在table.js这个文件里面找到M.prototype.eachCols这个方法,把代码格式化之后大概在(254)行,找到之后找到循环里面的o += t.colspan > 1 ? t.colspan : 1),这个打印出来的是字符串,所以就乱了,只需要o += parseInt(t.colspan) > 1 ? parseInt(t.colspan) : 1)这样转换一下,就对了。
/** layui-v2.3.0 MIT License By https://www.layui.com */ ;layui.define(["laytpl", "laypage", "layer", "form"], function(e) { "use strict"; var t = layui.$ , i = layui.laytpl , a = layui.laypage , l = layui.layer , n = layui.form , o = layui.hint() , r = layui.device() , d = { config: { checkName: "LAY_CHECKED", indexName: "LAY_TABLE_INDEX" }, cache: {}, index: layui.table ? layui.table.index + 1e4 : 0, set: function(e) { var i = this; return i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, e), i }, on: function(e, t) { return layui.onevent.call(this, s, e, t) } } , c = function() { var e = this , t = e.config , i = t.id; return i && (c.config[i] = t), { reload: function(t) { e.reload.call(e, t) }, config: t } } , s = "table" , u = ".layui-table" , h = "layui-hide" , f = "layui-none" , y = "layui-table-view" , p = ".layui-table-header" , m = ".layui-table-body" , v = ".layui-table-main" , g = ".layui-table-fixed" , x = ".layui-table-fixed-l" , b = ".layui-table-fixed-r" , k = ".layui-table-tool" , C = ".layui-table-page" , w = ".layui-table-sort" , N = "layui-table-edit" , T = "layui-table-hover" , F = function(e) { var t = '{{#if(item2.colspan){}} colspan="{{item2.colspan}}"{{#} if(item2.rowspan){}} rowspan="{{item2.rowspan}}"{{#}}}'; return e = e || {}, ['
', "", "{{# layui.each(d.data.cols, function(i1, item1){ }}", "", "{{# layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}", '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ left = true; } }}', '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ right = true; } }}', function() { return e.fixed && "right" !== e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ }}' : "right" === e.fixed ? '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ }}' : "" }(), '', ' 1){ }}", "group", "{{# } else { }}", "{{d.index}}-{{item2.field || i2}}", '{{# if(item2.type !== "normal"){ }}', " laytable-cell-{{ item2.type }}", "{{# } }}", "{{# } }}", '" {{#if(item2.align){}}align="{{item2.align}}"{{#}}}>', '{{# if(item2.type === "checkbox"){ }}', ' ', "{{# } else { }}", '{{item2.title||""}} ', "{{# if(!(item2.colspan > 1) && item2.sort){ }}", ' ', "{{# } }}", "{{# } }}", "
", " ", e.fixed ? "{{# }; }}" : "", "{{# }); }}", " ", "{{# }); }}", " ", "
, W = ['
, z = ['
, A = t(window)
, S = t(document)
, M = function(e) {
var i = this;
i.index = ++d.index,
i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, d.config, e),
M.prototype.config = {
limit: 10,
loading: !0,
cellMinWidth: 60,
text: {
none: "无数据"
M.prototype.render = function() {
var e = this
, a = e.config;
if (a.elem = t(a.elem),
a.where = a.where || {},
a.id = a.id || a.elem.attr("id"),
a.request = t.extend({
pageName: "page",
limitName: "limit"
}, a.request),
a.response = t.extend({
statusName: "code",
statusCode: 0,
msgName: "msg",
dataName: "data",
countName: "count"
}, a.response),
"object" == typeof a.page && (a.limit = a.page.limit || a.limit,
a.limits = a.page.limits || a.limits,
e.page = a.page.curr = a.page.curr || 1,
delete a.page.elem,
delete a.page.jump),
return e;
var l = a.elem
