This contract is made by and between Buyer and Seller; whereby Buyer agrees to buy and Seller
此合同由买方和卖方共同拟定 据此买方双方同意根据以下条款交易以下商品
agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity on the terms and conditions stated as below:
Clause 1. Commodity条款1.货物
Name of Commodity :Iron Ore Lumps
商品名称 铁矿
Port of Loading:
Country of Origin : Thailand
原产地 泰国
Port of Destination:Main Port(S), China
目的港口 中国大陆
Partial Shipment:Not Allowed
分批装运 不允许
Clause 2. Delivery Period and Quantity条款2.交货期和数量
Transportation:By Ocean Vessel
运输工具 远洋轮船
Quantity:*WMT +/-10% at Seller’s Option
数量 湿公吨 由卖方选择
Clause 3. Specifications条款3说明书
A.Chemical Composition (on dry basis, percentage by weight化学成份(干燥基,重量百分比)
铁 含铁量百分之六十五为基准
二氧化硅 最大值
B. Moisture Content (Free moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade)水分含量(105摄氏度下水分损失)
C. Physical Specification (Natural Basis):物理特性(自然基)
毫米 最小值
Clause 4. Base Price基本价格
Quotation Period: 5 days before and 5 days after NOR(装卸准备就绪通知书) date
报价期间 装卸准备就绪通知书的前五天后五天
Platts 62 Price of Quotation Period plus Value in Use, Plus lump premium based on per DMT CFR FO YANGJIANG PORT,CHINA Basis on 65.00% Fe content.
Clause 5. Price Adjustment价格调整
A. For Fe Content: 铁含量
The base price referred in Clause 4 shall be adjusted as follows:条款四中提及的基本价格参照以下调整
(i) For each 1% Fe content above65.00%, the base price shall be increased by USD1.50per DMT, fraction prorates;含铁量超过百分之六十五以上,品位每提高百分之一,铁矿基本价格应按比例每干公吨调涨1.5美元。不足百分之一按比例计算。
(ii) For each1% Fe content below65.00%down to and including64.00%, the base price shall be decreased by USD1.50per DMT, fraction prorates.
(iii)The buyer has right to reject the cargo if FEcontent below64.00%, or the seller and buyer shall re-negotiate for the price.
B. For Other Elements:其它因素
If the shipment does not meet any of the chemical specifications provided in Clause 3A, the base price shall be decreased as follows, fractions pro-rata:
(i)For excess of Silica (SiO2) 二氧化硅含量超标
At the rate of USD0.5per dry metric ton for each 1.0% in excess of guaranteed specification set in Clause 3.
(ii)For excess of Alumina (Al2O3)氧化铝含量超标
At the rate of USD0.5per dry metric ton for each 1.0%in excess ofguaranteed specification set in Clause 3.
(iii)For excess of Phosphorus (P)
At the rate of USD0.1per dry metric ton for each0.01% in excess ofguaranteed specification set in Clause 3.
(iv)For excess ofSulfur(S)硫超标
At the rate of USD0.1per dry metric ton for each0.01%in excess ofguaranteed specification set in Clause 3.
C. ForSize:粒度
If the shipment does not meet the physical specifications, the base price shall be decreased as follows, fractions pro-rata:
USD 0.50PWMT on natural basis fraction Prorata shall be applied to the quantities of iron oreifbelow8mm and above31.5mmin excess of90%.
Clause 6. Payment by T/T 付款方式电汇
A Provisional payment 预付款
The payment of95% (ninety eightpercent)CFR shipment valueshall be remitted to seller’s nominated accountby T/T within5 WORDING DAYS AFTER DISCHARG FINISHED AT YANG JIANG PORT, CHINA.The docs shall onbasis of loading port report both as per quantity and quality certificates issued bySGSat loading port.
在中国阳江港卸货后五天之内,支付百分之九十五(百分之九十八)的CFR装运货物款,以电汇的方式 ,到卖方指定的帐户。说明文件以装货港出具的由SGS签发的质量和数量证书为准。
B Final payment 最终结算
The balance payment due to the seller after provisional payment shall be effected by T/T against seller’s final invoice in one original and threecopies. The invoice is to be based on CIQ’s certificates as provided in clause8and clause9issued within60 (sixty) daysafter completion of discharging.
