列操作,完成 rocketmq-client-cpp 的安装。
1. 从 GitHub 上下载并解压 rocketmq-client-cpp 源码包,链接为 https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-client-cpp/tree/1.2.1
2. 进入到解压后的目录中,执行 build.sh 进行安装操作,如下:
[root@node3 /opt/rocketmq-client-cpp-1.2.1]# sh build.sh
3. 上一步的 build.sh 执行完成后,rocketmq-client-cpp 的静态库和动态库都会保存在 rocketmq-client-cpp/bin 目录下。另外,当我们使用这些库构建程序或库的时候,我们还需要链接其他几个库(-lpthread -lz -ldl -lrt)。示例编译命令如下:
g++ -o consumer_example consumer_example.cpp -lrocketmq -lpthread -lz -ldl -lrt
说明:生产环境代码使用的 rocketmq 的头文件及库文件的位置,需要根据实际情况存放。本文中是直接使用 rocketmq-client-cpp 源码包中的头文件及库文件。
* Description: Simple Producer demo
#include "CProducer.h"
#include "CMessage.h"
#include "CSendResult.h"
using namespace std;
// send message
void StartSendMessage(CProducer *producer)
CSendResult result;
// create message and set some values for it
CMessage *msg = CreateMessage("Test_Topic");
SetMessageTags(msg, "Test_Tag");
SetMessageKeys(msg, "Test_Keys");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// construct different body
string strMessageBody = "this is body number-" + to_string(i);
SetMessageBody(msg, strMessageBody.c_str());
// send message
SendMessageSync(producer, msg, &result);
cout << "send message[" << i << "], result status:" << (int)result.sendStatus << ", msgBody:" << strMessageBody << endl;
// destroy message
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cout << "Producer Initializing....." << endl;
// create producer and set some values for it
CProducer *producer = CreateProducer("Group_producer");
SetProducerNameServerAddress(producer, ";");
// start producer
cout << "Producer start....." << endl;
// send message
// shutdown producer
// destroy producer
cout << "Producer Shutdown!" << endl;
return 0;
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]# g++ -o SimpleProducer SimpleProducer.cpp -I ./include/ -L/opt/rocketmq-client-cpp-1.2.1/bin/ -lrocketmq -lpthread -lz -ldl -lrt -std=c++11
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]# ./SimpleProducer
Producer Initializing.....
Producer start.....
send message[0], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-0
send message[1], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-1
send message[2], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-2
send message[3], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-3
send message[4], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-4
send message[5], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-5
send message[6], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-6
send message[7], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-7
send message[8], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-8
send message[9], result status:0, msgBody:this is body number-9
Producer Shutdown!
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]#
* Description: Simple push consumer demo
#include "CPushConsumer.h"
#include "CMessageExt.h"
using namespace std;
// consume message
int doConsumeMessage(struct CPushConsumer *consumer, CMessageExt *msgExt)
cout << "[Consume Message] " << "MsgTopic:" << GetMessageTopic(msgExt) << ", MsgTags:" << GetMessageTags(msgExt)
<< ", MsgKeys:" << GetMessageKeys(msgExt) << ", MsgBody:" << GetMessageBody(msgExt) << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cout << "Push consumer Initializing...." << endl;
// create push consumer and set some values for it
CPushConsumer *consumer = CreatePushConsumer("Group_Consumer_Test");
SetPushConsumerNameServerAddress(consumer, ";");
Subscribe(consumer, "Test_Topic", "*");
// register message callback
RegisterMessageCallback(consumer, doConsumeMessage);
// start push consumer
cout << "Push consumer start, and listening message within 1min..." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
cout << "Already Running: " << (i * 10) << "S" << endl;
// shutdown push consumer
// destroy push consumer
cout << "PushConsumer Shutdown!" << endl;
return 0;
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]# g++ -o SimplePushConsumer SimplePushConsumer.cpp -I ./include/ -L/opt/rocketmq-client-cpp-1.2.1/bin/ -lrocketmq -lpthread -lz -ldl -lrt
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]# ./SimplePushConsumer
Push consumer Initializing....
Push consumer start, and listening message within 1min...
Already Running: 0S
Already Running: 10S
Already Running: 20S
Already Running: 30S
Already Running: 40S
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-0
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-1
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-2
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-3
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-4
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-5
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-6
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-7
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-8
Already Running: 50S
[Consume Message] MsgTopic:Test_Topic, MsgTags:Test_Tag, MsgKeys:Test_Keys, MsgBody:this is body number-9
PushConsumer Shutdown!
[root@node3 /opt/liitdar/rocketmq]#