The Most Important Four Vehicles In My Life

The Most Important Four Vehicles In My Life


Currently there are various means of transport, including bike, motorcycle, car ,bus, taxi, train, plane and so forth, which differ in type,size, color, shape, and function. Of all the vehicles, four matter in my life. The reasons are as follows:


            Single Block 独轮车

It was said that my grandfather and my father pulled the single block with extremely great strength, with my mother sitting on it, so as to send my mother from the small village to the Pengpai Hospital in the county. As soon as they arrived, my mother gave birth to me immediately. To tell you the truth, it was 16 kilometers from my hometown to that hospital ! Furthermore, it took them approximately six hours to get there on foot. When I hear of that, I burst into laughter, not because of the long distance but the single block.

My mother added one evening her vomb ached. However, I didn't come out for two days. Staying inside my mom, maybe my arms patiently crossed ,waiting ,waiting and wondering when I should come to this cosmos. Under such a situation, my grandmother went to worship the God. God said I was special, for the reason that I longed to be born in the fairly big city rather than the small village. Then they did as the God had said. Unfortunately, the path was muddy and full of weeds owning to its not being built. What's worse, even the motorcycle was rarely seen at that time and the only vehicle they could reach in the midnight was the single block at home.

Therefore, it was the single block that helped my mother bring me to this world. I deeply knew how uneasy it was for my mother to bear me; how difficult my father and grandfather should be carrying my mother to the hospital 16 kilometers away by the single block on foot; how fortunate I was coming to this cosmos! Thanks, my mom and dad! Thanks, my grandfather! And of course, thanks the single block!




The Most Important Four Vehicles In My Life_第1张图片


In the early 1990s, the bike in fashion wasn't as beautiful as today's. Instead, it was cumbersome in addition to its big size. The first time I saw a bike was 20years ago, when I was at the age of seven. During those days my father was a businessman,making a thriving business out of selling a variety of fruits and vegetables. Besides, he set out early and returned late, toiling the day, only to make us live from hand to mouth. The only vehicle they had to do business was the 28-size-bike. Everyday he would ride his bike out , and thread his way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the market. There was no doubt that my mother became his devoted fan as well as his girl Friday.

As a consequence, bike became the most important vehicle during those hard years to support the whole family. Meanwhile, I learnt to take good care of my two younger brothers and younger sister, and also do the chores, such as cooking, washing the clothes, making the bed ,etc. The poor children manage household affairs earlier.



The Most Important Four Vehicles In My Life_第2张图片

文化链接:  “Man Friday”的意思就是“得力、忠诚的助手”。这个说法源自小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》。Friday原本是个被其他部落俘虏的野人,被鲁滨逊救了出来。由于是星期五救的,于是起名叫Friday。从此,Friday就成了鲁滨逊忠实的仆人。而“man Friday”后来就演变成了得力助手的代名词。如果助手是女性,就叫“girl Friday”。

          Motorcycle 摩托车

When I became a middle school student, my father had to struggle hard to make more money to pay for the school fees. My two younger brothers as well as my younger sister all went to school. The Nine Year Compulsory Education system hadn't been implemented in China. Four children's going to school further increased the economic burden. My father had to change his occupation, from businessman to driver. He worked earlier than before, and went home so late, rotating around the clock.  One day ,when the hurricane arrived, he was out as usual. My mother suggested him  staying at home, but my father didn't follow her advice. He said angrily ,"If I have a rest , what can we do with the children's school fees?!" That day, I saw him steering his motorcycle,farther and farther from me, with the shadow of his back left.  What impressed me most was that his motorcycle was trembling with the strong winds blowing furiously. It was the first time that I had initiated to worried about him from the bottom of my heart.  Never will I forget that scene!

Certainly, we also had joyful moments with the motorcycle. It was rather convenient for the family outing .On Mid-autumn Festival or the New Year my father would drive us to visit the friends and relatives , and on occasion he would take us to the school or the supermarket or the bookstore.

As a result, motorcycle played an important role in my family. It made my father earn money to pay for the school fees and further attributed to the close relationship between each other.





The rapid development of economy and technology enables the car companies to manufacture cars on a large scale at a cheap price. For the first time, cars were affordable for most of the Chinese family.As for me, I didn't know much about cars until someday I paid attention to a popular saying ,“I would rather sit in the BMW car crying than sit in the back of bicycle smiling.” It was funny , said by Ma Nuo from If You Are The One. As a result, the first type of car I knew was BMW.Luckily the first car I sat on was also BMW. Last year, my husband steer the car taking me to do the pregnancy examination,  with the purpose of checking the guy in my vomb was female or male. And it turned out to be a girl.

On the evening of sep.17th,2016,my vomb ached badly. As my husband was out on business in Shenzhen, my grandparents-in-law asked my seventh antie and her husband to send me to the Pengpai Hospital,  where I was born 27 years ago.The next day I gave birth to my dear daughter. It was his car that drove me there.

However, things were different this time. 27 years ago, it took my mom nearly six hours to reach the hospital by the single block, but just  fifteen minutes by car. How fast and convenient it was!




  From past till now, the appearance of various kinds of vehicles have witnessed the rapid development of economy and technology. From the single block to the car, I benefit a lot. I wish there will be more and more new vehicles in the years to come. Only in this way can our civilians' life more and more convenient.


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