Machine learning is being deployed in a growing number of applications which demand real-time, accurate, and robust predictions under heavy query load. However, most machine learning frameworks and systems only address model training and not deployment.
机器学习正在越来越多的应用程序中进行部署,这些应用程序需要在繁重的查询负载下进行实时、准确、可靠的预测。 但是,大多数机器学习框架和系统仅针对模型训练而非部署。
In this paper, we introduce Clipper, a general-purpose low-latency prediction serving system.
Interposing between end-user applications and a wide range of machine learning frameworks, Clipper introduces a modular architecture to simplify model deployment across frameworks and applications.
Furthermore, by introducing caching, batching, and adaptive model selection techniques, Clipper reduces prediction latency and improves prediction throughput, accuracy, and robustness without modifying the underlying machine learning frameworks.
此外,通过引入 caching(缓存)、batching(批处理)、adaptive model selection techniques(模型适应选择技术),Clipper在不改变底层机器学习框架的前提下,降低了预测时延并且提高了预测通量、正确率、鲁棒性。
We evaluate Clipper on four common machine learning benchmark datasets and demonstrate its ability to meet the latency, accuracy, and throughput demands of online serving applications.
Finally, we compare Clipper to the Tensorflow Serving system and demonstrate that we are able to achieve comparable throughput and latency while enabling model composition and online learning to improve accuracy and render more robust predictions.
最后,我们用Tensorflow 服务系统做比较,展示出Clipper在吞吐量和时延上有优势,同时模型组成和在线学习可以提高正确率并获得更好的鲁棒性。
The past few years have seen an explosion of applications driven by machine learning, including recommendation systems [28, 60], voice assistants [18, 26, 55], and ad-targeting [3,27].
These applications depend on two stages of machine learning: training and inference. Training is the process of building a model from data (e.g., movie ratings). Inference is the process of using the model to make a prediction given an input (e.g., predict a user’s rating for a movie).
While training is often computationally expensive, requiring multiple passes over potentially large datasets, inference is often assumed to be inexpensive. Conversely, while it is acceptable for training to take hours to days to complete, inference must run in real-time, often on orders of magnitude more queries than during training, and is typically part of user-facing applications.
For example, consider an online news organization that wants to deploy a content recommendation service to personalize the presentation of content. Ideally, the service should be able to recommend articles at interactive latencies (<100ms) [64], scale to large and growing user populations, sustain the throughput demands of flash crowds driven by breaking news, and provide accurate predictions as the news cycle and reader interests evolve.
举个栗子,假如有一个在线新闻组织想要部署一个内容推荐服务来个性化的展示内容。 理想情况下,服务应该在交互时延(<100ms)的时间内推荐文章,扩展到庞大且不断增长的用户数量时,仍然能维持因爆炸性新闻带来的瞬间拥堵通量需要,并提供准确预测如新闻周期和读者兴趣演变。
The challenges of developing these services differ between the training and inference stages.
On the training side, developers must choose from a bewildering array of machine learning frameworks with diverse APIs, models, algorithms, and hardware requirements.
Furthermore, they may often need to migrate between models and frameworks as new, more accurate techniques are developed. Once trained, models must be deployed to a prediction serving system to provide low-latency predictions at scale.
Unlike model development, which is supported by sophisticated infrastructure, theory, and systems, model deployment and prediction-serving have received relatively little attention.
Developers must cobble together the necessary pieces from various systems components, and must integrate and support inference across multiple, evolving frameworks, all while coping with ever-increasing demands for scalability and responsiveness.
As a result, the deployment, optimization, and maintenance of machine learning services is difficult and error-prone.
To address these challenges, we propose Clipper, a layered architecture system (Figure 1) that reduces the complexity of implementing a prediction serving stack and achieves three crucial properties of a prediction serving system: low latencies, high throughputs, and improved accuracy.
Clipper is divided into two layers: (1) the model abstraction layer, and (2) the model selection layer.
The first layer exposes a common API that abstracts away the heterogeneity of existing ML frameworks and models. Consequently, models can be modified or swapped transparently to the application.
The model selection layer sits above the model abstraction layer and dynamically selects and combines predictions across competing models to provide more accurate and robust predictions.
To achieve low latency, high throughput predictions, Clipper implements a range of optimizations. In the model abstraction layer, Clipper caches predictions on a permodel basis and implements adaptive batching to maximize throughput given a query latency target.
为了获得低延时、高通量的预测,Clipper 实现了一系列优化。 在模型抽象层中,Clipper 在预训练模型基础上获取预测结果并基于给定查询时延目标来实现自适应batch到最大通量。
In the model selection layer, Clipper implements techniques to improve prediction accuracy and latency.
To improve accuracy, Clipper exploits bandit and ensemble methods to robustly select and combine predictions from multiple models and estimate prediction uncertainty.
为了增加准确率,Clipper 利用bandit(老虎机)和ensemble(组合)方式来从多个模型和多不确定估计中鲁棒地选择和组合预测结果。
In addition, Clipper is able to adapt the model selection independently for each user or session.
To improve latency, the model selection layer adopts a straggler mitigation technique to render predictions without waiting for slow models.
为了降低时延,模型选择层采用一种straggler mitigation的技术来给出预测结果,而不用等龟速的模型。
Because of this layered design, neither the end-user applications nor the underlying machine learning frameworks need to be modified to take advantage of these optimizations.
We implemented Clipper in Rust and added support for several of the most widely used machine learning frameworks: Apache Spark MLLib [40], Scikit-Learn [51], Caffe [31], TensorFlow [1], and HTK [63].
我们用Rust(一种系统编程语言)实现了Clipper,同时还添加了集中应用很广泛的机器学习框架:Apache、Spark MLLib、Scikit-Learn、Caffe、Tensorflow、HTK。
While these frameworks span multiple application domains, programming languages, and system requirements, each was added using fewer than 25 lines of code.
