Google hacking for penetration testers

For site – –
inurl:nqt.php intitle: "network query tool"
filetype:asp "custom error message"
"asp.net_sessionid" "data source="
Intext: "warning:failed opening" include_path
"http_from=googlebot" "server_software"
intitle:"lantronix web-managerintitle:"lantronix web-manager"
intitle:"index of " back files
inurl:admin backup
allinurl:admin backup
filetype:doc doc
define:ironic inurl:csdn
intitle:index.of "parent directory"
intitle:index.of inurl:admin
intitle:index.of ws_ftp.log
intitle:index.of "server at"
intitle:index.of inurl:"admin/*"

For Web Servers
"AnWeb/1.42h" intitle:index.of
"Apache Tomcat/" intitle:index.of
"Apche-AdvancedExtranetServer/" intitle:index.of
"Apach/df-ets" intitle:index.of
"Apach/" "server at" intitle:index.of
"Apache/AmEuro" intitle:index.of
"Apache/Blast" intitle:index.of
"Apache/WWW" intitle:index.of
"Apache/df-exts" intitle:index.of
"CERN httpd 3.0B (VAX VMS)" intitle:index.of
fitweb-wwws * server at intitle:index.of
HP Apache-based Web "Server/" intitle:index.of
OpenSSL/0.9g intitle:index.of
"httpd+ssl/kttd" * server at intitle:index.of
"JRun Web Server" intitle:index.of
"MaXX/3.1" intitle:index.of
" server at intitle:index.of
"Microsoft-ISS/" intitle:index.of
"OmniHTTPd/2.10" intitle:index.of
"OpenSA/1.0.4" intitle:index.of
"Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache" intitle:index.of
"Red Hat Secure/
" server at intitle:index.of
SEDWebserver * server at intitle:index.of
"Apache/" intitle:index.of
" server at intitle:index.of
filetype:pst pst(contacts | address | inbox)
filetype:reg reg +intext: "internet account manager"

For E-Mail Address
"Internal server error" "server at"
Intitle:"execution of this script not permitted"
e-mail address filetype:csv csv
intitle:index.of dead.letter
filetype:pst pst –from –to –data
intitle:inde.of inbox
intitle: "index of " –inurl:maillog maillog size
inurl:email filetype:mdb
filetype:xls inrul: "email.xls"
filetype:xls username password email
intitle:index.of inbox dbx
filetype:eml eml eml +intext: "subject" +intext: "from"
intitle:index.of inbox dbx
filetype:wab wab
filetype:pst inrul: "outlook.pst"
filetype:mbx mbx intext:subject
inurl:forward filetype:forward –cvs
filetype:mail intext:password subject
filetype:eml intext:password subject
filetype:mbx intext:password subject
filetype:mbx intext:password subject

For network devices
inurl:indexframe.shtml axis
intitle: "live view / -axis"
intitle: "live view/ -axis"
intitle: "the axis 200 home page"
intitle:liveapplet inurl:lvappl
intext: "mobotix m1" intext: "open menu"
intitle; "viewerframe?mode="
snc-rz30 home
intitle:flexwatch intext: "home page ver"
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
"powered by webcamxp" "pro/broadcast"
Intitle: "remote ui:top page"
("fiery webtools" inurl:index2.html)
"webtools enable observe, , flow print jobs"
Intitle: "network administration" inurl: "nic"
Intitle:ricoh intitle: "network administration"
Intitle: "view and configure phaserlink"
"phaser 6250" "printer neighborhood"
"phaser® 740 color printer" "printer named:" phaserlink
"phaser 8200" "© xerox" "refresh" "email alerts"
phaser® 840 color printer
intext:centreware inurl:status
intitle: "Xerox workcentre pro -index"