If the Certificate issued by CIQ at the discharging port cannot be forwarded to Seller by faxor emailwithin60 (sixty) daysafter completion of discharging, then the certificate at the loading ports shall be the basis of the final invoice. If umpire analysis is required, Seller's final invoice shall be based on umpire analysis certificate and the final payment shall be made when the umpire's certificate is available.如果在卸货完成后的六十天内,卸货港不能把CIQ证书以传真或电子邮件的形式传送给买方,装货港的证书将作为最后结算依据。如果要求仲裁,卖方的最终发票以仲裁报告为准。发票在仲裁报告到手后立即使开出。
In the event that Seller's final invoice amount is not in excess of the provisional payment amount in Clause 6B, Buyer shall send a debit note to Seller in respect of any overpayment together with fax copy of CIQ certificate and/or umpire analysis certificate and Buyer's fax confirming Seller's final invoice calculations based on the above-mentioned certificate. In this case Seller shall make the final payment withinthree(3) days after Buyer’s confirming.如果卖方的最终发票金额没有超过临时结算金额,买方应向卖方送达与多付款项有关的借项清单,并随付CIQ证书的传真件和(或)仲裁报告以及买方确认传真,该传真确认卖方的最终发票结算是以前面提及的证书为准。
Clause 7. Documents文件
A. Documents For Provisional Payment预付款需要的文件
Seller shall provide Buyer with the following documents for95% (ninetyeightpercent) of CFRshipment value:卖方应向买方提供以下文件,用于百分之九十五(百分之九十八)的CFR装运价值的临时结算。
(i)Seller's signed commercial invoice in three original and three copies indicating contract number, name of carrying vessel,CFRvalue of shipment and B/L date & No.卖方出具的商业发票,三份原件和三份复印件,包括合同号,货轮名称,CFR装载货物价值,以及海上运输提单日期号。
(ii)Full set of "Clean on board" charter party B/L made out to order, blank endorsed, marked "freight payable as per Charter party " notifying “TO ORDER”.全套清洁租船提单,空白抬头,空白背书,标注“运费已支付按照租船合同”通知订货人。
(iii)Certificate of Quality issued by SGS at loading port indicating technical data/specification in one original and two copies.装运港SGS出具的质量证书包含技术数据/说明书,一正二副。
(iv)Certificate of Weight issued be SGS at loading port in one original and two copies based ondraft survey indicating the wet weight of the material loaded on the vessel.一正两副在装运港由SGS出具的重量证书,以水尺检测到的装载货物重为准,
(v)Certificate of Origin in one original and 2 (two) copies issued bySeller.卖方签署的原产地证明,一正两副。
B. Documents For Final Paymen最终结算需要的文件
For final drawing of balance5PCTpayment the following documents shall be presented:
(i)seller's signed final commercial invoice in one original and three copies.
(ii)Certificate of Weight andCertificate of Quality in one copy each issued by CIQ as provided in Clause 8 and Clause 9, photocopy/fax copy acceptable.条款八和条款九规定的CIQ出具的重量及质量证明,影印件或传真件皆可。
(iii)Certificate of Weight and certificate of Quality issued bysellerwhich had presented duringProvisional Payment in one copy each can be submitted as substitute if above mentioned documents (ii) are not received by the seller within60 (sixty) daysafter completion of discharging, photocopy/fax copy acceptable.预付款时卖发出具的重量及质量证明复印件一份,可以提交作为替代品,如果上述文件在卸货后六十天内不能送达卖方。
Clause 8. WEIGHING重量
At the loading port, Seller shall, at Seller's expenses, appoint S.G.S. to conduct supervision during the whole procedure of cargo loading and determine the weight of Iron Ore by draft survey. The weight of Iron Ore ascertained and certified by S.G.S. shall be the basis of Seller's provisional invoice. Buyer may, at Buyer's expenses, have its representative be present during the draft survey at the loading port.Meanwhile, in the clause 7, the certificate of Weight issued by the seller shall be based on the Certificate of Weight issued by SGS.
Buyer shall, at Buyer's expense, appoint CIQ for weighing at the port of destination. The weight of shipment at the discharge port is to be ascertained by draft survey. The weight thus determined by CIQ shall be final as to wet quantity of the shipment. Seller may, at Seller's expenses, have its representative or nominated agency be present at the time of draft survey and weight determination at the port of destination.买方可自费指定CIQ在目的港计量。卸货港的货物重量必须通过水尺测量确定。CIQ确定的重量为装载货物的最终湿重。进行水尺测量时,买方也可以自费指定代表或代理至目的港现场。
The weight thus determined by CIQ shall be final as to wet quantity in relevant shipment. If no draft survey is performed at the discharging port within 60 days from the date of completion of discharge, then the weight certificate by SGS in Loading Port at loading port will be regarded as final.
If the differences between the dry weights determined at loading port and the dry weight determined at discharging port are over 0.5% but less than or equal to 1%, the arithmetic mean of the two results shall be final.