We evaluate Clipper using four common machine learning benchmark datasets and demonstrate that Clipper is able to render low and bounded latency predictions (<20ms), scale to many deployed models even across machines, quickly select and adapt the best combination of models, and dynamically trade-off accuracy and latency under heavy query load. We compare Clipper to the Google TensorFlow Serving system [59], an industrial grade prediction serving system tightly integrated with the TensorFlow training framework.
We compare Clipper to the Google TensorFlow Serving system [59], an industrial grade prediction serving system tightly integrated with the TensorFlow training framework. We demonstrate that Clipper’s modular design and broad functionality impose minimal performance cost, achieving comparable prediction throughput and latency to TensorFlow Serving while supporting substantially more functionality.
我们将Clipper与Google TensorFlow服务系统进行了比较,Tensorflow服务系统是一个与TensorFlow培训框架紧密集成的工业级预测服务系统。 我们证明了Clipper的模块化设计和广泛的功能可以降低性能成本,实现与TensorFlow服务相当的预测吞吐量和延迟,同时支持更多功能。
In summary, our key contributions are:
A layered architecture that abstracts away the complexity associated with serving predictions in existing machine learning frameworks (§3).
A set of novel techniques to reduce and bound latency while maximizing throughput that generalize across machine learning frameworks (§4).
A model selection layer that enables online model selection and composition to provide robust and accurate predictions for interactive applications (§5).
The machine learning life-cycle (Figure 2) can be divided into two distinct phases: training and inference.
Training is the process of estimating a model from data. Training is often computationally expensive requiring multiple passes over large datasets and can take hours or even days to complete.
Much of the innovation in systems for machine learning has focused on model training with the development of systems like Apache Spark [65], the Parameter Server [38], PowerGraph [25], and Adam [14].
机器学习系统创新以开发模型训练系统为主,比如Apache Spark、Parameter Server、PowerGraph、Adam。
A wide range of machine learning frameworks have been developed to address the challenges of training.
Many specialize in particular models such as TensorFlow [1] for deep learning or Vowpal Wabbit [34] for large linear models. Others are specialized for specific application domains such as Caffe [31] for computer vision or HTK [63] for speech recognition.
一些是专用模型如深度学习专用的TensorFlow、大型线性模型专用的Vowpal Wabbit。另一些是特定应用领域如计算机视觉领域的Caffe、语音识别的HTK。
Typically, these frameworks leverage advances in parallel and distributed systems to scale the training process.
Inference is the process of evaluating a model to render predictions.
In contrast to training, inference does not involve complex iterative algorithms and is therefore generally assumed to be easy.
As a consequence, there is little research studying the process of inference and most machine learning frameworks provide only basic support for offline batch inference – often with the singular goal of evaluating the model training algorithm.
However, scalable, accurate, and reliable inference presents fundamental system challenges that will likely dominate the challenges of training as machine learning adoption increases.
In this paper we focus on the less studied but increasingly important challenges of inference.
To illustrate the challenges of inference and provide a benchmark on which to evaluate Clipper, we describe two canonical real-world applications of machine learning: object recognition and speech recognition.
Advances in deep learning have spurred rapid progress in computer vision, especially in object recognition problems – the task of identifying and labeling the objects in a picture. Object recognition models form an important building block in many computer vision applications ranging from image search to self-driving cars.
As users interact with these applications, they provide feedback about the accuracy of the predictions, either by explicitly labeling images (e.g., tagging a user in an image) or implicitly by indicating whether the provided prediction was correct (e.g., clicking on a suggested image in a search). Incorporating this feedback quickly can be essential to eliminating failing models and providing a more personalized experience for users.
Benchmark Applications: We use the well studied MNIST [35], CIFAR-10 [32], and ImageNet [49] datasets to evaluate increasingly difficult object recognition tasks with correspondingly larger inputs. For each dataset, the prediction task requires identifying the correct label for an image based on its pixel values(这句是废话不翻译了). MNIST is a common baseline dataset used to demonstrate the potential of a new algorithm or technique, and both deep learning and more classical machine learning models perform well on MNIST. On the other hand, for CIFAR-10 and Imagenet, deep learning significantly outperforms other methods. By using three different datasets, we evaluate Clipper’s performance when serving models that have a wide variety of computational requirements and accuracies.
应用的Benchmark:用已经被玩烂了的MNIST、CIFAR10、ImageNet来评估Clipper在不同难度、不同数据量上的表现。一方面,MNIST是一个体现新算法和计算潜力常用的baseline(个人补充:MNIST早就没人玩了,3层网络正确率都能到98%+,早就没有人用MNIST证明自己的算法好了)并且,深度学习和经典机器学习模型都在MNIST上表现良好(个人补充:perform well有违事实,应该是perform very well 或者 extremely well)。另一方面,对于CIFAR10和Imagenet这两个数据集,基于深度学习的算法表现明显好于其他算法。通过这3个不同的数据集,我们可以在多种计算需求和正确率下评估Clipper服务模型的表现。
Motivated by the above applications, we outline the key challenges of prediction serving and describe how Clipper addresses these challenges.
There is a large and growing number of machine learning frameworks [1,7,13,16,31]. Each framework has strengths and weaknesses and many are optimized for specific models or application domains (e.g., computer vision).
Thus, there is no dominant framework and often multiple frameworks may be used for a single application (e.g., speech recognition and computer vision in automatic captioning).
Furthermore, machine learning is an iterative process and the best framework may change as an application evolves over time (e.g., as a training dataset grows to require distributed model training).
Although common model exchange formats have been proposed [47,48], they have never achieved widespread adoption because of the rapid and fundamental changes in state-of-the-art techniques and additional source of errors from parallel implementations for training and serving.
