1. 条件测试
每条if 语句的核心都是一个值为True 或False 的表达式,这种表达式被称为条件测试 。
banned_users = ['andrew', 'carolina', 'david']
user = 'marie'
if user not in banned_users:
print(user.title() + ", you can post a response if you wish.")
2. if 语句
(1).简单的if 语句
age = 19
if age >= 18:
print("You are old enough to vote!")
(2).if-else 语句
age = 17
if age >= 18:
print("You are old enough to vote!")
print("Have you registered to vote yet?")
print("Sorry, you are too young to vote.")
print("Please register to vote as soon as you turn 18!")
(3).if-elif-else 结构
age = 12
if age < 4:
print("Your admission cost is $0.")
elif age < 18:
print("Your admission cost is $5.")
print("Your admission cost is $10.")
(4).使用多个elif 代码块
age = 12
if age < 4:
price = 0
elif age < 18:
price = 5
elif age < 65:
price = 10
price = 5
print("Your admission cost is $" + str(price) + ".")
(5).省略else 代码块
Python并不要求if-elif 结构后面必须有else 代码块。
3. 使用if 语句处理列表
在if 语句中将列表名用在条件表达式中时,Python将在列表至少包含一个元素时返回True ,并在列表为空时返回False 。
requested_toppings = []
if requested_toppings:
for requested_topping in requested_toppings:
print("Adding " + requested_topping + ".")
print("\nFinished making your pizza!")
print("Are you sure you want a plain pizza?")
4. for 操作
for iterating_var in sequence:
唯一要注意的是,in 后面是个序列:
for i in 100 #是错误的
for i in range(100) #要改成序列的样子
for i=1 in range(100) #也是错误的
i = 1
for i in range(100) #这样才是对的
for 的步长都是整数,没有小数
for i in range(1, 10, 0.5) #是错误的