WSL Resetting your Kali Linux root password 重置WSL下Kali Linux root密码

Microsoft recently released a new WSL distribution ,Kali Linux. After installing through the store I found no way for resetting the root password. I got nothing after Baidu.So I visited Microsoft's official website and it's still the same.When I was overwhelmed, suddenly discovered way to reset the Ubunte root password,I try to the Kali,it worked.
Next we will reset your Kali Linux password:
  • Open CMD
    C:\> kali config --default-user root
  • Launch your Linux distribution (kali). You will automatically login as root:
  • Reset your password using the passwd command:
    passwd root
  • From Windows CMD, reset your default user back to your normal Linux user account.
C :\> kali config --default-user ‘username ’
