private[spark] object Master extends Logging { val systemName = "sparkMaster" private val actorName = "Master" def main(argStrings: Array[String]) { SignalLogger.register(log) val conf = new SparkConf val args = new MasterArguments(argStrings, conf) val (actorSystem, _, _, _) = startSystemAndActor(, args.port, args.webUiPort, conf) actorSystem.awaitTermination() } }
private[spark] class MasterArguments(args: Array[String], conf: SparkConf) { // 设置了一些默认值 var host = Utils.localHostName() var port = 7077 var webUiPort = 8080 var propertiesFile: String = null // Check for settings in environment variables // 判断环境中是否已经设置了参数,环境变量中有的话就使用环境变量中的值 if (System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_HOST") != null) { host = System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_HOST") } if (System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_PORT") != null) { port = System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_PORT").toInt } if (System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT") != null) { webUiPort = System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT").toInt } //调用下面定义好的方法 parse(args.toList) // This mutates the SparkConf, so all accesses to it must be made after this line propertiesFile = Utils.loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf, propertiesFile) if (conf.contains("spark.master.ui.port")) { webUiPort = conf.get("spark.master.ui.port").toInt } // 定义一个用于模式匹配的方法,根据args进行模式匹配,tail表示匹配到的剩余串,匹配成功后赋值 // 注意args参数的形式如:List("--ip","","--host","mini1") def parse(args: List[String]): Unit = args match { case ("--ip" | "-i") :: value :: tail => Utils.checkHost(value, "ip no longer supported, please use hostname " + value) host = value parse(tail) case ("--host" | "-h") :: value :: tail => Utils.checkHost(value, "Please use hostname " + value) host = value parse(tail) case ("--port" | "-p") :: IntParam(value) :: tail => port = value parse(tail) case "--webui-port" :: IntParam(value) :: tail => webUiPort = value parse(tail) case ("--properties-file") :: value :: tail => propertiesFile = value parse(tail) case ("--help") :: tail => printUsageAndExit(0) case Nil => {} case _ => printUsageAndExit(1) } /** * Print usage and exit JVM with the given exit code. */ def printUsageAndExit(exitCode: Int) { System.err.println( "Usage: Master [options]\n" + "\n" + "Options:\n" + " -i HOST, --ip HOST Hostname to listen on (deprecated, please use --host or -h) \n" + " -h HOST, --host HOST Hostname to listen on\n" + " -p PORT, --port PORT Port to listen on (default: 7077)\n" + " --webui-port PORT Port for web UI (default: 8080)\n" + " --properties-file FILE Path to a custom Spark properties file.\n" + " Default is conf/spark-defaults.conf.") System.exit(exitCode) } }
上面的模式匹配中引用了一个IntParam方法,没有使用new, 所以调用的可能是apply方法
private[spark] object IntParam { def unapply(str: String): Option[Int] = { try { Some(str.toInt) } catch { case e: NumberFormatException => None } } }
def main(argStrings: Array[String]) { SignalLogger.register(log) val conf = new SparkConf val args = new MasterArguments(argStrings, conf) val (actorSystem, _, _, _) = startSystemAndActor(, args.port, args.webUiPort, conf) actorSystem.awaitTermination() }
def startSystemAndActor( host: String, port: Int, webUiPort: Int, conf: SparkConf): (ActorSystem, Int, Int, Option[Int]) = { val securityMgr = new SecurityManager(conf) // 根据方法的名称可以看出是创建了一个ActorSystem val (actorSystem, boundPort) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem(systemName, host, port, conf = conf, securityManager = securityMgr) val actor = actorSystem.actorOf( Props(classOf[Master], host, boundPort, webUiPort, securityMgr, conf), actorName) val timeout = AkkaUtils.askTimeout(conf) val portsRequest = actor.ask(BoundPortsRequest)(timeout) val portsResponse = Await.result(portsRequest, timeout).asInstanceOf[BoundPortsResponse] (actorSystem, boundPort, portsResponse.webUIPort, portsResponse.restPort) }
上面代码中调用 AkkaUtils.createActorSystem的方法创建了一个ActorSystem(相当于连接池、线程池,用于创建actor)
def createActorSystem( name: String, host: String, port: Int, conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager): (ActorSystem, Int) = { val startService: Int => (ActorSystem, Int) = { actualPort => doCreateActorSystem(name, host, actualPort, conf, securityManager) } // 将startService作为参数 Utils.startServiceOnPort(port, startService, conf, name) }