For usernames
"your username is"
Inurl:admin inurl:userlist
Inurl:admin filetype:asp
Inurl:php inurl:hlstats intext;server username
Filetype:ctl inurl:haccess.ctl basic
Filetype:reg reg intext: "internet account manager"
Filetype:wab wab
Filetype:mdb inurl:profiles
Index.of perform.ini
Filetype:conf inurl:proftpd.conf –sample
Filetype:log username putty
Filetype:rdp rdp
Intitle:index.of .bash_history
Intitle:index.of .sh_history
"index of " lck
+intext:webalizer +intext:total usernames +intext: "usage statistics for"
Filetype:reg reg hkey_current_user username

For password information
Filetype:cfm "cfapplication name" password
Filetype:pass pass intext:userid
Eggdrop filetype:user user
Filetype:ini inurl:flashfxp.ini
Filetype:url +inurl: ftp:// +inurl: "@"
Inurl:zebra.conf intext:password –sample –test –tutorial –download
Filetype:htpasswd htpasswd
Intitle: "index of" ".htpasswd" "htgroup" –intitle: "dist" –apache –htpasswd.c
Intitle: "index of" ".htpasswd" htpasswd.bak
http://.@www bob:bob "sets mode: +k"
"your password if * remember this for later use"
Signin filetype:url
Leapftp intile: "index.of./" sites.ini modified
Inurl:lilo.conf filetype:conf password –tatercounter2000 –bootpwd –man
Filetype:config config intext:appsettings "user id"
Filetype:pwd service
Intitle:index.of administrators.pwd
"# -frontpage-"inurl:service.pwd ext:pwd inurl:_vti_pvt inurl:(service|authos|administrators)
Inurl: "index of "
Filetype:dat wand.dat
Inurl:ospfd.conf intext:password –sample –test –tutorial –download
Index.of passlist
Filetype:dat "password.dat"
Inurl:password.log filetype:log
Filetype:log inurl: "password.log"
Inurl:people.lst filetype:lst
Intitle:index.of config.php
Inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
Inurlnuke filetype:sql
Filetype:conf inurl:psybnc.conf "user.pass="
Filetype:ini servudaemon
Filetype:conf slapd.conf
Inurl: "slapd.conf" intext: "credentials" –manpage -"manual page" –man: -sample
Inurl: "slapd.conf" intext: "rootpw" –manpage -"manual page" –man: -sample
Filetype:sql "identified by" –cvs
Filetype:sql password
Filetype:ini wcx_ftp
Filetype:netrc password
Index.of.etc tial files
Intitle: "index of ..etc" passwd
Intitle:index.of passwd passwd.bak
Intitle: "index of" pwd.db
Intitle:index.of etc shadow
Intitle:index.of master.passwd
Intitle: "index of" spwd.db passwd –pam.conf
Filetype:bak inurl: "htaccess| passwd |shadow |htusers"
Filetype:inc dbconn
Filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
Filetype:properties inurl:db
Inurl:vtund.conf intext:pass –cvs
Inurl: "wvdial.conf" intext; "password"
Filetype:mdb wwforum
"autocreate=true password=*"
Filetype:pwl pwl
Filetype:reg reg +intext; "defaultusername" intext: "defaultpassword"
Filetype:reg reg +intext: "internet account manager"
"index of/" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory"
Filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd

FOR documents
Filetype:xls username password email
Filetype:xls inurl: "password.xls"
Filetype;xls private
Inurl:admin filetype:xls
Filetype:xls inurl:contact
Filetype:xls inurl: "email.xls"
Allinurl:admin mdb
Filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
Inurl:email filetype:mdb
Inurl:backup filetype:mdb
Inurl:profiles filetype:mdb
Inurl:*db filetype:mdb

For sql database dumps
Inurl:nuke filetype:sql
Filetype:sql password
Filetype:sql "indetified by" –cvs
"#dumping data for table username user users password"
"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
"#phpmyadmin mysql-dump" filetype:txt
"#phpmyadmin mysql-dump"
"insert into" –"the

For database files
Filetype:cfm "cfapplication name " password
Filetype:mdb inurl:user.mdb
Inurl:email filetype:mdb
Inurl:forum filetype:mdb
Inurl:profiles filetype:mdb
Filetype:asp dbq="* server.mappath("mdb")"
Allinurl;admin mdb


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