, n = l.next("." + y)
, o = e.elem = t(i(z).render({
data: a,
index: e.index
if (a.index = e.index,
n[0] && n.remove(),
e.layHeader = o.find(p),
e.layMain = o.find(v),
e.layBody = o.find(m),
e.layFixed = o.find(g),
e.layFixLeft = o.find(x),
e.layFixRight = o.find(b),
e.layTool = o.find(k),
e.layPage = o.find(C),
e.layTool.html(i(t(a.toolbar).html() || "").render(a)),
a.height && e.fullSize(),
a.cols.length > 1) {
var r = e.layFixed.find(p).find("th");
r.height(e.layHeader.height() - 1 - parseFloat(r.css("padding-top")) - parseFloat(r.css("padding-bottom")))
M.prototype.initOpts = function(e) {
var t = this
, i = (t.config,
checkbox: 48,
space: 15,
numbers: 40
e.checkbox && (e.type = "checkbox"),
e.space && (e.type = "space"),
e.type || (e.type = "normal"),
"normal" !== e.type && (e.unresize = !0,
e.width = e.width || i[e.type])
M.prototype.setArea = function() {
var e = this
, t = e.config
, i = 0
, a = 0
, l = 0
, n = 0
, o = t.width || function() {
var e = function(i) {
var a, l;
i = i || t.elem.parent(),
a = i.width();
try {
l = "none" === i.css("display")
} catch (n) {}
return !i[0] || a && !l ? a : e(i.parent())
return e()
e.eachCols(function() {
o -= function() {
return "line" === t.skin || "nob" === t.skin ? 2 : i + 1
layui.each(t.cols, function(t, i) {
layui.each(i, function(t, l) {
var r;
return l ? (e.initOpts(l),
r = l.width || 0,
void (l.colspan > 1 || (/\d+%$/.test(r) ? l.width = r = Math.floor(parseFloat(r) / 100 * o) : r || (l.width = r = 0,
n += r))) : void i.splice(t, 1)
e.autoColNums = a,
o > n && a && (l = (o - n) / a),
layui.each(t.cols, function(e, i) {
layui.each(i, function(e, i) {
var a = i.minWidth || t.cellMinWidth;
i.colspan > 1 || 0 === i.width && (i.width = Math.floor(l >= a ? l : a))
t.height && /^full-\d+$/.test(t.height) && (e.fullHeightGap = t.height.split("-")[1],
t.height = A.height() - e.fullHeightGap)
M.prototype.reload = function(e) {
var i = this;
i.config.data && i.config.data.constructor === Array && delete i.config.data,
i.config = t.extend({}, i.config, e),
M.prototype.page = 1,
M.prototype.pullData = function(e, i) {
var a = this
, n = a.config
, o = n.request
, r = n.response
, d = function() {
"object" == typeof n.initSort && a.sort(n.initSort.field, n.initSort.type)
if (a.startTime = (new Date).getTime(),
n.url) {
var c = {};
c[o.pageName] = e,
c[o.limitName] = n.limit;
var s = t.extend(c, n.where);
n.contentType && 0 == n.contentType.indexOf("application/json") && (s = JSON.stringify(s)),
type: n.method || "get",
url: n.url,
contentType: n.contentType,
data: s,
dataType: "json",
headers: n.headers || {},
success: function(t) {
t[r.statusName] != r.statusCode ? (a.renderForm(),
' + (t[r.msgName] || "返回的数据状态异常") + "
")) : (a.renderData(t, e, t[r.countName]),
n.time = (new Date).getTime() - a.startTime + " ms"),
i && l.close(i),
"function" == typeof n.done && n.done(t, e, t[r.countName])
error: function(e, t) {
i && l.close(i)
} else if (n.data && n.data.constructor === Array) {
var u = {}
, h = e * n.limit - n.limit;
u[r.dataName] = n.data.concat().splice(h, n.limit),
u[r.countName] = n.data.length,
a.renderData(u, e, n.data.length),
"function" == typeof n.done && n.done(u, e, u[r.countName])
M.prototype.eachCols = function(e) {