If the difference between thedryweights of the Products at the Loading Port and the Discharging Port is more than 1.0% (one percent), the Parties shall discuss and agree in good faith the final and binding weight.
A.At the loading port, seller shall, at Seller's expenses, appoint S.G.S. to conduct supervision during the whole procedure of cargo loading and determine the specification of Iron Ore contained in the shipment and shall provide a certificate showing details of the determination as to the specifications of Iron Ore.Meanwhile, in the clause 7, the certificate of Quality issued by the seller shall be based on the Certificate of Quality issued by SGS.
At the port of destination, Buyer shall, at Buyer's expense, appoint CIQ for sampling and analysis. CIQ shall take sample from the shipment and divide it into three parts; one for Buyer, the second for Seller and the third for possible umpire analysis which shall be sealed and kept by CIQ. Thequalitythus determined by CIQ shall be final.Seller may, at Seller's expenses, have its representatives or nominated agency present at the time of sampling and analysis at the port of destination.
Buyer shall forward to Seller by fax010-58859266 Or Emai lwithin 60 (sixty) days after completion of discharging, a certificate issued by CIQ showing the percentage of chemical contents, the percentage of free moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade and the relevant screen analysis.The analysis conducted by CIQ at the port of destination shall be final except as otherwise provided for in paragraph B below.
买方应在卸货完成六十天内通过传真号 010-58859266或电子邮件将CIQ出具的化学成份百分比、游离水百分比、粒度分析检测结果传送至卖方。在目的港由CIQ主导的分析将作为最终接受结果,除以下情况出现:
B.If the differences from the Fe conten tdetermined at loading port to the Fe content determined at discharging port are over 0.5% but less than or equal to 1%, the arithmetic mean of the two results shall be final.
If the difference between the Fe contentof the Products at the Loading Port and the Discharging Port is more than 1.0% (one percent),the samples for umpire shall be analyzed by an Umpire agreed by buyer and seller, and the certificate of Quality issued by such umpire shall be final for Fe or relevant chemical content.
C.The cost of the umpire analysis shall be for the account of the party whose own analysis differs farther from the umpire analysis, and if the result of such umpire analysis is the mean of the analysis of Buyer and Seller then such cost shall be equally borne by both parties.
D.If no determination of analysis is exercised at the port of destination, the certificate(s) at the loading port issued by S.G.S. shall be conclusive as to analysis of Iron Ore.
Clause 10.DischargingTerms and Conditions
A.1SB 1SP MainPort, China. In case of any Lightening required at the buyer’s nominated port, the same shall be on buyer’s time and cost.
Discharge Rate:15,000WMT/PWWDSHINC 卸货率
B.The shipping agent at discharging port shall be nominated by the buyerand appointed by vessel owner.
C. Demurrageis 6,000USD per day prorata for a part of a day / half despatch for all time saved.
The Buyer will settle demurrage claim and the Seller will settle dispatch claim, within 30 days of completion of discharge. TheSellershall submit lay time calculation to the Buyer within 10 days from the date of completion of discharge along with the copies of statement of facts. TheBuyershall verify the correctness of Lay Time calculations and provide acceptance within 7 days of receipt of Lay time Calculation from theSeller.
Any differences in understanding of Lay time calculations will be resolved mutually by the Buyer and the Seller.对装卸时间计算的异议应双方共同解决。
D. Shifting:
Vessels' first shifting time from waiting at anchorage (or berth) to discharging berth (or anchorage)not to count as laytime; time used in extrashifting of the vessel between discharging berth and/or anchorages count as laytime;intermediate opening and closing of hatches to be for buyers account and time used to count as laytime.
If the vessel is shifted for port convenience / regulation, the time and expense shall be for owners account,the time and expense shall be born by the relative party(excluding the seller) if shift to load another vessel.
E. Stevedore Damage at the Discharging Port 卸货港口的装卸损坏
Vessel owner’s claim for stevedore damage (if any) at discharge port is to be settled between Receivers and owners directly. Notice of such damage shall be given by the ship master and confirmed by Receivers / Stevedores within 24 hours of occurrence of damage or latest prior to sailing of Vessel. Damages affecting vessel’s sea worthiness / cargo worthiness to be repaired immediately.
Laytime for discharge will commence 12 running hours from the first time NOR is duly tendered unless sooner commenced. Time actually used shall be counted. In case vessel is not found in free pratique upon berthing, and/or vessel is not found ready in all respects to discharge, a fresh NOR shall be tendered.Initial draft survey shall not count as laytime.Laytime ceases to count once upon completion of discharge.