尽管已经有一些常见模型的格式转换方法(个人理解:原文的exchange format应该是指一个模型在不同框架之间的迁移,两个参考文献都是数据挖掘领域的,据我所知目前计算机视觉还没有特别好的模型在框架之间迁移的方法,多数都是重新写程序,重写训练模型),但是这些转换方法并没有得到广泛应用,原因是最先进的技术发展很快并且训练和推理服务并行实现由额外资源误差(这句话其实没太看懂,翻译的可能不对)。
Finally, machine learning frameworks are often developed by and for machine learning experts and are therefore heavily optimized towards model development rather than deployment. As a consequence of these design decisions, application developers are forced to accept reduced accuracy by forgoing the use of a model well-suited to the task or to incur the substantially increased complexity of integrating and supporting multiple machine learning frameworks.
Solution: Clipper introduces a model abstraction layer and common prediction interface that isolates applications from variability in machine learning frameworks (§4) and simplifies the process of deploying a new model or framework to a running application.
The prediction latency is the time it takes to render a prediction given a query. Because prediction serving is often on the critical path, predictions must both be fast and have bounded tail latencies to meet service level objectives [64].
While simple linear models are fast, more sophisticated and often more accurate models such as support vector machines, random forests, and deep neural networks are much more computationally intensive and can have substantial latencies (50-100ms) [13] (see Figure 11 for details).
In many cases accuracy can be improved by combining models but at the expense of stragglers and increased tail latencies.
Finally, most machine learning frameworks are optimized for offline batch processing and not single-input prediction latency.
Moreover, the low and bounded latency demands of interactive applications are often at odds with the design goals of machine learning frameworks.
The computational cost of sophisticated models can substantially impact prediction throughput.
For example, a relatively fast neural network which is able to render 100 predictions per second is still orders of magnitude slower than a modern web-server.
While batching prediction requests can substantially improve throughput by exploiting optimized BLAS libraries, SIMD instructions, and GPU acceleration it can also adversely affect prediction latency.
Finally, under heavy query load it is often preferable to marginally degrade accuracy rather than substantially increase latency or lose availability [3,23].
Solution: Clipper automatically and adaptively batches prediction requests to maximize the use of batch-oriented system optimizations in machine learning frameworks while ensuring that prediction latency objectives are still met (§4.3). In addition, Clipper employs straggler mitigation techniques to reduce and bound tail latency, enabling model developers to experiment with complex models without affecting serving latency (§5.2.2).
解决办法:Clipper 自适应预测请求以最大程度利用机器学习框架面向批处理的系统优化,同时保证在预测时延目标内完成预测。此外,Clipper 采用straggler mitigation(落后延缓)技术以减少和限制尾延迟,使模型开发人员能够试验复杂模型而不受服务延迟影响。
Model development is an iterative process producing many models reflecting different feature representations, modeling assumptions, and machine learning frameworks.
Typically developers must decide which of these models to deploy based on offline evaluation using stale datasets or engage in costly online A/B testing.
When predictions can influence future queries (e.g., content recommendation), offline evaluation techniques can be heavily biased by previous modeling results.
Alternatively, A/B testing techniques [2] have been shown to be statistically inefficient — requiring data to grow exponentially in the number of candidate models.
The resulting choice of model is typically static and therefore susceptible to changes in model performance due to factors such as feature corruption or concept drift [52]. In some cases the best model may differ depending on the context (e.g., user or region) in which the query originated.
由此产生的模型选择通常是静态的,因此可能会因feature corruption(不会翻译,也不知道啥意思)或概念漂移等因素而导致模型性能发生变化[52]。某些情况下,最有模型或许因请求源头的情况(如用户或区域)而有所不同。
Finally, predictions from more than one model can often be combined in ensembles to boost prediction accuracy and provide more robust predictions with confidence bounds.
最后,使用confidence bounds组合大于一个模型的预测结果以提高预测正确率来提高更鲁棒的预测是一个常用的手段。
Solution: Clipper leverages adaptive online model selection and ensembling techniques to incorporate feedback and automatically select and combine predictions from models that can span multiple machine learning frameworks.
解决方案:Clipper 使用自适应在线模型选择和组合技术来整合反馈,并自动从监控的多框架多模型中选择和组合预测结果。
Because we include microbenchmarks of many of Clipper’s features as we introduce them, we present the experimental setup now.
For each of the three object recognition benchmarks, the prediction task is predicting the correct label given the raw pixels of an unlabeled image as input.
For the speech recognition benchmark, the prediction task is predicting the phonetic transcription of the raw audio signal. For this benchmark, we used the HTK Speech Recognition Toolkit [63] to learn Hidden Markov Models whose outputs are sequences of phonemes representing the transcription of the sound. Details about each dataset are presented in Table 1.
对于语音识别,预测任务是预测原始音频信号的语音转录(输入语音,输出文字)。 对于这个benchmark,我们使用HTK语音识别工具包[63]来学习隐马尔可夫模型,其输出是表示声音转录的音素序列。 表1列出了每个数据集的详细信息。
Unless otherwise noted, all experiments were conducted on a single server. All machines used in the experiments contain 2 Intel Haswell-EP CPUs and 256 GB of RAM running Ubuntu 14.04 on Linux 4.2.0. TensorFlow models were executed on a Nvidia Tesla K20c GPUs with 5 GB of GPU memory and 2496 cores. In the scaling experiment presented in Figure 6, the servers in the cluster were connected with both a 10Gbps and 1Gbps network. For each network, all the servers were located on the same switch. Both network configurations were investigated.
