浅谈隐式马尔可夫模型 - A Brief Note of Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

  • Introduction
    • Problem Formulation
    • Bayes Decision Theory
    • Markov Model
    • Hidden Markov Model
  • HMM Problems and Solutions
    • Evaluation
      • Forward Algorithm
      • Backward Algorithm
    • Decoding
      • Viterbi Algorithm
    • Training
      • Baum-Welch Reestimation
  • Reference


Problem Formulation

Now we talk about Hidden Markov Model. Well, what is HMM used for? Consider the following problem:

Given an unknown observation: O O , recognize it as one of N N classes with minimum probability of error.

So how to define the error and error probability?
Conditional Error: Given O O , the risk associated with deciding that it is a class i i event:

R(Si|O)=j=1NeijP(Sj|O) R ( S i | O ) = ∑ j = 1 N e i j P ( S j | O )
where P(Sj|O) P ( S j | O ) is the probability of that O O is a class Sj S j event and eij e i j is the cost of classifying a class j j event as a class i i event. eij>0,eii=0 e i j > 0 , e i i = 0 .
Expected Error:
E=R(S(O)|O)p(O)dO E = ∫ R ( S ( O ) | O ) p ( O ) d O
where S(O) S ( O ) is the decision made on O O based on a policy. Then the question can be considered as:

How should S(O) S ( O ) be made to achieve minimum error probability? Or P(S(O)|O) P ( S ( O ) | O ) is maximized?

Bayes Decision Theory

If we institute the policy: S(O)=Si=argmaxSjP(Sj|O) S ( O ) = S i = arg ⁡ max S j P ( S j | O ) then R(S(O)|O)=minSjR(Sj|O) R ( S ( O ) | O ) = min S j R ( S j | O ) . It is the so-called Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) decision. But how do we know P(Sj|O),i=1,2,,M P ( S j | O ) , i = 1 , 2 , … , M for any O O ?

Markov Model

States : S={S0,S1,S2,,SN} S = { S 0 , S 1 , S 2 , … , S N }
Transition probabilities : P(qt=Si|qt1=Sj) P ( q t = S i | q t − 1 = S j )
Markov Assumption:

P(qt=Si|qt1=Sj,qt1=Sk,)=P(qt=Si|qt1=Sj)=aji,aji0,i=1Naji=1,j P ( q t = S i | q t − 1 = S j , q t − 1 = S k , … ) = P ( q t = S i | q t − 1 = S j ) = a j i , a j i ≥ 0 , ∑ i = 1 N a j i = 1 , ∀ j

浅谈隐式马尔可夫模型 - A Brief Note of Hidden Markov Model (HMM)_第1张图片

Hidden Markov Model

States: S={S0,S1,S2,,SN} S = { S 0 , S 1 , S 2 , … , S N }
Transition probabilities : P(qt=Si|qt1=Sj)=aji P ( q t = S i | q t − 1 = S j ) = a j i
Output probability distributions (at state j j for symbol k k ): P(yt=Ok|qt=Sj)=bj(k,λj) P ( y t = O k | q t = S j ) = b j ( k , λ j ) parameterized by λj λ j .

浅谈隐式马尔可夫模型 - A Brief Note of Hidden Markov Model (HMM)_第2张图片

HMM Problems and Solutions

  1. Evaluation: Given a model, compute probability of observation sequence.
  2. Decoding: Find a state sequence which maximizes probability of the observation sequence.
  3. Training: Adjust model parameters which maximizes probability of observed sequences.


Compute the probability of observation sequence O=o1o2oT O = o 1 o 2 … o T , given a HMM model parameter λ λ :

P(O|λ)=QP(O,Q|λ),Q=q0q1q2qT=Qaq0q1bq1(o1)aq1q2bq2(o2)aqT1qTbqT(oT) P ( O | λ ) = ∑ ∀ Q P ( O , Q | λ ) , Q = q 0 q 1 q 2 … q T = ∑ ∀ Q a q 0 q 1 b q 1 ( o 1 ) ⋅ a q 1 q 2 b q 2 ( o 2 ) ⋯ a q T − 1 q T b q T ( o T )

This is not practical since the number of paths is O(NT) O ( N T ) . How to deal with it?

