

设置的前提:你的虚拟主机必须支持apache mod_Rewrite! 你可以在你的虚拟主机控制面板查找或询问主机商,目前国外很多主流主机商的PHP主机都是默认支持该功能的.

设置方法: 首先: 打开 /includes/application_top.php 查找   define(’PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME’, microtime()); 插入   require(’seflt.php’); 打开 /includes/application_bottom.php 在?>前插入   ob_end_flush();

其次: 创建.htaccess ; 内容如下:

RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2})/(.*)$ Ū?language=ũ&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^manufacturer([0-9{}]+_?[0-9{}]*)(/?.*)$ Ū?manufacturers_id=ũ&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^product([0-9{}]+_?[0-9{}]*)(/?.*)$ Ū?products_id=ũ&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule ^category([_0-9]+)/(.*)$ Ū?cPath=ũ&%{QUERY_STRING} RewriteRule   ^(.*)/.html(.*)$ ũ.php?%{QUERY_STRING}

再次: 创建seflt.php ; 内容如下:

[email protected]) Release date: 26 November 2003 Legal notices: i don’t care about all legal stuff, too lazy to attach GNU GPL licence, so forget it. But DO NOT remove my name and as always NO WARRANTIES.

Installation instructions: see readme.txt Warning - do not use this on heavy loaded shops (more than 10000 visitors per day) if you not on dedicated server.


function callback($pagecontent) { $pagecontent = preg_replace_callback("/(<[Aa][ /r/n/t]{1}[^>]*href[^=]*=[ ‘/"/n/r/t]*)([^ /"’>/r/n/t#]+)([^>]*>)/",’wrap_href’,$pagecontent); return $pagecontent;


function transform_uri($param) { $uriparts = parse_url($param[2]); $newquery=” $scheme = $uriparts[’scheme’].’://’ if (($scheme != ‘http://’) && ($scheme != ‘https://’)) return $param[1].$param[2].$param[3]; $host = $uriparts[’host’]; if ($host != $_SERVER[’SERVER_NAME’] && $host != $_SERVER[’SERVER_ADDR’]) return $param[1].$param[2].$param[3]; $host .= ‘/’ $path = $uriparts[’path’]; list($file,$extension) = explode(’.', basename($path)); if($extension != ‘php’) return $param[1].$param[2].$param[3]; $extension = ".html"; $path = rtrim(dirname($path),’/'); $query = $uriparts[’query’]; $anchor = $uriparts[’anchor’]; if ($a = explode(’&’,$query)){   foreach ($a as $b) {   list($key,$val) = split(’=',$b);   switch ($key) { case ‘cPath’:   $path = ‘category’.$val.’/’.$path;     break; case ‘language’:     $path = $val.’/’.$path;     break; case ‘products_id’:     $path .= ‘product’.$val.’/’     break; case ‘manufacturers_id’:     $path .= ‘manufacturer’.$val.’/’     break; case ‘osCsid’:     if(strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],’Mozilla’)) $newquery .= $key.’=’.$val.’&’     break; default:     if($newquery &line;&line; $key) $newquery .= $key.’=’.$val.’&’     }   } } if ($newquery) $newquery = ‘?’.rtrim($newquery,’&’); return $param[1].$scheme.$host.$path.$file.$extension.$newquery.$anchor.$param[3];

} function wrap_href($param) { return transform_uri($param); }



最后: 上传文件.htaccess、seflt.php到你的虚拟主机的OSC根目录下.