除非另有说明,所有实验均在单一服务器进行。所有实验涉及的机器包含2个Intel Haswell-EP CPUs和256 GB of RAM,使用基于 Linux 4.2.0的Ubuntu 14.04系统。TensorFlow模型在一个2496核5 GB显存的Nvidia Tesla K20c GPUs上完成。如图6在大规模实验中,集群中的服务器是用10Gbps和1Gbps两种网络连接的。对每种网络来说,所有服务器都连在同一个交换机上。两种网络配置都进行了实验。
Clipper is divided into model selection and model abstraction layers (see Figure 1).
The model abstraction layer is responsible for providing a common prediction interface, ensuring resource isolation, and optimizing the query workload for batch oriented machine learning frameworks.
The model selection layer is responsible for dispatching queries to one or more models and combining their predictions based on feedback to improve accuracy, estimate uncertainty, and provide robust predictions.
Before presenting the detailed Clipper system design we first describe the path of a prediction request through the system.
Applications issue prediction requests to Clipper through application facing REST or RPC APIs.
应用程序通过面向应用的REST或RPC API向Clipper发出预测请求。
Prediction requests are first processed by the model selection layer.
Based on properties of the prediction request and recent feedback, the model selection layer dispatches the prediction request to one or more of the models through the model abstraction layer.
The model abstraction layer first checks the prediction cache for the query before assigning the query to an adaptive batching queue associated with the desired model.
The adaptive batching queue constructs batches of queries that are tuned for the machine learning framework and model.
A cross language RPC is used to send the batch of queries to a model container hosting the model in its native machine learning framework.
To simplify deployment, we host each model container in a separate Docker container.
After evaluating the model on the batch of queries, the predictions are sent back to the model abstraction layer which populates the prediction cache and returns the results to the model selection layer.
The model selection layer then combines one or more of the predictions to render a final prediction and confidence estimate. The prediction and confidence estimate are then returned to the end-user application.
Any feedback the application collects about the quality of the predictions is sent back to the model selection layer through the same application-facing REST/RPC interface.
The model selection layer joins this feedback with the corresponding predictions to improve how it selects and combines future predictions.
We now present the model abstraction layer and the model selection layer in greater detail.
The Model Abstraction Layer (Figure 1) provides a common interface across machine learning frameworks.
It is composed of a prediction cache, an adaptive querybatching component, and a set of model containers connected to Clipper via a lightweight RPC system.
This modular architecture enables caching and batching mechanisms to be shared across frameworks while also scaling to many concurrent models and simplifying the addition of new frameworks.
At the top of the model abstraction layer is the prediction cache (§4.2). The prediction caches provides a partial pre-materialization mechanism for frequent queries and accelerates the adaptive model selection techniques described in §5 by enabling efficient joins between recent predictions and feedback.
The batching component (§4.3) sits below the prediction cache and aggregates point queries into mini-batches that are dynamically resized for each model container to maximize throughput. Once a mini-batch is constructed for a given model it is dispatched via the RPC system to the container for evaluation.
Models deployed in Clipper are each encapsulated within their own lightweight container (§4.4), communicating with Clipper through an RPC mechanism that provides a uniform interface to Clipper and simplifies the deployment of new models. The lightweight RPC system minimizes the overhead of the container-based architecture and simplifies cross-language integration.
Clipper中部署的模型每个都封装在他们自己的轻量容器中(Sec.4.4),容器通过RPC机制与Clipper通信,RPC机制提供一个标准接口来简化新模型的部署。轻量的RPC系统最大程度地减少了基于容器架构的开销,同时简化了跨语言 集成难度。
In the following sections we describe each of these components in greater detail and discuss some of the key algorithmic innovations associated with each.
For many applications (e.g., content recommendation), predictions concerning popular items are requested frequently. By maintaining a prediction cache, Clipper can serve these frequent queries without evaluating the model. This substantially reduces latency and system load by eliminating the additional cost of model evaluation.
对于许多应用(例如,内容推荐),经常需要关于流行项目的预测。 通过维护预测缓存,Clipper可以为这些频繁的查询提供服务,而无需评估模型。 通过消除模型评估的额外成本,这大大减少了延迟和系统负载。
In addition, caching in Clipper serves an important role in model selection (§5). To select models intelligently Clipper needs to join the original predictions with any feedback it receives. Since feedback is likely to return soon after predictions are rendered [39], even infrequent or unique queries can benefit from caching.
此外,Clipper中的缓存在模型选择中起着重要作用(Sec.5)。 为了智能地选择模型,Clipper需要将原始预测与接收到的任何反馈结合起来。 由于反馈可能会在做出预测后很快返回[39],因此即使是不频繁或独一无二的查询也可以从缓存中受益。
For example, even with a small ensemble of four models (a random forest, logistic regression model, and linear SVM trained in Scikit-Learn and a linear SVM trained in Spark), prediction caching increased feedback processing throughput in Clipper by 1.6x from roughly 6K to 11K observations per second.
The prediction cache acts as a function cache for the generic prediction function:
that takes a model id m along with the query x and computes the corresponding model prediction y.
The cache exposes a simple non-blocking request and fetch API.
缓存暴露简单的非阻塞 请求 和 获取 两个接口(函数)。
When a prediction is needed, the request function is invoked which notifies the cache to compute the prediction if it is not already present and returns a boolean indicating whether the entry is in the cache.(此处怀疑文章里多写了一个not)
The fetch function checks the cache and returns the query result if present.
Clipper employs an LRU eviction policy for the prediction cache, using the standard CLOCK [17] cache eviction algorithm. With an adequately sized cache, frequent queries will not be evicted and the cache serves as a partial pre-materialization mechanism for hot items.
However, because adaptive model selection occurs above the cache in Clipper, changes in predictions due to model selection do not invalidate cache entries.
The Clipper batching component transforms the concurrent stream of prediction queries received by Clipper into batches that more closely match the workload assumptions made by machine learning frameworks while simultaneusly amortizing RPC and system overheads.
Batching improves throughput and utilization of often costly physical resources such as GPUs, but it does so at the expense of increased latency by requiring all queries in the batch to complete before returning a single prediction.
We exploit an explicitly stated latency service level objective (SLO) to increase latency in exchange for substantially improved throughput.
By allowing users to specify a latency objective, Clipper is able to tune batched query evaluation to maximize throughput while still meeting the latency requirements of interactive applications.
For example, requesting predictions in sufficiently large batches can improve throughput by up to 26x (the Scikit-Learn SVM in Figure 4) while meeting a 20ms latency SLO.
比如,足够大的批量预测请求可以将吞吐量提高多达26倍(图4中的Scikit-Learn SVM,第4列),同时满足20ms的延迟SLO。
Batching increases throughput via two mechanisms.
First, batching amortizes the cost of RPC calls and internal framework overheads such as copying inputs to GPU memory.
Second, batching enables machine learning frameworks to exploit existing data-parallel optimizations by performing batch inference on many inputs simultaneously (e.g., by using the GPU or BLAS acceleration).
As the model selection layer dispatches queries for model evaluation, they are placed on queues associated with model containers.
Each model container has its own adaptive batching queue tuned to the latency profile of that container and a corresponding thread to process predictions.
Predictions are processed in batches by removing as many queries as possible from a queue up to the maximum batch size for tat model container and sending the queries as a single batch prediction RPC to the container for evaluation.
Clipper imposes a maximum batch size to ensure that latency objectives are met and avoid excessively delaying the first queries in the batch.
Frameworks that leverage GPU acceleration such as TensorFlow often enforce static batch sizes to maintain a consistent data layout across evaluations of the model.
These frameworks typically encode the batch size directly into the model definition in order to fully exploit GPU parallelism.
When rendering fewer predictions than the batch size, the input must be padded to reach the defined size, reducing model throughput without any improvement in prediction latency.
Careful tuning of the batch size should be done to maximize inference performance, but this tuning must be done offline and is fixed by the time a model is deployed.
However, most machine learning frameworks can efficiently process variable-sized batches at serving time.
Yet differences between the framework implementation and choice of model and inference algorithm can lead to orders of magnitude variation in model throughput and latency.
As a result, the latency profile – the expected time to evaluate a batch of a given size – varies substantially between model containers.
导致延时情况(latency profile)——评估一个给定大小的batch所需要的时间,会因模型容器的不同而不同。
For example, in Figure 3 we see that the maximum batch size that can be executed within a 20ms latency SLO differs by 241x between the linear SVM which does a very simple vector-vector multiply to perform inference and the kernel SVM which must perform a sequence of expensive nearest-neighbor calculations to evaluate the kernel.
例如图3中,使用最大batch size在20ms时延SLO中,简单矩阵乘法的linear SVM和要完成一系列近邻域计算的kernel SVM相差了241倍。
As a consequence, the linear SVM can achieve throughput of nearly 30,000 qps while the kernel SVM is limited to 200 qps under this SLO.
结果导致,通用在20ms的SLO时,linear SVM吞吐量达到30,000qps,而kernel SVM才200qps。
We define the optimal batch size as the batch size that maximizes throughput subject to the constraint that the batch evaluation latency is under the target SLO.
To automatically find the optimal maximum batch size for each model container we employ an additive-increase-multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) scheme.
Under this scheme, we additively increase the batch size by a fixed amount until the latency to process a batch exceeds the latency objective.
At this point, we perform a small multiplicative backoff, reducing the batch size by 10%.
Because the optimal batch size does not fluctuate substantially, we use a much smaller backoff constant than other Additive-Increase, Multiplicative-Decrease schemes [15].
Early performance measurements (Figure 3) suggested a stable linear relationship between batch size and latency across several of the modeling frameworks.
As a result, we also explored the use of quantile regression to estimate the 99th-percentile (P99) latency as a function of batch size and set the maximum batch size accordingly.
We compared the two approaches on a range of commonly used Spark and Scikit-Learn models in Figure 4.
我们在常用的Spark和Scikit-Learn模型上的比较了百分位数回归(quantile regression)和自适应(本文提出)两个算法,如图4。(图4明显看出来自适应Adaptive算法的吞吐率更好,延时差不多quentile regression略好一点。)
Both strategies provide significant performance improvements over the baseline strategy of no batching, achieving up to a 26x throughput increase in the case of the Scikit-Learn linear SVM, demonstrating the performance gains that batching provides.
While the two batching strategies perform nearly identically, the AIMD scheme is significantly simpler and easier to tune.
Furthermore, the ongoing adaptivity of the AIMD strategy makes it robust to changes in throughput capacity of a model (e.g., during a garbage collection pause in Spark).
As a result, Clipper employs the AIMD scheme as the default.
最终,Clipper 采用AIMD作为默认方案。
Under moderate or bursty loads, the batching queue may contain less queries than the maximum batch size when the next batch is ready to be dispatched.
For some models, briefly delaying the dispatch to allow more queries to arrive can significantly improve throughput under bursty loads.
Similar to the motivation for Nagle’s algorithm [44], the gain in efficiency is a result of the ratio of the fixed cost for sending a batch to the variable cost of increasing the size of a batch.
In Figure 5, we compare the gain in efficiency (measured as increased throughput) from delayed batching for two models.
Delayed batching provides no increase in throughput for the Spark SVM because Spark is already relatively efficient at processing small batch sizes and can keep up with the moderate serving workload using batches much smaller than the optimal batch size.
推迟批处理不会为Spark SVM带来吞吐量的增加,因为Spark在处理小批量时已经比较高效,并且可以使用比最佳批量小得多的批处理来满足中等服务负载。
In contrast, the Scikit-Learn SVM has a high fixed cost for processing a batch but employs BLAS libraries to do efficient parallel inference on many inputs at once.
相比之下,Scikit-Learn SVM的批处理成本较高切固定,但同时使用BLAS库对多个输入进行并行推理也能有效(增大吞吐量)。
As a consequence, a 2ms batch delay provides a 3.3x improvement in throughput and allows the Scikit-Learn model container to keep up with the throughput demand while remaining well below the 10-20ms latency objectives needed for interactive applications.
Model containers encapsulate the diversity of machine learning frameworks and model implementations within a uniform “narrow waist” remote prediction API.
To add a new type of model to Clipper, model builders only need to implement the standard batch prediction interface in Listing 1. Clipper includes language specific container bindings for C++, Java, and Python.
要向Clipper添加一种新型的模型,模型构建者只需要实现Listing1中的标准批处理预测接口即可。Clipper包括针对C ++,Java和Python的语言特定的容器绑定。
Listing 1 :模型容器的通用批次预测接口。通过RPC接口调用批处理预测函数,以计算一批输入的预测。返回类型是嵌套列表,因为每个输入可能会产生多个输出。
The model container implementations for most of the models in this paper only required a few lines of code.
To achieve process isolation, each model is managed in a separate Docker container.
By placing models in separate containers, we ensure that variability in performance and stability of relatively immature state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks does not interfere with the overall availability of Clipper.
Any state associated with a model, such as the model parameters, is provided to the container during initialization and the container itself is stateless after initialization.
As a result, resource intensive machine learning frameworks can be replicated across multiple machines or given access to specialized hardware (e.g., GPUs) when needed to meet serving demand.
Clipper supports replicating model containers, both locally and across a cluster, to improve prediction throughput and leverage additional hardware accelerators.
Because different replicas can have different performance characteristics, particularly when spread across a cluster, Clipper performs adaptive batching independently for each replica.
In Figure 6 we demonstrate the linear throughput scaling that Clipper can achieve by replicating model containers across a cluster.
With a four-node GPU cluster connected through a 10Gbps Ethernet switch, Clipper gets a 3.95x throughput increase from 19,500 qps when using a single model container running on a local GPU to 77,000 qps when using four replicas each running on a different machine.
Because the model containers in this experiment are computationally intensive and run on the GPU, GPU throughput is the bottleneck and Clipper’s RPC system can easily saturate the GPUs.
However, when the cluster is connected through a 1Gbps switch, the aggregate throughput of the GPUs is higher than 1Gbps and so the network becomes saturated when replicating to a second remote machine.
As machine-learning applications begin to consume increasingly bigger inputs, scaling from handcrafted features to large images, audio signals, or even video, the network will continue to be a bottleneck to scaling out prediction serving applications.
This suggests the need for research into efficient networking strategies for remote predictions on large inputs.
The Model Selection Layer uses feedback to dynamically select one or more of the deployed models and combine their outputs to provide more accurate and robust predictions.
By allowing many candidate models to be deployed simultaneously and relying on feedback to adaptively determine the best model or combination of models, the model selection layer simplifies the deployment process for new models.
By continuously learning from feedback throughout the lifetime of an application, the model selection layer automatically compensates for failing models without human intervention.
By combining predictions from multiple models, the model selection layer boosts application accuracy and estimates prediction confidence.
There are a wide range of techniques for model selection and composition that span a tradeoff space of computational overhead and application accuracy.
However, most of these techniques can be expressed with a simple select, combine, and observe API.
We capture this API in the model selection policy interface (Listing 2) which governs the behavior of the model selection layer and allows users to introduce new model selection techniques themselves.
我们在模型选择策略接口中捕获了该API(Listing 2),该接口控制模型选择层的行为,并允许用户自己引入新的模型选择技术。
The model selection policy (Listing 2) defines four essential functions as well as a few basic types. In addition to the query and prediction types X and Y, the state type S encodes the learned state of the selection algorithm.
模型选择策略(Listing 2)定义了四个基本功能以及一些基本类型。 除了查询和预测类型X和Y,状态类型S还对选择算法的学习状态进行编码。
The init function returns an initial instance of the selection policy state.
We isolate the selection policy state and require an initialization function to enable Clipper to efficiently instantiate many instances of the selection policy for finegrained contextualized model selection (§5.3).
The select and combine functions are responsible for choosing which models to query and how to combine the results.
In addition, the combine function can compute other information about the predictions. For example, in §5.2.1 we leverage the combine function to provide a prediction confidence score.
Finally, the observe function is used to update the state S based on feedback from front-end applications.
In the current implementation of Clipper we provide two generic model selection policies based on robust bandit algorithms developed by Auer et al. [6].
These algorithms span a trade-off between computation overhead and accuracy.
The single model selection policy (§5.1) leverages the Exp3 algorithm to optimally select the best model based on noisy feedback with minimal computational overhead.
单一模型选择策略(Sec.5.1)利用Exp3算法,基于noisy feedback以最小的计算开销标准来最佳选择最佳模型。
The ensemble model selection policy (§5.2) is based on the Exp4 algorithm which adaptively combines the predictions to improve prediction accuracy and estimate confidence at the expense of increased computational cost from evaluating all models for each query.
By implementing model selection policies that provide different cost-accuracy tradeoffs, as well as an API for users to implement their own policies, Clipper provides a mechanism to easily navigate the tradeoffs between accuracy and computational cost on a per-application basis.
Furthermore, users can modify this choice over time as application workloads evolve and resources become more or less constrained.
We can cast the model-selection process as a multi-armed bandit problem [43]. The multi-armed bandit1 problem refers the task of optimally choosing between k possible actions (e.g., models) each with a stochastic reward (e.g., feedback).
