Aspen智能向导技术,其中包括在Aspen DMCplus中构建测试应用,是为了在履行过程约束的情况下有效地测试一个强耦合、多变量过程。它能够完成流程单元阶跃测试部分自动化。
当操作目标发生变化时,工厂操作员可以修改测试工作点。工厂操作员还可以从几个不同的运行模式中选择:测试(TEST),控制(CONTROL),挂起(SUSPEND)和实验室(LAB)。(欲了解更多信息,请参阅Operator-initiated target changes in a SmartStep application(智能向导应用中操作员启动目标变化)。)
为保证测试过程的安全性,Aspen SmartStep应用提供后退机制。如果某些变量违反了规定测试限制,那么SmartStep引擎将自动中止测试,并在恢复测试前把这些变量导入嵌入式多变量控制器(与Aspen DMCplus控制器类似)中,将违反约束变量调整回正常范围。
Aspen SmartStep technology,which is included in Aspen DMCplus for building tester applications, is designed to effectively test a highly interactive, multivariable process while at the same time honoring process constraints. It enables the partial automation of process unit step testing.
Aspen SmartStep technology uses primitive process models to predict the behavior of the tested process. When the tester application automatically steps an independent variable, it also keeps dependent variables within their prescribed limits. The result is a constrained step test where all constraints are honored.
An Aspen SmartStep application is capable of stepping multiple independent variables simultaneously. Moreover,the testing signal consists of a major step superimposed with medium and high frequency pulses. Because there is sufficient excitation in the dataset at low,medium and high frequency, better data is generated than from a manual test of similar duration.
Plant operators can change the operating point for the testing when operational objectives change.Plant operators can also choose from several different running modes: TEST, CONTROL, SUSPEND and LAB. (For more information,see Operator-initiated target changes in a SmartStep application.)
An Aspen SmartStep application provides fallback mechanism to maintain the safety of the tested process. If certain variables violate prescribed testing limits, then the SmartStep engine will automatically suspend the test and turn these variables over to the embedded multivariable controller (similar to Aspen DMCplus controller) to bring the violated variables back to a normal range before resuming testing.
As the requirement for test supervision is lessened, the process control engineer can focus more on the process relationships in the collected data and on the control performance of the resulting models.The traditionally sequential process of testing, analysis, and then turning on the controller at a later date is now transformed into an iterative process of test / analyze / commission that evaluates initial assumptions early to minimize risk to the project. This results in a robust controller based on a high-fidelity model that ensures maximum reliability and the achievement of maximum economic benefits.
A SmartStep tester application facilitates easy retesting to incorporate process changes into the controller model and, thus, the maximum available benefits from advanced process control systems can be reaped.
See Also
An example SmartStep application
Test signal
Test groups
Tuning parameters in a SmartStep application
Building controller or tester applications
Ramp variables in a SmartStep application
Paired variables in a SmartStep application
Model management in a SmartStep application