def startServiceOnPort[T]( startPort: Int, startService: Int => (T, Int), conf: SparkConf, serviceName: String = ""): (T, Int) = { // 判断startPort是否合法 require(startPort == 0 || (1024 <= startPort && startPort < 65536), "startPort should be between 1024 and 65535 (inclusive), or 0 for a random free port.") val serviceString = if (serviceName.isEmpty) "" else s" '$serviceName'" val maxRetries = portMaxRetries(conf) for (offset <- 0 to maxRetries) { // Do not increment port if startPort is 0, which is treated as a special port val tryPort = if (startPort == 0) { startPort } else { // If the new port wraps around, do not try a privilege port ((startPort + offset - 1024) % (65536 - 1024)) + 1024 } try { // 调用上面定义好的方法 val (service, port) = startService(tryPort) logInfo(s"Successfully started service$serviceString on port $port.") return (service, port) } catch { case e: Exception if isBindCollision(e) => if (offset >= maxRetries) { val exceptionMessage = s"${e.getMessage}: Service$serviceString failed after $maxRetries retries!" val exception = new BindException(exceptionMessage) // restore original stack trace exception.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace) throw exception } logWarning(s"Service$serviceString could not bind on port $tryPort. " + s"Attempting port ${tryPort + 1}.") } } // Should never happen throw new SparkException(s"Failed to start service$serviceString on port $startPort") }
val (service, port) = startService(tryPort)
val startService: Int => (ActorSystem, Int) = { actualPort => doCreateActorSystem(name, host, actualPort, conf, securityManager) }
private def doCreateActorSystem( name: String, host: String, port: Int, conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager): (ActorSystem, Int) = { val akkaThreads = conf.getInt("spark.akka.threads", 4) val akkaBatchSize = conf.getInt("spark.akka.batchSize", 15) val akkaTimeout = conf.getInt("spark.akka.timeout", conf.getInt("", 120)) val akkaFrameSize = maxFrameSizeBytes(conf) val akkaLogLifecycleEvents = conf.getBoolean("spark.akka.logLifecycleEvents", false) val lifecycleEvents = if (akkaLogLifecycleEvents) "on" else "off" if (!akkaLogLifecycleEvents) { // As a workaround for Akka issue #3787, we coerce the "EndpointWriter" log to be silent. // See: Option(Logger.getLogger("akka.remote.EndpointWriter")).map(l => l.setLevel(Level.FATAL)) } val logAkkaConfig = if (conf.getBoolean("spark.akka.logAkkaConfig", false)) "on" else "off" val akkaHeartBeatPauses = conf.getInt("spark.akka.heartbeat.pauses", 6000) val akkaHeartBeatInterval = conf.getInt("spark.akka.heartbeat.interval", 1000) val secretKey = securityManager.getSecretKey() val isAuthOn = securityManager.isAuthenticationEnabled() if (isAuthOn && secretKey == null) { throw new Exception("Secret key is null with authentication on") } val requireCookie = if (isAuthOn) "on" else "off" val secureCookie = if (isAuthOn) secretKey else "" logDebug(s"In createActorSystem, requireCookie is: $requireCookie") val akkaSslConfig = securityManager.akkaSSLOptions.createAkkaConfig .getOrElse(ConfigFactory.empty()) val akkaConf = ConfigFactory.parseMap(conf.getAkkaConf.toMap[String, String]) .withFallback(akkaSslConfig).withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString( s""" |akka.daemonic = on |akka.loggers = [""akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger""] |akka.stdout-loglevel = "ERROR" |akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error = off |akka.remote.require-cookie = "$requireCookie" | = "$secureCookie" |akka.remote.transport-failure-detector.heartbeat-interval = $akkaHeartBeatInterval s |akka.remote.transport-failure-detector.acceptable-heartbeat-pause = $akkaHeartBeatPauses s | = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" |akka.remote.netty.tcp.transport-class = "akka.remote.transport.netty.NettyTransport" |akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname = "$host" |akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = $port |akka.remote.netty.tcp.tcp-nodelay = on |akka.remote.netty.tcp.connection-timeout = $akkaTimeout s |akka.remote.netty.tcp.maximum-frame-size = ${akkaFrameSize}B |akka.remote.netty.tcp.execution-pool-size = $akkaThreads | = $akkaBatchSize |akka.log-config-on-start = $logAkkaConfig |akka.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = $lifecycleEvents |akka.log-dead-letters = $lifecycleEvents |akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = $lifecycleEvents """.stripMargin)) val actorSystem = ActorSystem(name, akkaConf) val provider = actorSystem.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider val boundPort = provider.getDefaultAddress.port.get (actorSystem, boundPort) }