Forward Algorithm

αt(j)=P(o1o2ot,qt=Sj|λ) α t ( j ) = P ( o 1 o 2 … o t , q t = S j | λ )

Compute α α recursively:
α0(j)={1,if Sj is the start state0,otherwiseαt(j)=[i=0Nαt1(i)aij]bj(ot),t>0(1)(2) (1) α 0 ( j ) = { 1 , if  S j  is the start state 0 , otherwise (2) α t ( j ) = [ ∑ i = 0 N α t − 1 ( i ) a i j ] b j ( o t ) , t > 0
P(O|λ)=αT(N) P ( O | λ ) = α T ( N )

Computation is O(N2T) O ( N 2 T ) .

Backward Algorithm

βt(i)=P(ot+1ot+2oT|qt=Si,λ) β t ( i ) = P ( o t + 1 o t + 2 … o T | q t = S i , λ )

Compute β β recursively:
βT(i)={1,if Si is the end state0,otherwiseβt(i)=j=0Naijbj(ot+1)βt+1(j),t<T(3)(4) (3) β T ( i ) = { 1 , if  S i  is the end state 0 , otherwise (4) β t ( i ) = ∑ j = 0 N a i j b j ( o t + 1 ) β t + 1 ( j ) , t < T
P(O|λ)=β0(0) P ( O | λ ) = β 0 ( 0 )

Computation is O(N2T) O ( N 2 T ) .


Find the state sequence Q Q which maximizes P(O,Q|λ) P ( O , Q | λ ) .

Viterbi Algorithm

VPt(i)=maxq0q1qt1P(o1o2ot,qt=Si|λ) V P t ( i ) = max q 0 q 1 … q t − 1 P ( o 1 o 2 … o t , q t = S i | λ )

Compute VP V P recursively:
VPt(j)=maxi=0,1,NVPt1(i)aijbj(ot)t>0 V P t ( j ) = max i = 0 , 1 , … N V P t − 1 ( i ) a i j b j ( o t ) t > 0
P(O,Q|λ)=VPT(N) P ( O , Q | λ ) = V P T ( N )
Save each maximum for backtrace at end.


For the sake of tuning λ λ to maximize P(O|λ) P ( O | λ ) , there is NO efficient algorithm for global optimum, nonetheless, efficient iterative algorithm capable of finding a local optimum exists.

Baum-Welch Reestimation

Define the probability of transiting from Si S i to Sj S j at time t t given O O as1

ξt(i,j)=P(qt=Si,qt+1=Sj|O,λ)=αt(i)aijbj(Ot+1)βt+1(j)P(O|λ) ξ t ( i , j ) = P ( q t = S i , q t + 1 = S j | O , λ ) = α t ( i ) a i j b j ( O t + 1 ) β t + 1 ( j ) P ( O | λ )


a¯ij=Expected num. of trans. from Si to SjExpected num. of trans. from Si=T1t=0ξt(i,j)T1t=0Nj=0ξt(i,j)b¯j(k)=Expected num. of times in Sj with symbol kExpected num. of times in Sj=t:Ot+1=kNi=0ξt(i,j)T1t=0Ni=0ξt(i,j)(5)(6) (5) a ¯ i j = Expected num. of trans. from  S i  to  S j Expected num. of trans. from  S i = ∑ t = 0 T − 1 ξ t ( i , j ) ∑ t = 0 T − 1 ∑ j = 0 N ξ t ( i , j ) (6) b ¯ j ( k ) = Expected num. of times in  S j  with symbol  k Expected num. of times in  S j = ∑ t : O t + 1 = k ∑ i = 0 N ξ t ( i , j ) ∑ t = 0 T − 1 ∑ i = 0 N ξ t ( i , j )

Training Algorithm:

  1. Initialize λ=(A,B) λ = ( A , B ) .
  2. Compute α,β α , β and ξ ξ .
  3. Estimate λ¯=(A¯,B¯) λ ¯ = ( A ¯ , B ¯ ) from ξ ξ .
  4. Replace λ λ with λ¯ λ ¯ .
  5. If not converge, go to 2.


More details needed? Refer to :

  1. “An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models”, by Rabiner and Juang.
  2. “Hidden Markov Models: Continuous Speech Recognition”, by Kai-Fu Lee.

  • Thanks B. H. Juang in Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Thanks Wayne Ward in Carnegie Mellon University.

  1. Forward-Backward Algorithm
    浅谈隐式马尔可夫模型 - A Brief Note of Hidden Markov Model (HMM)_第3张图片
