CentOS7 设置用户密码规则


1. 设置密码过期的天数

用户必须在几天内更改密码。 此设置仅在创建用户时才会产生影响,而不会影响到现有用户。 如果设置为现有用户,请运行命令 chage -M(days)(user)

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/login.defs
# line 25: set 60 for Password Expiration

2. 设置可用密码的最短天数

至少在改变它之后,用户必须至少使用他们的密码。 此设置仅在创建用户时才会产生影响,而不会影响到现有用户。 如果设置为现有用户,请运行命令chage -m(days)(user)

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/login.defs
# line 26: set 2 for Minimum number of days available

3. 在到期前设置警告的天数

此设置仅在创建用户时才会产生影响,而不会影响到现有用户。 如果设置为存在用户,请运行命令chage -W(days)(user)

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/login.defs
# line 28: set 7 for number of days for warnings

4. 使用过去使用的密码进行限制


[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
# near line 15: prohibit to use the same password for 5 generation in past
password     sufficient     pam_unix.so sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok remember=5

5. 设置最小密码长度


# set 8 for minimum password length
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --passminlen=8 --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^minlen" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
minlen = 8

6. 为新密码设置所需的最少字符类数

(种类→UpperCase / LowerCase / Digits / Others)

# set 2 for minimum number of required classes of characters
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --passminclass=2 --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^minclass" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
minclass = 2

7. 在新密码中设置允许的连续相同字符的最大数量

# set 2 for maximum number of allowed consecutive same characters
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --passmaxrepeat=2 --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^maxrepeat" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
maxrepeat = 2

8. 在新密码中设置同一类的最大允许连续字符数

# set 4 for maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same class
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --passmaxclassrepeat=4 --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^maxclassrepeat" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
maxclassrepeat = 4

9. 新密码中至少需要一个小写字符

[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --enablereqlower --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
# (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^lcredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
lcredit = -1

10. 新密码中至少需要一个大写字符

[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --enablerequpper --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
# (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^ucredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
ucredit = -1

11. 新密码中至少需要一位数字

[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --enablereqdigit --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
# (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^dcredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
dcredit = -1

12. 新密码中至少需要一个其他字符

[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --enablereqother --update

# the parameter is set in a config below
# (if you'd like to edit the value, edit it with vi and others)
[root@shaonbean ~]# grep "^ocredit" /etc/security/pwquality.conf 
ocredit = -1

13. 在新密码中设置单调字符序列的最大长度

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
# add to the end
maxsequence = 3

14. 设置旧密码中不能出现的新密码中的字符数

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
# add to the end
difok = 5

15. 检查新密码中是否包含用户passwd项的GECOS字段中长度超过3个字符的单词

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
# add to the end
gecoscheck = 1

16. 设置不能包含在密码中的Ssace分隔列表

[root@shaonbean ~]# vi /etc/security/pwquality.conf
# add to the end
badwords = denywords1 denywords2 denywords3

17. 为新密码设置散列/密码算法


# show current algorithm
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --test | grep hashing 
password hashing algorithm is md5

# chnage algorithm to sha512
[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --passalgo=sha512 --update

[root@shaonbean ~]# authconfig --test | grep hashing 
password hashing algorithm is sha512