var i = t.extend(!0, [], this.config.cols)
, a = []
, l = 0;
layui.each(i, function(e, t) {
layui.each(t, function(t, n) {
if (n.colspan > 1) {
var o = 0;
n.CHILD_COLS = [],
layui.each(i[e + 1], function(e, t) {
t.PARENT_COL || o == n.colspan || (t.PARENT_COL = l,
o += parseInt(t.colspan) > 1 ? parseInt(t.colspan) : 1)
n.PARENT_COL || a.push(n)
var n = function(t) {
layui.each(t || a, function(t, i) {
return i.CHILD_COLS ? n(i.CHILD_COLS) : void e(t, i)
M.prototype.renderData = function(e, n, o, r) {
var c = this
, s = c.config
, u = e[s.response.dataName] || []
, y = []
, p = []
, m = []
, v = function() {
return !r && c.sortKey ? c.sort(c.sortKey.field, c.sortKey.sort, !0) : (layui.each(u, function(e, a) {
var l = []
, o = []
, u = []
, h = e + s.limit * (n - 1) + 1;
0 !== a.length && (r || (a[d.config.indexName] = e),
c.eachCols(function(e, n) {
var r = n.field || e
, f = a[r];
c.getColElem(c.layHeader, r);
if (void 0 !== f && null !== f || (f = ""),
!(n.colspan > 1)) {
var y = ['
var e = []; return n.edit && e.push('data-edit="' + n.edit + '"'), n.align && e.push('align="' + n.align + '"'), n.templet && e.push('data-content="' + f + '"'), n.toolbar && e.push('data-off="true"'), n.event && e.push('lay-event="' + n.event + '"'), n.style && e.push('style="' + n.style + '"'), n.minWidth && e.push('data-minwidth="' + n.minWidth + '"'), e.join(" ") }() + ">", ' return "normal" === n.type ? e : e + " laytable-cell-" + n.type }() + '">' + function() { var e = t.extend(!0, { LAY_INDEX: h }, a); return "checkbox" === n.type ? ' var t = d.config.checkName; return n[t] ? (a[t] = n[t], n[t] ? "checked" : "") : e[t] ? "checked" : "" }() + ">" : "numbers" === n.type ? h : n.toolbar ? i(t(n.toolbar).html() || "").render(e) : n.templet ? function() { return "function" == typeof n.templet ? n.templet(e) : i(t(n.templet).html() || String(f)).render(e) }() : f }(), "
n.fixed && "right" !== n.fixed && o.push(y),
"right" === n.fixed && u.push(y)
' + l.join("") + " "),
' + o.join("") + " "),
' + u.join("") + " "))
c.layMain.find("." + f).remove(),
c.haveInit ? c.scrollPatch() : setTimeout(function() {
}, 50),
c.haveInit = !0,
void l.close(c.tipsIndex))
return c.key = s.id || s.index,
d.cache[c.key] = u,
c.layPage[0 === u.length && 1 == n ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](h),
r ? v() : 0 === u.length ? (c.renderForm(),
c.layMain.find("." + f).remove(),
' + s.text.none + "
")) : (v(),
void (s.page && (s.page = t.extend({
elem: "layui-table-page" + s.index,
count: o,
limit: s.limit,
limits: s.limits || [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90],
groups: 3,
layout: ["prev", "page", "next", "skip", "count", "limit"],
prev: '
next: '
jump: function(e, t) {
t || (c.page = e.curr,
s.limit = e.limit,
c.pullData(e.curr, c.loading()))
}, s.page),
s.page.count = o,
M.prototype.getColElem = function(e, t) {
var i = this
, a = i.config;
return e.eq(0).find(".laytable-cell-" + (a.index + "-" + t) + ":eq(0)")
M.prototype.renderForm = function(e) {
n.render(e, "LAY-table-" + this.index)
M.prototype.sort = function(e, i, a, l) {
var n, r, c = this, u = {}, h = c.config, f = h.elem.attr("lay-filter"), y = d.cache[c.key];
"string" == typeof e && c.layHeader.find("th").each(function(i, a) {
var l = t(this)
