[Quora] 冰与火之歌:为什么琼恩·斯诺遭到了背叛?


A Song of Ice and Fire (book series): Why was Jon Snow betrayed?



Mira Zaslove:

**Power is dangerous in the Game of Thrones. **

[Quora] 冰与火之歌:为什么琼恩·斯诺遭到了背叛?_第1张图片
Jon Snow

As Cersei Lannister reminds Ned Stark during their final confrontation:"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."


Jon Snow, by becoming the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, put himself in a position of power, a precarious position in Game of Thrones.


Jeor Mormont, the 997th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, who led the Great Ranging was also betrayed and killed by his own men in the mutiny at Craster's Keep. Aerys II Targaryen was also infamously betrayed and killed by a member of his Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister -- “The Kingslayer” -- during the Sack of King's Landing.

第 997 任守夜人司令杰奥·莫尔蒙,在游骑兵远征 时因卡斯特堡垒兵变遭到背叛并被自己的手下杀害。 伊里斯·坦格利安二世 在君临沦陷 时遭到了御林铁卫之一“弑君者”詹姆·兰尼斯特的可耻背叛和杀害。

Anyone in power needs to constantly watch their back, even around their own men. Jon Snow failed to do that, and paid the price. Alliser Thorne, never really liked Jon Snow and was waiting for his chance. Ostensibly Jon’s people betrayed and killed him because Jon was seen to be making peace with the Wildlings, the sworn enemy of the men in Castle Black.

处于权力之中的人需时刻防范四周,观察自己的手下。琼恩·雪诺没有意识到这点,并付出了代价。艾里沙·索恩 讨厌琼恩·雪诺并一直在等待反叛的机会。表面上琼恩·雪诺的手下背叛他是因为不满琼恩和黑城堡守夜人的宿敌野人达成和平协议。

Yet, Martin likely has more important reasons behind Jon Snow’s betrayal.

Jon is not dead. He will be back, and will play a critical role in the war against the White Walkers. The Iron Islands credo applies : *“What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.” *To this point Jon has been a little too trusting and incautious. After this betrayal, by his own men, Jon will come back stronger and less naive.


The time has come for Jon to learn of his parentage and to fulfill his destiny. And to do that, he needs to leave the Night’s Watch. It is no coincidence that Melisandre is on her way. The Lord of Light is likely about to help to resurrect the dead.


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