PostgreSQL大表快速添加包含not null和default的字段


    在需求的不断迭代中,表字段也会增加,有时候在大表增加的字段中,存在包含not null和default的字段,这时候添加表字段就执行相当慢,因为PostgreSQL把表数据全部重写,参考:;



1. pg_class: 记录所有relation的记录;

  • relnatts: 表中用户列的数目(系统列不计算在内) 

2. pg_attribute: 记录表字段的记录

  • attrelid: 所属表的oid;
  • attname: 字段名
  • attnum: 列的编号;
  • attnotnull:是否非空约束;
  • atthasdef: 是否有默认值;

3. pg_attrdef: 记录字段的默认值信息

  • oid: 字段的oid;
  • adrelid: 所属表的oid;
  • adsrc: 默认值的可视化表示;


1. 创建测试表

CREATE TABLE public.address
  sid varchar primary key,
  country character varying,
  province character varying,
  detail character varying,
  state integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0

2. 假如需求增加一个字段a,默认值是0,如下:

alter table address add column a int default 0;


3. 替代方案

3.1 思路

3.2 查看当前系统表;

pg_class 表

postgres=# select * from pg_class where relname='address';
 relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | reltoastrelid | relhasindex | relisshared | relpersistence | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules | relhastriggers | relhassubclass | relrowsecurity | relforcerowsecurity | relispopulated | relreplident | relfrozenxid | relminmxid | relacl | reloptions 
 address |         2200 |  669725 |         0 |       10 |     0 |      669723 |             0 |        0 |         0 |             0 |        669727 | t           | f           | p              | r       |        5 |         0 | f          | t          | f           | f              | f              | f              | f                   | t              | d            |     58977486 |          1 |        | 
(1 row)

pg_attribute 表

postgres=# select * from pg_attribute where attrelid ='address'::regclass order by attnum desc;
 attrelid | attname  | atttypid | attstattarget | attlen | attnum | attndims | attcacheoff | atttypmod | attbyval | attstorage | attalign | attnotnull | atthasdef | attisdropped | attislocal | attinhcount | attcollation | attacl | attoptions | attfdwoptions 
   669723 | state    |       23 |            -1 |      4 |      5 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | t         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | detail   |     1043 |            -1 |     -1 |      4 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x          | i        | f          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |          100 |        |            | 
   669723 | province |     1043 |            -1 |     -1 |      3 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x          | i        | f          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |          100 |        |            | 
   669723 | country  |     1043 |            -1 |     -1 |      2 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x          | i        | f          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |          100 |        |            | 
   669723 | sid      |     1043 |            -1 |     -1 |      1 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | x          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |          100 |        |            | 
   669723 | ctid     |       27 |             0 |      6 |     -1 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | f        | p          | s        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | xmin     |       28 |             0 |      4 |     -3 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | cmin     |       29 |             0 |      4 |     -4 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | xmax     |       28 |             0 |      4 |     -5 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | cmax     |       29 |             0 |      4 |     -6 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
   669723 | tableoid |       26 |             0 |      4 |     -7 |        0 |          -1 |        -1 | t        | p          | i        | t          | f         | f            | t          |           0 |            0 |        |            | 
(11 rows)

pg_attrdef 表

postgres=# select * from pg_attrdef where adrelid ='address'::regclass;
 adrelid | adnum |                                                                        adbin                                                                         | adsrc 
  669723 |     5 | {CONST :consttype 23 :consttypmod -1 :constcollid 0 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull false :location 183 :constvalue 4 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]} | 0
(1 row)



3.3. 增加字段

  • 参考state在pg_attribute中加一个记录,表示字段a;
insert into pg_attribute (
	from pg_attribute where attrelid='address'::regclass and attname='state';
  • pg_class字段数量加1
update pg_class set relnatts=relnatts+1 where relname='address';
  • pg_attrdef 增加一条记录,表示添加缺省值
with t as(select max(attnum) as maxAttNum from pg_attribute where attrelid='address'::regclass)
insert into pg_attrdef(adrelid,adnum,adbin,adsrc) select adrelid,maxAttNum,adbin,adsrc from pg_attrdef,t where adrelid='address'::regclass and adnum=(select attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid ='address'::regclass and attname='state');

3.4 查看表结构

postgres=# \d+ address
                                  Table "public.address"
  Column  |       Type        |     Modifiers      | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 sid      | character varying | not null           | extended |              | 
 country  | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 province | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 detail   | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 state    | integer           | not null default 0 | plain    |              | 
 a        | integer           | default 0          | plain    |              | 
    "address_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sid)



4.1 函数

create or replace function func_fast_add_column(tableName varchar,referenceColumn varchar,newColumnName varchar,isNotNull boolean,hasDefaultValue boolean) returns void as $$
	currentAttNum int; --当前表的字段最大序号
	select max(attnum) into currentAttNum from pg_attribute where attrelid=tableName::regclass;

	--1. 添加字段属性 --attnotnull 表示是否非空
	insert into pg_attribute (attrelid,attname,atttypid,attstattarget,attlen,attnum,attndims,attcacheoff,atttypmod,attbyval,attstorage,attalign,attnotnull,atthasdef,attisdropped,attislocal,attinhcount,attcollation,attacl,attoptions,attfdwoptions	)
	select attrelid,newColumnName,atttypid,attstattarget,attlen,currentAttNum+1,attndims,attcacheoff,atttypmod,attbyval,attstorage,attalign,isNotNull,hasDefaultValue,attisdropped,attislocal,attinhcount,attcollation,attacl,attoptions,attfdwoptions from pg_attribute where attrelid=tableName::regclass and attname=referenceColumn;
	--2. 修改pg_class字段个数
	update pg_class set relnatts=relnatts+1 where relname=tableName;
	--3. 添加缺省值 adnum:列号
	if(hasDefaultValue) then 
		insert into pg_attrdef(adrelid,adnum,adbin,adsrc) select adrelid,currentAttNum+1,adbin,adsrc from pg_attrdef where adrelid=tableName::regclass and adnum=(select attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid =tableName::regclass and attname=referenceColumn);
	end if;
$$language plpgsql;

4.2 添加字段b

alter table address column b int not null default 0;


select func_fast_add_column('address','state','b',true,true);

4.3 查看表结构

postgres=# \d+ address
                                  Table "public.address"
  Column  |       Type        |     Modifiers      | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 sid      | character varying | not null           | extended |              | 
 country  | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 province | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 detail   | character varying |                    | extended |              | 
 state    | integer           | not null default 0 | plain    |              | 
 a        | integer           | default 0          | plain    |              | 
 b        | integer           | not null default 0 | plain    |              | 
    "address_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sid)