, o = l.data("field");
if (o === e)
return e = l,
n = o,
try {
var n = n || e.data("field");
if (c.sortKey && !a && n === c.sortKey.field && i === c.sortKey.sort)
var p = c.layHeader.find("th .laytable-cell-" + h.index + "-" + n).find(w);
p.attr("lay-sort", i || null),
} catch (m) {
return o.error("Table modules: Did not match to field")
c.sortKey = {
field: n,
sort: i
"asc" === i ? r = layui.sort(y, n) : "desc" === i ? r = layui.sort(y, n, !0) : (r = layui.sort(y, d.config.indexName),
delete c.sortKey),
u[h.response.dataName] = r,
c.renderData(u, c.page, c.count, !0),
l && layui.event.call(e, s, "sort(" + f + ")", {
field: n,
type: i
M.prototype.loading = function() {
var e = this
, t = e.config;
if (t.loading && t.url)
return l.msg("数据请求中", {
icon: 16,
offset: [e.elem.offset().top + e.elem.height() / 2 - 35 - A.scrollTop() + "px", e.elem.offset().left + e.elem.width() / 2 - 90 - A.scrollLeft() + "px"],
time: -1,
anim: -1,
fixed: !1
M.prototype.setCheckData = function(e, t) {
var i = this
, a = i.config
, l = d.cache[i.key];
l[e] && l[e].constructor !== Array && (l[e][a.checkName] = t)
M.prototype.syncCheckAll = function() {
var e = this
, t = e.config
, i = e.layHeader.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]')
, a = function(i) {
return e.eachCols(function(e, a) {
"checkbox" === a.type && (a[t.checkName] = i)
i[0] && (d.checkStatus(e.key).isAll ? (i[0].checked || (i.prop("checked", !0),
a(!0)) : (i[0].checked && (i.prop("checked", !1),
M.prototype.getCssRule = function(e, t) {
var i = this
, a = i.elem.find("style")[0]
, l = a.sheet || a.styleSheet || {}
, n = l.cssRules || l.rules;
layui.each(n, function(a, l) {
if (l.selectorText === ".laytable-cell-" + i.index + "-" + e)
return t(l),
M.prototype.fullSize = function() {
var e, t = this, i = t.config, a = i.height;
t.fullHeightGap && (a = A.height() - t.fullHeightGap,
a < 135 && (a = 135),
t.elem.css("height", a)),
e = parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(t.layHeader.height()) - 1,
i.toolbar && (e -= t.layTool.outerHeight()),
i.page && (e = e - t.layPage.outerHeight() - 1),
t.layMain.css("height", e)
M.prototype.getScrollWidth = function(e) {
var t = 0;
return e ? t = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth : (e = document.createElement("div"),
e.style.width = "100px",
e.style.height = "100px",
e.style.overflowY = "scroll",
t = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth,
M.prototype.scrollPatch = function() {
var e = this
, i = e.layMain.children("table")
, a = e.layMain.width() - e.layMain.prop("clientWidth")
, l = e.layMain.height() - e.layMain.prop("clientHeight")
, n = e.getScrollWidth(e.layMain[0])
, o = i.outerWidth() - e.layMain.width();
if (e.autoColNums && o < 5 && !e.scrollPatchWStatus) {
var r = e.layHeader.eq(0).find("thead th:last-child")
, d = r.data("field");
e.getCssRule(d, function(t) {
var i = t.style.width || r.outerWidth();
t.style.width = parseFloat(i) - n - o + "px",
e.layMain.height() - e.layMain.prop("clientHeight") > 0 && (t.style.width = parseFloat(t.style.width) - 1 + "px"),
e.scrollPatchWStatus = !0
if (a && l) {
if (!e.elem.find(".layui-table-patch")[0]) {
var c = t('
width: a
e.layHeader.eq(0).find("thead tr").append(c)
} else
var s = e.layMain.height()
, u = s - l;