G. The disastrous weather (heavy rains, floods, frosts, strong winds, fog) and other natural reasons, if any, cause the delaying of discharging, this process shall not be calculated in the discharging days.
H. Time lost due to reasons attributable to vessel shall not be counted as Lay Time.Shiftingtime from port to working berth not to count as laytime.Time of waiting for daylight shall be counted as laytime. Time of waiting for high tide shall be accounted as laytime.
I.Charge for hard work handling/overtime expenses or TWEEN DECKER tax/surcharge in China, if any,to be for buyer’s Account. Lightening if any, to be for buyer’s Account.
J.Notices of Readiness (NOR) shall be tendered twice in writing /Telex/Fax/Email WIPON/WIBON/WICCON/WIFPON upon arrival at an chorages of the port of destination by vessel agents ATDN SHINC.In case the river port, NOR will be tendered at CJK, the waiting time at CJK will counted as laytime.
K.In the event that original Bills of Lading are not available at discharge port upon vessel’s arrival, owners/master agree to discharge and release entire cargo without presentation of original B/L in which case Charterer’s shall issue a LOI in owners standard P&I Club wording on Charterers’ letterhead signed and stamped by Charterer’s only. In the event that lightening is required and B/L are not available goods only to be discharged into barges against bank guarantee.
Clause 11. Advice of Shipment and Notification of Arrival发运通知和到达通知
The Seller shall nominate suitable vessel and the Buyer upon verification shall communicate its acceptance within one working day.
买方ller shall, upon completion of loading at the loading port, advise Buyer within7(seven) working days after the date of B/L by fax/telex/cable of the contract number, name of vessel, name of commodity, B/L date, B/L number and B/L weight at the loading port.
Seller shall advise buyer 5 (five) working days in advance of the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at loading port specifying the type of vessel and hatch division.
The seller shall arrange for the master of the vessel to notify buyer / discharge port agent three notices of the ETA of the vessel at the discharging port. The first of such notice will be given 10 (ten) days prior to the ETA of the vessel, the second to be given 48 (forty eighty) hours prior to the ETA and the third to be given 24 (twenty four) hours prior to the ETA.
Clause 12. Insurance
To be covered by the buyer. For this purpose seller shall advise buyer particulars of vessel under this contract including name, age and flag, etc.after contract.
Clause 13. Force Majeure
If at any time during the existence of this contract either party is unable to perform whole or in part any obligation under this contract, because of war, hostility, military operation of any character, civil commotions, sabotage, quarantine restriction, acts of Government, explosions, strikes, embargoes, epidemics, fire, floods, earthquake, hurricane, storm or tsunami, then the date of fulfilment of any obligation shall be postponed during the time when such circumstances are operative.
Either party shall promptly give notice to the other party or any force majeure event effecting its obligations under this contract along with documentary evidence such as certificate of Chamber of Commerce or on any other competent authority connected with the cause. If such notice is given, the obligations and responsibilities of the party giving such notice as well as the corresponding obligations and responsibilities of the other party shall be relieved to the extent made necessary by and during the continuance of force majeure.
Clause 14. Title and Risk
The title with respect to each shipment shall pass from Seller to Buyer when Seller receivesprovisionalpayment.
All risk of loss, damage or destruction respecting the ore delivered shall pass to buyer individually and separately at the time of the loading of iron ore devices in to the vessel.
Clause15. Loss of cargo:
In the event of partial loss of Cargo, the bill of lading weight and the analysis carried out at discharging port shall be treated as final and shall form the basis of final invoice and payment.
In the event of total loss of Cargo, the bill of lading weight and the analysis carried out at loading port shall be treated as final and shall form the basis of final invoice and payment.
Clause 16. Arbitration:
Any dispute or claim arising out of this Agreement shall be settled with mutual consent of both the parties. If the parties are failed to conclude the decision, then the matter may be referred to theBeijingArbitration Commission inBeijingin accordance with the rules of arbitration. The decision made by the Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties, Arbitration fees shall be born by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Commission.
Clause 17. Export and other Levies:
Fee levied on export of Iron Ore in the country of origin shall be to the account of Seller, whereas all levies on the import of Iron Ore in the country of destination shall be to the Buyer’s account.
Clause 18. Validation:
The contract shall become valid as and when signed by duly authorised representatives of both the Sellers and the Buyers.
Clause 19. Amendment to the Contract:
Any change or modification in the terms and conditions of this contract shall become effective only when confirmed by both the Sellers and the Buyers in writing.
This Contract shall come into effect and becomes binding upon both parties once it is signed by and exchanged between the parties via Email or fax.
For and behalf of theSeller:
For and behalf of theBuyer: