ESXI cmd options

✍️This article provides a side-by-side comparison of performing virtual machine-related tasks using different VMware utilities and command line methods.⚠️

In these examples:

  • vcenter is your vCenter Server hostname
  • esxhost is your ESX/ESXi hostname
  • datastore is the display name of your datastore
  • path_to_vmx_on_datastore is the path to the virtual machine's vmx file relative to the datastore on which it resides
  • vm_name is the display name of a virtual machine
  • path_to_vmx_file is the full path to a virtual machine's vmx file
  • snapshot_name is the name given to a virtual machine snapshot
  • guest_admin_user is a user account with administrative access within a virtual machine's guest OS
  • guest_admin_password is the password for the account noted by guest_admin_user

  • get the IP address of a host running VMware tools
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -i your_vm_name | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs vim-cmd vmsvc/get.guest | grep ipAddress | sed -n 1p | cut -d '"' -f 2
# or
ssh /bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/get.guest $(ssh /bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -i hostname | cut -d ' ' -f 1) | grep ipAddress | sed -n 1p | cut -d '"' -f 2
vim-cmd vmsvc/get.guest your_vmid |grep -m 1 "ipAddress = \""

  • update network configuration of ESXi vms by command line
    Gist file :

options commands
Register a VM vim-cmd solo/registervm path_to_vmx_file
Unregister a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister vmid
Delete a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/destroy vmid
Get a listing of VMs on a host esxcli vm process list or vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Determine if a VM has a snapshot vim-cmd vmsvc/get.snapshot vmid
Take a snapshot of a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create vmid snapshot_name
Remove a snapshot of a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.remove vmid
Get the current power state of a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate vmid
Get the uptime for a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary vmid | grep uptimeSeconds
Power on a VM vim-cmd vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on vmid
Shutdown a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/power.shutdown vmid
Power off a VM esxcli vm process kill –w world_idvim-cmd vmsvc/ vmid
Reboot a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reboot vmid
Reset a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reset vmid
Upgrade VMware Tools in a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/tools.upgrade vmid
Display the IP address of a VM vim-cmd vmsvc/get.guest vmid |grep -m 1 "ipAddress = \""
查看Esxi版本 vmware -v
显示所有ESX相关信息 esxcfg-info -a
显示esx上硬件信息 esxcfg-info -w
重新启动vmware服务 service mgmt-vmware restart
查看宿主机IP地址 esxcfg-vmknic -l
cpu信息 Brand,Core Speed esxcli hardware cpu list
cpu信息 (CPU Cores esxcli hardware cpu global get
Physical Memory esxcli hardware memory get
硬件型号,供应商等信息,主机型号,Product Name 供应商,Vendor Name esxcli hardware platform get
当前时间 esxcli hardware clock get
查看ESXi主机版本号和build号 esxcli system version get
将ESXi主机进入到维护模式 esxcli system maintenanceMode set -- enable yes
将ESXi主机退出维护模式 esxcli system maintenanceMode set --enable no
列出ESXi主机上被改动过的高级设定选项 esxcli system settings advanced list -d
列出ESXi主机上被变动过的kernel设定部分 esxcli system settings kernel list -d
列出、测试和更改SNMP设定 esxcli system snmp get | hash |set|test

esxcli vm process list # 利用esxcli列出ESXi服务器上VMs的World I(运行状态的)

esxcli vm process kill -t soft -w WorldI # 利用esxcli命令杀掉VM

vim-cmd hostsvc``/hostsummary # 查看宿主机摘要信息

vim-cmd vmsvc``/get``.datastores # 查看宿主存储空间信息

vim-cmd vmsvc``/getallvms # 列出所有虚拟机

vim-cmd vmsvc``/power``.getstate VMI # 查看指定VMI虚拟状态

vim-cmd vmsvc``/power``.``shutdown VMI # 关闭虚拟机

vim-cmd vmsvc``/power``.off VMI # 如果虚拟机没有关闭,使用poweroff命令

vim-cmd vmsvc``/get``.config VMI # 查看虚拟机配置信息

esxcli software vib install -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore/patches/xxx``.zip # 为ESXi主机安装更新补丁和驱动

esxcli network nic list # 列出当前ESXi主机上所有NICs的状态

esxcli network vm list # 列出虚拟机的网路信息

esxcli storage nmp device list # 理出当前NMP管理下的设备satp和psp信息

esxcli storage core device vaai status get # 列出注册到PS设备的VI状态

esxcli storage nmp satp set --default-psp VMW_PSP_RR --satp xxxx # 利用esxcli命令将缺省psp改成Round Robin


  • esxcli命令帮助信息

    ssh登录VMware ESX server控制台,用esxcli命令查询虚拟机信息,输出格式支持普通、xml、csv、keyvalue。



1.  ssh登陆到ESXi主机,运行esxtop
2.  按c键切换到cpu模式
3.  按Shift+v,当前页面只显示虚拟机进程
4.  在当前显示中添加Leader World I这一列,找到要关闭的虚拟机的Leader World I
5.  按k键,在提示符模式下输入要关闭虚拟机的Leader World I,回车。
  • 硬盘卷信息

df -h #查看系统磁盘卷容量

  • 查看网络信息

esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get

  • 查看网络接口

esxcli network nic list

  • 查看vswitch接口信息

esxcli network vswitch standard list

你可能感兴趣的:(ESXI cmd options)