Android File的路径总结



  • Environment.getExternalStorageState();

     该方法用于Returns the current state of the primary "external" storage device.
     `MEDIA_BAD_REMOVAL`     Sd卡被卸载前已经被移除 。Storage state if the media was removed before it was unmounted.
     `MEDIA_CHECKING`     Sd卡正在进行磁盘检查。 Storage state if the media is present and being disk-checked.
     `MEDIA_EJECTING`     Storage state if the media is in the process of being ejected.
     `MEDIA_MOUNTED`     Sd卡存在,且具有读写权限。Storage state if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read/write access.
     `MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY`     Sd卡存在,仅具有读权限。Storage state if the media is present and mounted at its mount point with read-only access.
     `MEDIA_NOFS`     Sd卡存在,但是空白,或者正在使用不受支持的文件系统。Storage state if the media is present but is blank or is using an unsupported filesystem.
     `MEDIA_REMOVED`     Sd卡被移除。Storage state if the media is not present.
     `MEDIA_SHARED`     Sd卡未安装,通过USB大容量分享。Storage state if the media is present not mounted, and shared via USB mass storage.
     `MEDIA_UNKNOWN`     未知状态。Unknown storage state, such as when a path isn't backed by known storage media.
     `MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE`     Sd卡存在,但不能被安装。Storage state if the media is present but cannot be mounted.
     `MEDIA_UNMOUNTED`  Sd卡存在,但未安装。Storage state if the media is present but not mounted. 
  • Environment.getExternalStorageState(new File(new URI("123")));

    该方法用于Returns the current state of the storage device that provides the given path.

  • Environment.getStorageState(new File(new URI("123")));

  • Environment.getDataDirectory();

    该方法用于Return the user data directory.返回值为File类型。

  • Environment.getDownloadCacheDirectory();

    该方法用于Return the download/cache content directory.返回值为File类型。

  • 非常重要Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

    该方法用于Return the primary external storage directory.返回值为File类型。 当用户将手机和电脑连接在一起,此时存储设备被移除了,或者其他问题,返回的目录有可能是不能用的,需判定当前状态。此时不要对External一词感到疑惑,仅指该目录可以更好的存储用于分享的内容媒介。 它是一个可以持有想当多的数据的文件系统,该系统可以被所有应用访问但不需要任何权限。一般来说它是Sd卡,但“外部存储”也可以使内置的存储设备来实现,此时“外部存储”是区别于受保护的内部存储的, 并且“外部存储”可以作为一个文件系统安装在电脑上。

    On devices with multiple users (as described by UserManager), each user has their own isolated external storage. Applications only have access to the external storage for the user they're running as.

  • 非常重要Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.TYPE);

      该方法用于Get a top-level public external storage directory for placing files of a particular type. 返回值为File类型。
      DIRECTORY_ALARMS     闹钟铃声文件类型。Standard directory in which to place any audio files that should be in the list of alarms that the user can select (not as regular music).
      DIRECTORY_DCIM     相机的图片或视频类型。The traditional location for pictures and videos when mounting the device as a camera.
      DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS     文档类型。Standard directory in which to place documents that have been created by the user.
      DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS     用户下载的文件。Standard directory in which to place files that have been downloaded by the user.
      DIRECTORY_MOVIES     用户可用的电影。Standard directory in which to place movies that are available to the user.
      DIRECTORY_MUSIC     标准音乐文件。Standard directory in which to place any audio files that should be in the regular list of music for the user.
      DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS     音频文件通知铃声。Standard directory in which to place any audio files that should be in the list of notifications that the user can select (not as regular music).
      DIRECTORY_PICTURES     用户可用的图片Standard directory in which to place pictures that are available to the user.
      DIRECTORY_PODCASTS     播客音频。Standard directory in which to place any audio files that should be in the list of podcasts that the user can select (not as regular music).
      DIRECTORY_RINGTONES     手机铃声音频。Standard directory in which to place any audio files that should be in the list of ringtones that the user can select (not as regular music). 
  • Environment.getRootDirectory();

    该方法用于Return root of the "system" partition holding the core Android OS. 返回值为File类型。


  • Environment.isExternalStorageEmulated();Environment.isExternalStorageEmulated(new File(new URI("123")));

    这两个方法用于:Returns whether the primary "external" storage device is emulated. If true, data stored on this device will be stored on a portion of the internal storage system.

  • Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable();Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable(new File(new URI("123")));

    这两个方法用于:true if the storage device can be removed (such as an SD card), or false if the storage device is built in and cannot be physically removed.



  • getDir(String name,int mode);


  • openFileOutput(String name,int mode);


  • getFilesDir();


  • getExternalFilesDir(String type);


  1. 外部文件不总是可使用的,如果用户拔掉了外部存储,或者外部存储挂载到了电脑上,其中的文件将消失。

  2. 没有安全执行这些文件。例如,任何一个具备WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE权限的应用都可以写这些文件。





代码为:String path = Envoronment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath +"BeautifulSchool";


代码为:String path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES).getPath() + "BeautifulSchool";


代码为:String path = context.getFileDir()+"BeautifulSchool";


代码为:String path = context.getExternalFilesDir(null)+"BeautifulSchool";


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