insert into student(name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
一、在Java Project项目中使用p6spy:
1326730516837|-1||debug||com.p6spy.engine.common.P6SpyOptions reloading properties
1326730516842|-1||info||Using properties file: D:\WorkSpace\MyEclipse\9\hibernate\list mapping\bin\spy.properties
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStackTrace, using: false
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAppender, using: com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.FileLogger
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDeregisterDrivers, using: false
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getUsePrefix, using: false
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExecutionThreshold, using: 0
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAutoflush, using: true
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExclude, using:
1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExcludecategories, using: info,debug,result,batch
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getFilter, using: false
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getInclude, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getIncludecategories, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getLogfile, using: spy.log
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver, using: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver2, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver3, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAppend, using: true
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getSpydriver, using: com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDateformat, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDateformatter, using: null
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStringmatcher, using: com.p6spy.engine.common.SubstringMatcher
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStringMatcherEngine, using: com.p6spy.engine.common.SubstringMatcher@60e128
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStackTraceClass, using:
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getSQLExpression, using: null
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getReloadProperties, using: false
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getReloadPropertiesInterval, using: 60
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextFactory, using: null
1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextProviderURL, using: null
1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextCustom, using: null
1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSource, using: null
1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSourceClass, using: null
1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSourceProperties, using: null
1326730517419|7|0|statement|select max(id) from classroom|select max(id) from classroom
1326730517440|0|0|statement|select max(id) from student|select max(id) from student
1326730517454|0|0|statement|insert into classroom (grade, number, id) values (?, ?, ?)|insert into classroom (grade, number, id) values ('fourth grade', 1, 1)
1326730517456|1|0|statement|insert into student (name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into student (name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values ('lisi', 'true', 21, '08053120', 1, 2)
1326730517457|0|0|statement|update student set classroom_id=?, index_=? where id=?|update student set classroom_id=1, index_=1 where id=2
二、在Java Web项目中使用p6spy(Tomcat环境下)
如果spy.log里出现你的程序的数据库驱动名称 is a real driver in spy.properties, but it has been loaded before p6spy. p6spy will not wrap these connections. Either prevent the driver from loading, or try setting 'deregisterdrivers' to true in spy.properties.