[golang] cannot take the address of xxx()

package main

import "time"
func main() {
    _ = &time.Now()

编译的时候提示:cannot take the address of time.Now()

The probably unsatisfying answer is “you can’t do it because the spec says so.” The spec says that to use & on something it has to be addressable or a compound literal, and to be addressable it has to be “a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array.” Function calls and method calls are definitely not on the list.

Practically speaking, it’s probably because the return value of a function may not have a usable address; it may be in a register (in which case it’s definitely not addressable) or on the stack (in which case it has an address, but one that won’t be valid if it’s put in a pointer that escapes the current scope. To guarantee addressability, Go would have to do pretty much the exact equivalent of assigning it to a variable. But Go is the kind of language that figures that if it’s going to allocate storage for a variable it’s going to be because you said to, not because the compiler magically decided to. So it doesn’t make the result of a function addressable.

Or I could be over-thinking it and they simply didn’t want to have a special case for functions that return one value versus functions that return multiple