我们可以将模型选择过程看作一个multi-armed bandit(MAB,多臂赌博机)问题。MAB问题是指在k个可能的动作(例如模型)之间进行最佳选择的任务,每个动作都具有随机奖励(例如反馈)。
Because only the reward for the selected action can be observed, solutions to the multi-armed bandit problem must address the trade-off between exploring possible actions and exploiting the estimated best action.
There are numerous algorithms for the multi-armed bandits problem with a wide range of trade-offs. In this work we first explore the use of the simple randomized Exp3 [6] algorithm which makes few assumptions about the problem setting and has strong optimality guarantees.
有很多算法可以解决多臂老虎机问题,并且进行广泛的权衡。 在这项工作中,我们首先探索简单随机Exp3 [6]算法的使用,该算法对问题的设置几乎没有假设,并且具有强大的最优性保证。
The Exp3 algorithm associates a weight si = 1 for each of the k deployed models and then randomly selects model i with probability pi = si/∑k j=1 sj. For each prediction ˆ y, Clipper observes a loss L(y, ˆ y) ∈ [0,1] with respect to the true value y (e.g., the fraction of words that were transcribed correctly during speech recognition). The Exp3 algorithm then updates the weight, si ← si exp(−ηL(y, ˆ y)/pi), corresponding to the selected model i. The constant η determines how quickly Clipper responds to recent feedback.
The Exp3 algorithm provides several benefits over manual experimentation and A/B testing, two common ways of performing model-selection in practice. Exp3 is both simple and robust, scaling well to model selection over a large number of models. It is a lightweight algorithm that requires only a single model evaluation for each prediction and thus performs well under heavy loads with negligible computational overhead. And Exp3 has strong theoretical guarantees that ensure it will quickly converge to an optimal solution.
Exp3算法比手动实验和A / B Testing(在实践中执行模型选择的两种常用方法)具有更多优势。 Exp3既简单又鲁棒,可以很好地扩展以选择大量模型。 它是一种轻量级算法,每个预测仅需进行一次模型评估,因此在繁重的负载下表现良好,而计算开销却可以忽略不计。 Exp3具有强大的理论保证,可确保快速收敛到最佳解决方案。
It is a well-known result in machine learning [8,12,30,43] that prediction accuracy can be improved by combining predictions from multiple models. For example, bootstrap aggregation [9] (a.k.a., bagging) is used widely to reduce variance and thereby improve generalization performance.
众所周知,机器学习的预测正确率可以通过组合多个模型的预测结果来获得提升。例如,bootstrap aggregation算法(也称bagging算法)被广泛用于降低方差从而提高泛化能力。
More recently, ensembles were used to win the Netflix challenge [53], and a carefully crafted ensemble of deep neural networks was used to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on the speech recognition corpus Google uses to power their acoustic models [30].
The ensemble model selection policies adaptively combine the predictions from all available models to improve accuracy, rather than select individual models.
In Clipper we use linear ensemble methods which compute a weighted average of the base model predictions.
In Figure 7, we show the prediction error rate of linear ensembles on two bench,marks.
In both cases linear ensembles are able to marginally reduce the overall error rate.
In the ImageNet benchmark, the ensemble formulation achieves a 5.2% relative reduction in the error rate simply by combining off-the-shelf models (Table 2).
While this may seem small, on the difficult computer vision tasks for which these models are used, a lot of time and energy is spent trying to achieve even small reductions in error, and marginal improvements are considered significant [49].
There are many methods for estimating the ensemble weights including linear regression, boosting [43], and bandit formulations.
We adopt the bandits approach and use the Exp4 algorithm [6] to learn the weights.
Unlike Exp3, Exp4 constructs a weighted combination of all base model predictions and updates weights based on the individual model prediction error. Exp4 confers many of the same theoretical guarantees as Exp3. But while the accuracy when using Exp3 is bounded by the accuracy of the single best model, Exp4 can further improve prediction accuracy as the number of models increases.
与Exp3不同,Exp4构建所有基本模型预测的加权组合,并根据单个模型预测误差更新权重。 Exp4提供与Exp3相同的许多理论保证。 但是,尽管使用Exp3时的准确性受到单个最佳模型的准确性的限制,但随着模型数量的增加,Exp4可以进一步提高预测准确性。
The extent to which accuracy increases depends on the relative accuracies of the set of base models, as well as the independence of their predictions. This increased accuracy comes at the cost of increased computational resources consumed by each prediction in order to evaluate all the base models.
准确性提高的程度取决于基本模型集的相对准确性以及其预测的独立性。 为了评估所有基本模型,这种提高的准确性是以每次预测消耗的计算资源增加为代价的。
The accuracy of a deployed model can silently degrade over time. Clipper’s online selection policies can automatically detect these failures using feedback and compensate by switching to another model (Exp3) or down-weighting the failing model (Exp4).
部署模型的准确性会随着时间的推移(其实不是时间的推移,而是推理样本量的增大)而略微下降。 Clipper的在线选择策略可以使用反馈自动检测这些失败的预测,并通过切换到其他模型(Exp3)或降低故障模型的权重(Exp4)进行补偿。
To evaluate how quickly and effectively the model selection policies react in the presence of changes in model accuracy, we simulated a severe model degradation while receiving real-time feedback.
Using the CIFAR dataset we trained five different Caffe models with varying levels of accuracy to perform object recognition. During a simulated run of 20K sequential queries with immediate feedback, we degraded the accuracy of the best-performing model after 5K queries and then allowed the model to recover after 10K queries.
In Figure 8 we plot the cumulative average error rate for each of the five base models as well as the single (Exp3) and ensemble (Exp4) model selection policies.
In the first 5K queries both model selection policies quickly converge to an error rate near the best performing model (model 5).
在第一个5K查询中,两个模型选择策略都迅速收敛到接近最佳性能模型(model 5)的错误率。
When we degrade the predictions from model 5 its cumulative error rate spikes.