这个方法同样前一部分封装参数,没有的设置默认值,最后 val actorSystem = ActorSystem(name, akkaConf)
ActorSystem 创建好后,下一步就是创建一个Actor 并执行其生命周期的preStart方法:
val actor = actorSystem.actorOf( Props(classOf[Master], host, boundPort, webUiPort, securityMgr, conf), actorName)
override def preStart() { logInfo("Starting Spark master at " + masterUrl) logInfo(s"Running Spark version ${org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION}") // Listen for remote client disconnection events, since they don't go through Akka's watch() context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemotingLifecycleEvent]) webUi.bind() masterWebUiUrl = "http://" + masterPublicAddress + ":" + webUi.boundPort context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 millis, WORKER_TIMEOUT millis, self, CheckForWorkerTimeOut) masterMetricsSystem.registerSource(masterSource) masterMetricsSystem.start() applicationMetricsSystem.start() // Attach the master and app metrics servlet handler to the web ui after the metrics systems are // started. masterMetricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(webUi.attachHandler) applicationMetricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(webUi.attachHandler) .... persistenceEngine = persistenceEngine_ leaderElectionAgent = leaderElectionAgent_ }
def timeOutDeadWorkers() { // Copy the workers into an array so we don't modify the hashset while iterating through it val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val toRemove = workers.filter(_.lastHeartbeat < currentTime - WORKER_TIMEOUT).toArray for (worker <- toRemove) { if (worker.state != WorkerState.DEAD) { logWarning("Removing %s because we got no heartbeat in %d seconds".format(, WORKER_TIMEOUT/1000)) removeWorker(worker) } else { if (worker.lastHeartbeat < currentTime - ((REAPER_ITERATIONS + 1) * WORKER_TIMEOUT)) { workers -= worker // we've seen this DEAD worker in the UI, etc. for long enough; cull it } } } }
override def preStart() { assert(!registered) logInfo("Starting Spark worker %s:%d with %d cores, %s RAM".format( host, port, cores, Utils.megabytesToString(memory))) logInfo(s"Running Spark version ${org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION}") logInfo("Spark home: " + sparkHome) createWorkDir() context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemotingLifecycleEvent]) shuffleService.startIfEnabled() webUi = new WorkerWebUI(this, workDir, webUiPort) webUi.bind() registerWithMaster() metricsSystem.registerSource(workerSource) metricsSystem.start() // Attach the worker metrics servlet handler to the web ui after the metrics system is started. metricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(webUi.attachHandler) }
def registerWithMaster() { // DisassociatedEvent may be triggered multiple times, so don't attempt registration // if there are outstanding registration attempts scheduled. registrationRetryTimer match { case None => registered = false tryRegisterAllMasters() connectionAttemptCount = 0 registrationRetryTimer = Some { context.system.scheduler.schedule(INITIAL_REGISTRATION_RETRY_INTERVAL, INITIAL_REGISTRATION_RETRY_INTERVAL, self, ReregisterWithMaster) } case Some(_) => logInfo("Not spawning another attempt to register with the master, since there is an" + " attempt scheduled already.") } }
private def tryRegisterAllMasters() { for (masterAkkaUrl <- masterAkkaUrls) { logInfo("Connecting to master " + masterAkkaUrl + "...") val actor = context.actorSelection(masterAkkaUrl) actor ! RegisterWorker(workerId, host, port, cores, memory, webUi.boundPort, publicAddress) } }
case RegisterWorker(id, workerHost, workerPort, cores, memory, workerUiPort, publicAddress) => { logInfo("Registering worker %s:%d with %d cores, %s RAM".format( workerHost, workerPort, cores, Utils.megabytesToString(memory))) if (state == RecoveryState.STANDBY) { // ignore, don't send response } else if (idToWorker.contains(id)) { sender ! RegisterWorkerFailed("Duplicate worker ID") } else { val worker = new WorkerInfo(id, workerHost, workerPort, cores, memory, sender, workerUiPort, publicAddress) if (registerWorker(worker)) { persistenceEngine.addWorker(worker) sender ! RegisteredWorker(masterUrl, masterWebUiUrl) schedule() } else { val workerAddress = logWarning("Worker registration failed. Attempted to re-register worker at same " + "address: " + workerAddress) sender ! RegisterWorkerFailed("Attempted to re-register worker at same address: " + workerAddress) } } }
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