e.layFixed.find(m).css("height", i.height() > u ? u : "auto"),
e.layFixRight[o > 0 ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](h),
e.layFixRight.css("right", a - 1)
M.prototype.events = function() {
var e, a = this, n = a.config, o = t("body"), c = {}, u = a.layHeader.find("th"), h = ".layui-table-cell", f = n.elem.attr("lay-filter");
u.on("mousemove", function(e) {
var i = t(this)
, a = i.offset().left
, l = e.clientX - a;
i.attr("colspan") > 1 || i.data("unresize") || c.resizeStart || (c.allowResize = i.width() - l <= 10,
o.css("cursor", c.allowResize ? "col-resize" : ""))
}).on("mouseleave", function() {
c.resizeStart || o.css("cursor", "")
}).on("mousedown", function(e) {
var i = t(this);
if (c.allowResize) {
var l = i.data("field");
c.resizeStart = !0,
c.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY],
a.getCssRule(l, function(e) {
var t = e.style.width || i.outerWidth();
c.rule = e,
c.ruleWidth = parseFloat(t),
c.minWidth = i.data("minwidth") || n.cellMinWidth
S.on("mousemove", function(t) {
if (c.resizeStart) {
if (t.preventDefault(),
c.rule) {
var i = c.ruleWidth + t.clientX - c.offset[0];
i < c.minWidth && (i = c.minWidth),
c.rule.style.width = i + "px",
e = 1
}).on("mouseup", function(t) {
c.resizeStart && (c = {},
o.css("cursor", ""),
2 === e && (e = null)
u.on("click", function() {
var i, l = t(this), n = l.find(w), o = n.attr("lay-sort");
return n[0] && 1 !== e ? (i = "asc" === o ? "desc" : "desc" === o ? null : "asc",
void a.sort(l, i, null, !0)) : e = 2
}).find(w + " .layui-edge ").on("click", function(e) {
var i = t(this)
, l = i.index()
, n = i.parents("th").eq(0).data("field");
0 === l ? a.sort(n, "asc", null, !0) : a.sort(n, "desc", null, !0)
a.elem.on("click", 'input[name="layTableCheckbox"]+', function() {
var e = t(this).prev()
, i = a.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]')
, l = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index")
, n = e[0].checked
, o = "layTableAllChoose" === e.attr("lay-filter");
o ? (i.each(function(e, t) {
t.checked = n,
a.setCheckData(e, n)
a.renderForm("checkbox")) : (a.setCheckData(l, n),
layui.event.call(this, s, "checkbox(" + f + ")", {
checked: n,
data: d.cache[a.key] ? d.cache[a.key][l] || {} : {},
type: o ? "all" : "one"
a.layBody.on("mouseenter", "tr", function() {
var e = t(this)
, i = e.index();
a.layBody.find("tr:eq(" + i + ")").addClass(T)
}).on("mouseleave", "tr", function() {
var e = t(this)
, i = e.index();
a.layBody.find("tr:eq(" + i + ")").removeClass(T)
a.layBody.on("change", "." + N, function() {
var e = t(this)
, i = this.value
, l = e.parent().data("field")
, n = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index")
, o = d.cache[a.key][n];
o[l] = i,
layui.event.call(this, s, "edit(" + f + ")", {
value: i,
data: o,
field: l
}).on("blur", "." + N, function() {
var e, l = t(this), n = l.parent().data("field"), o = l.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index"), r = d.cache[a.key][o];
a.eachCols(function(t, i) {
i.field == n && i.templet && (e = i.templet)
l.siblings(h).html(e ? i(t(e).html() || this.value).render(r) : this.value),
l.parent().data("content", this.value),
a.layBody.on("click", "td", function() {
var e = t(this)
, i = (e.data("field"),
, o = e.children(h);