The model selection policies are able to quickly mitigate the consequences of the increase in errors by learning to divert queries to the other models.
When model 5 recovers after 10K queries the model selection policies also begin to improve by gradually sending queries back to model 5.
The advantages of online model selection go beyond detecting and mitigating model failures to leveraging new opportunities to improve application accuracy and performance. For many real-time decision-making applications, knowing the confidence of the prediction can significantly improve the end-user experience of the application.
在线模型选择的优势不仅仅在于检测和减轻模型故障,还在于利用新机会来提高应用程序的准确性和性能。 对于许多实时决策应用程序,了解预测的置信度可以显着改善应用程序的最终用户体验。
For example, in many settings, applications have a sensible default action they can take when a prediction is unavailable. This is critical for building highly available applications that can survive partial system failures or when building applications where a mistake can be costly.
例如,在许多设置中,当预测不可用时,应用程序会采用合理的默认值。 这对于构建可以在部分系统故障中幸免的高可用性应用程序或在构建错误可能代价高昂的应用程序时至关重要。
Rather than blindly using all predictions regardless of the confidence in the result, applications can choose to only accept predictions above a confidence threshold by using the robust model selection policy.
When the confidence in a prediction for a query falls below the confidence threshold, the application can instead use the sensible default decision for the query and avoid a costly mistake.
By evaluating predictions from multiple competing models concurrently we can obtain an estimator of the confidence in our predictions.
In settings where models have high variance or are trained on random samples from the training data (e.g., bagging), agreement in model predictions is an indicator of prediction confidence.
When evaluating the combine function in the ensemble selection policy we compute a measure of confidence by calculating the number of models that agree with the final prediction.
End user applications can use this confidence score to decide whether to rely on the prediction.
If we only consider predictions where multiple models agree, we can substantially reduce the error rate (see Figure 7) while declining to predict a small fraction of queries.
图7:组合预测精度。 由应用于CIFAR和ImageNet基准的五个计算机视觉模型(表2)线性组合而成。 4-agree和5-agree对应于整体预测,其中查询已通过整体预测置信度(四个或五个模型相同)分开,并且每个条形的宽度定义了该类别中示例的比例。
While the ensemble model selection policy can improve prediction accuracy and help quantify uncertainty, it introduces additional system costs. As we increase the size of the ensemble the computational cost of rendering a prediction increases. Fortunately, we can compensate for the increased prediction cost by scaling-out the model abstraction layer. Unfortunately, as we add model containers we increase the chance of stragglers adversely affecting tail latencies.
虽然组合模型选择策略可以提高预测准确性并帮助量化不确定性,但它会带来额外的系统成本。 随着我们增加基础模型数量的大小,进行预测的计算成本会增加。 幸运的是,我们可以通过扩展模型抽象层来补偿增加的预测成本。 不幸的是,当我们添加模型容器时,我们增加了落后者对尾延时产生不利影响的机会。
To evaluate the cost of stragglers, we deployed ensembles of increasing size and measured the resulting prediction latency (Figure 9a) under moderate query load. Even with small ensembles we observe the effect of stragglers on the P99 tail latency, which rise sharply to well beyond the 20ms latency objective. As the size of the ensemble increases and the system becomes more heavily loaded, stragglers begin to affect the mean latency.
为了评估落后者的影响,我们在中等查询负载下部署了规模越来越大的组合模型并测量了产生的预测等待时间(图9a)。 即使使用小型组合,我们也可以观察到落后者对P99尾延迟的影响,该延迟急剧上升至远远超过20ms延迟目标。 随着整体规模的增加和系统负载的增加,落后者开始影响平均等待时间。
To address stragglers, Clipper introduces a simple best-effort straggler-mitigation strategy motivated by the design choice that rendering a late prediction is worse than rendering an inaccurate prediction. For each query the model selection layer maintains a latency deadline determined by the latency SLO. At the latency deadline the combine function of the model selection policy is invoked with the subset of the predictions that are available.
为了解决落后者问题,Clipper引入了一种简单的尽力而为的落后者缓解策略,该策略受设计选择的影响,即提供较晚的预测比提供不准确的预测更糟。 对于每个查询,模型选择层维护由延迟SLO确定的延迟期限。 在等待时间的最后期限,将模型选择策略的合并功能与可用的预测子集一起调用。(预设一个SLO延时,超时的模型就不管了,只组合现有预测结果)
The model selection policy must render a final prediction using only the available base model predictions and communicate the potential loss in accuracy in its confidence score.
Currently, we substitute missing predictions with their average value and define the confidence as the fraction of models that agree on the prediction.
The best-effort straggler-mitigation strategy prevents model container tail latencies from propagating to frontend applications by maintaining the latency objective as additional models are deployed.
Best-effort straggler-mitigation策略通过新增模型时部署延时目标,防止模型容器尾延时传播到前端应用程序。
However, the straggler mitigation strategy reduces the size of the ensemble. In Figure 9b we plot the reduction in ensemble size and find that while tail latencies increase significantly with even small ensembles, most of the predictions arrive by the latency deadline.
但是,straggler mitigation策略可减小组合模型数量的大小。 在图9b中,我们绘制了组合模型数量大小的减小,发现即使在较小的数量中尾延迟也会显着增加,但大多数预测是在延迟期限之前得出的。
In Figure 9c we plot the effect of ensemble size on accuracy and observe that this ensemble can tolerate the loss of small numbers of component models with only a slight reduction in accuracy.
第6章就是和Tensorflow Seving做了一下对比。
Tensorflow Serving是用的python模型,Clipper用了C++和python两种模型。
作者说图11显示,Clipper在吞吐量和延时方面与Tensorflow Serving差不多(comparable)。其实是比Tensorflow Serving哪方面都差点。