
1)What is Sentiment Analysis?##

情感分析(Sentiment analysis),又称倾向性分析,意见抽取(Opinion extraction),意见挖掘(Opinion mining),情感挖掘(Sentiment mining),主观分析(Subjectivity analysis),它是对带有情感色彩的主观性文本进行分析、处理、归纳和推理的过程,如从评论文本中分析用户对“数码相机”的“变焦、价格、大小、重量、闪光、易用性”等属性的情感倾向。

Movie: is this review positive or negative?
Products: what do people think about the new iPhone?
Public sentiment: how is consumer confidence? Is despair increasing?
Politics: what do people think about this candidate or issue?
**• Prediction: ** predict election outcomes or market trends from sentiment
情感分析主要目的就是识别用户对事物或人的看法、态度(attitudes:enduring, affectively colored beliefs, dispositions towards objects or persons),参与主体主要包括:
**Holder (source) **of attitude:观点持有者
**Target (aspect) **of attitude:评价对象
**Type of attitude:评价观点​ From a set of types:Like, love, hate, value, desire, etc.
Or (more commonly) simple weighted polarity: *positive, negative, neutral, *together with strength

Text containing the attitude:评价文本,一般是句子或整篇文档

Simplest task: Is the attitude of this text positive or negative?
More complex: Rank the attitude of this text from 1 to 5
Advanced: Detect the target, source, or complex attitude types

后续章节将以Simplest task为例进行介绍。

2)A Baseline Algorithm##

本小节对影评进行情感分析为例,向大家展示一个简单、实用的情感分析系统。详细见论文: Bo Pang, Lillian Lee, and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan. 2002. Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques. EMNLP-2002, 79—86.
Bo Pang and Lillian Lee. 2004. A Sentimental Education: Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity Summarization Based on Minimum Cuts. ACL, 271-278
我们面临的任务是Polarity detection: Is an IMDB movie review positive or negative?”,数据集为“*Polrity Data 2.0: *http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/pabo/movie-review-data”.
Feature Extraction:直观上,我们会认为形容词直接决定文本的情感,而Pang和Lee的实验表明,采用所有词(unigram)作为特征,可以达到更好的情感分类效果。

其中,需要对否定句进行特别的处理,如句子”I didn’t like this movie”vs “I really like this movie”,unigram只差一个词,但是有着截然不同的含义。为了有效处理这种情况,Das and Chen (2001)提出了“Add NOT_ to every word between negation and following punctuation”,根据此规则可以将句子“didn’t like this movie , but I”转换为“didn’t NOT_like NOT_this NOT_movie, but I”。
另外,在抽取特征时,直观的感觉“Word occurrence may matter more than word frequency”,这是因为最相关的情感词在一些文本片段中仅仅出现一次,词频模型起得作用有限,甚至是负作用,则使用多重伯努利模型事件空间代替多项式事件空间,实验也的确证明了这一点。所以,论文最终选择二值特征,即词的出现与否,代替传统的频率特征。log(freq(w))也是一种值得尝试的降低频率干扰的方法。
Classification using different classifiers:如Naïve BayesMaxEntSVM,以朴素贝叶斯分类器为例,训练过程如下:



实验表明,MaxEnt和SVM相比Naïve Bayes可以得到更好的效果。
最后,通过case review可以总结下,影评情感分类的难点是什么?
语言表达的含蓄微妙:“If you are reading this because it is your darling fragrance, please wear it at home exclusively, and tape the windows shut.”,“ She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B”。
挫败感表达方式:先描述开始的期待(不吝赞美之词),后表达最后失望感受,如“This film should be brilliant. It sounds like a great plot, the actors are** first grade**, and the supporting cast is good as well, and Stallone is attempting to deliver a good performance. However, it can’t hold up.”,“Well as usual Keanu Reeves is nothing special, but surprisingly, the very talented Laurence Fishbourne is **not so good **either, I was surprised.”。

3)Sentiment Lexicons##

GI(The General Inquirer):该词典给出了每个词条非常全面的信息,如词性,反义词,褒贬,等,组织结构如下:


详细见论文:Philip J. Stone, Dexter C Dunphy, Marshall S. Smith, Daniel M. Ogilvie. 1966. The General Inquirer: A Computer Approach to Content Analysis. MIT Press
LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count):该词典通过大量正则表达式描述不同类别的情感词规律,其类别体系与 GI(The General Inquirer)基本一致,组织结构如下:


详细见论文:Pennebaker, J.W., Booth, R.J., & Francis, M.E. (2007). Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count: LIWC 2007. Austin, TX
MPQA Subjectivity Cues Lexicon:其中包含Positive words: 2718,Negative words: 4912,组织结构如下图所示:


