[译]什么是FTP MLSD命令

What is MLSD FTP command


[Traceback: http://www.ftprush.com/ftp-mlsd.html]


Older servers supports LIST command only for directory listing, this way the FTP client gets a non-userfriendly raw format for parsing, and only FTP clients knows what it meaning. Since the file timestamp based on the server timezone, it makes more different to doing FTP synchronize with folders and files because of there is no way to get current file timestamp in the server.

For example there is a normally LIST format of raw directory:
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7080 Mar 9 05:24 faq.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 7080 Mar 9 05:24 faq.html

Is it readable for you?

The MLSD command provided by newer servers to gives users a standarded, detailed, readable directory listing, by sending MLSD command through FTP clients, the server returns accurate file information such as file create time, modified time, size and file owner. Since MLSD directory listing includes file modified time in UTC, so it's very useful for FTP client to converts remote file's timestamp to your Local time when synchronize folders. Also the MLST command could be used to get timestamp of single remote file only.



Extensions to FTP(FTP扩展):RFC 3659