if (l.close(a.tipsIndex),
if (i)
if ("select" === i)
else {
var d = t('
d[0].value = e.data("content") || o.text(),
e.find("." + N)[0] || e.append(d),
o.find(".layui-form-switch,.layui-form-checkbox")[0] || Math.round(o.prop("scrollWidth")) > Math.round(o.outerWidth()) && (a.tipsIndex = l.tips(['
return "sm" === n.size ? "padding: 4px 15px; font-size: 12px;" : "lg" === n.size ? "padding: 14px 15px;" : "" }() + '">', o.html(), "
", '
ဆ '].join(""), o[0], {
tips: [3, ""],
time: -1,
anim: -1,
maxWidth: r.ios || r.android ? 300 : 600,
isOutAnim: !1,
skin: "layui-table-tips",
success: function(e, t) {
e.find(".layui-table-tips-c").on("click", function() {
a.layBody.on("click", "*[lay-event]", function() {
var e = t(this)
, l = e.parents("tr").eq(0).data("index")
, n = a.layBody.find('tr[data-index="' + l + '"]')
, o = "layui-table-click"
, r = d.cache[a.key][l];
layui.event.call(this, s, "tool(" + f + ")", {
data: d.clearCacheKey(r),
event: e.attr("lay-event"),
tr: n,
del: function() {
d.cache[a.key][l] = [],
update: function(e) {
e = e || {},
layui.each(e, function(e, l) {
if (e in r) {
var o, d = n.children('td[data-field="' + e + '"]');
r[e] = l,
a.eachCols(function(t, i) {
i.field == e && i.templet && (o = i.templet)
d.children(h).html(o ? i(t(o).html() || l).render(r) : l),
d.data("content", l)
a.layMain.on("scroll", function() {
var e = t(this)
, i = e.scrollLeft()
, n = e.scrollTop();
A.on("resize", function() {
d.init = function(e, i) {
i = i || {};
var a = this
, l = t(e ? 'table[lay-filter="' + e + '"]' : u + "[lay-data]")
, n = "Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: ";
return l.each(function() {
var a = t(this)
, l = a.attr("lay-data");
try {
l = new Function("return " + l)()
} catch (r) {
o.error(n + l)
var c = []
, s = t.extend({
elem: this,
cols: [],
data: [],
skin: a.attr("lay-skin"),
size: a.attr("lay-size"),
even: "string" == typeof a.attr("lay-even")
}, d.config, i, l);
e && a.hide(),
a.find("thead>tr").each(function(e) {
s.cols[e] = [],
t(this).children().each(function(i) {
var a = t(this)
, l = a.attr("lay-data");
try {
l = new Function("return " + l)()
} catch (r) {
return o.error(n + l)
var d = t.extend({
title: a.text(),
colspan: a.attr("colspan") || 0,
rowspan: a.attr("rowspan") || 0
}, l);
d.colspan < 2 && c.push(d),
a.find("tbody>tr").each(function(e) {
var i = t(this)
, a = {};
i.children("td").each(function(e, i) {
var l = t(this)
, n = l.data("field");
if (n)
return a[n] = l.html()
layui.each(c, function(e, t) {
var l = i.children("td").eq(e);
a[t.field] = l.html()
s.data[e] = a
d.checkStatus = function(e) {
var t = 0
, i = 0
, a = []
, l = d.cache[e] || [];
return layui.each(l, function(e, l) {
return l.constructor === Array ? void i++ : void (l[d.config.checkName] && (t++,
data: a,
isAll: !!l.length && t === l.length - i
c.config = {},
d.reload = function(e, i) {
var a = c.config[e];
return i = i || {},
a ? (i.data && i.data.constructor === Array && delete a.data,
d.render(t.extend(!0, {}, a, i))) : o.error("The ID option was not found in the table instance")
d.render = function(e) {
var t = new M(e);
return c.call(t)
d.clearCacheKey = function(e) {
return e = t.extend({}, e),
delete e[d.config.checkName],
delete e[d.config.indexName],
e(s, d)