详细见论文:Theresa Wilson, Janyce Wiebe, and Paul Hoffmann (2005). Recognizing Contextual Polarity in Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis. Proc. of HLT-EMNLP-2005.
Riloff and Wiebe (2003). Learning extraction patterns for subjective expressions. EMNLP-2003.
Bing Liu Opinion Lexicon:其中包含Positive words: 2006,Negative words: 4783,需要特别说明的是,词典不但包含正常的用词,还包含了拼写错误、语法变形,俚语以及社交媒体标记等,详细见论文:Minqing Hu and Bing Liu. Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews. ACM SIGKDD-2004.
SentiWordNet:其通过对 WordNet中的词条进行情感分类,并标注出每个词条属于positive和negative类别的权重大小,组织结构如下:


详细见论文:Stefano Baccianella, Andrea Esuli, and Fabrizio Sebastiani. 2010 SENTIWORDNET 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. LREC-2010



为了使得不同词条在不同类别下的概率可比,通常使用Scaled likelihood公式代替,如下:

如下图所示,列出了部分词条在不同类别下的Scaled likelihood,据此可以判断每个词条的倾向性。
另外,我们通常会有这么一个疑问:否定词(如 not, n’t, no, never)是否更容易出现在negative情感文本中? Potts, Christopher(2011)等通过实验给出了答案:More negation in negative sentiment,如下图所示:

4)Learning Sentiment Lexicons##

Use a small amount of information(Seed)A few labeled examples
A few hand-built patterns

To bootstrap a lexicon

** 1. Hatzivassiloglou & McKeown:论文见Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou and Kathleen R. McKeown. 1997. Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives. ACL, 174–181,基于这样的一种语言现象:“Adjectives conjoined by ‘and’ have same polarity;Adjectives conjoined by ‘but **‘ do not”,如下示例:
Fair and legitimate, corrupt and brutal
*fair and brutal, *corrupt and legitimate
fair **but **brutal

Hatzivassiloglou & McKeown(1997)提出了基于bootstrapping的学习方法,主要包括四步:
Step 1:Label seed set of 1336 adjectives (all >20 in 21 million word WSJ corpus)

初始种子集包括657个 positive words(如adequate central clever famous intelligent remarkable reputed sensitive slender thriving…)和679个 negative words(如contagious drunken ignorant lanky listless primitive strident troublesome unresolved unsuspecting…)
Step 2:Expand seed set to conjoined adjectives,如下图所示:

Step 3:Supervised classifier assigns “polarity similarity” to each word pair, resulting in graph,如下图所示:


Step 4:Clustering for partitioning the graph into two


Positive: bold decisive disturbing generous good honest important large mature patient peaceful positive proud sound stimulating straightforward strange talented vigorous witty…
Negative: ambiguous cautious cynical evasive harmful hypocritical inefficient insecure irrational irresponsible minor outspoken pleasant reckless risky selfish tedious unsupported vulnerable wasteful…

** 2. Turney Algorithm:**论文见Turney (2002): Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? Semantic Orientation Applied to Unsupervised Classification of Reviews,具体步骤如下:
Step 1:Extract a phrasal lexicon from reviews,通过规则抽取的phrasal如下图所示:


Step 2:Learn polarity of each phrase,那么,如何评价phrase的polarity呢?直观上,有这样的结论:“Positive phrases co-occur more with ‘excellent’,Negative phrases co-occur more with ’poor’”,这时,将问题转换成如何衡量词条之间的共现关系?于是,学者们引入了点互信息(Pointwise mutual information,PMI),它经常被用于度量两个具体事件的相关程度,公式为:


常用的计算PMI(word1, word2)方法是分别以”word1”,”word2”和”word1 NEAR word2”为query,根据搜索引擎检索结果,得到P(word)和P(word1, word2),如下:
P(word) = hits(word)/N
) = hits(word1 NEAR word2)/N2



Turney Algorithm在410 reviews(from Epinions)的数据集上,其中170 (41%) negative,240 (59%) positive,取得了74%的准确率(baseline为59%,均标注为positive)。
Step 3:Rate a review by the average polarity of its phrases

** 3. Using WordNet to learn polarity:**论文见S.M. Kim and E. Hovy. 2004. Determining the sentiment of opinions. COLING 2004,M. Hu and B. Liu. Mining and summarizing customer reviews. In Proceedings of KDD, 2004.该方法步骤如下:
Create positive (“good”) and negative seed-words (“terrible”)
Find Synonyms and Antonyms

Positive Set: Add synonyms of positive words (“well”) and antonyms of negative words
Negative Set: Add synonyms of negative words (“awful”) and antonyms of positive words (”evil”)
Repeat, following chains of synonyms

以上几个方法都有较好的领域适应性和鲁棒性,基本思想可以概括为“Use seeds and semi-supervised learning to induce lexicons”,即:
Start with a seed set of words (‘good’, ‘poor’)
Find other words that have similar polarity:Using “and” and “but”
Using words that occur nearby in the same document
Using WordNet synonyms and antonyms
Use seeds and semi-supervised learning to induce lexicons
