Day 12《小屁孩日记》

Day 12《小屁孩日记》7. 25

Page 112-123



原文:I must be losing my marbles.

释义:(imformal) a way of referring to sb’s intelligence or mental ability理智;智力

造句:Hearing his words, I almost lost my marbles.

2.spill the beans

原文:So if I can figure out a way to spill the beans without Rodrick finding out, I’m gonna go for it.

释义:(informal) to tell sb. sth. that should be kept secret or private泄露秘密;说漏嘴

造句:Someone must have spilled the beans and my parents grounded me for a week.

3.check with sb.

原文:They should’ve at least check with me before doing something stupid like that.

释义:to ask someone whether something is correct, true, or allowed


造句:You need to check with your parents if you want to quit the school.


Once I realized Heather wasn’t there, Iturned around to go back home.


仿写:Once he came home, he began to do homework.


Because of the heavy rain, I almost stay in the hotel all day instead of swimming in the sea. How boring it is! I wish it would be fine tomorrow.

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