通过 glibc2.25 学习堆之间的 overlap(一)


这个例子就比较简单了,仅仅是覆盖 size 的大小。并没有什么特别的构造。

0X00 例子


int main(int argc , char* argv[]){

    intptr_t *p1,*p2,*p3,*p4;

    fprintf(stderr, "\nThis is a simple chunks overlapping problem\n\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Let's start to allocate 3 chunks on the heap\n");

    p1 = malloc(0x100 - 8);
    p2 = malloc(0x100 - 8);
    p3 = malloc(0x80 - 8);

    fprintf(stderr, "The 3 chunks have been allocated here:\np1=%p\np2=%p\np3=%p\n", p1, p2, p3);

    memset(p1, '1', 0x100 - 8);
    memset(p2, '2', 0x100 - 8);
    memset(p3, '3', 0x80 - 8);

    fprintf(stderr, "\nNow let's free the chunk p2\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "The chunk p2 is now in the unsorted bin ready to serve possible\nnew malloc() of its size\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Now let's simulate an overflow that can overwrite the size of the\nchunk freed p2.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "For a toy program, the value of the last 3 bits is unimportant;"
        " however, it is best to maintain the stability of the heap.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "To achieve this stability we will mark the least signifigant bit as 1 (prev_inuse),"
        " to assure that p1 is not mistaken for a free chunk.\n");

    int evil_chunk_size = 0x181;
    int evil_region_size = 0x180 - 8;
    fprintf(stderr, "We are going to set the size of chunk p2 to to %d, which gives us\na region size of %d\n",
         evil_chunk_size, evil_region_size);

    *(p2-1) = evil_chunk_size; // we are overwriting the "size" field of chunk p2

    fprintf(stderr, "\nNow let's allocate another chunk with a size equal to the data\n"
           "size of the chunk p2 injected size\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "This malloc will be served from the previously freed chunk that\n"
           "is parked in the unsorted bin which size has been modified by us\n");
    p4 = malloc(evil_region_size);

    fprintf(stderr, "\np4 has been allocated at %p and ends at %p\n", (char *)p4, (char *)p4+evil_region_size);
    fprintf(stderr, "p3 starts at %p and ends at %p\n", (char *)p3, (char *)p3+0x80-8);
    fprintf(stderr, "p4 should overlap with p3, in this case p4 includes all p3.\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "\nNow everything copied inside chunk p4 can overwrites data on\nchunk p3,"
        " and data written to chunk p3 can overwrite data\nstored in the p4 chunk.\n\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Let's run through an example. Right now, we have:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "p4 = %s\n", (char *)p4);
    fprintf(stderr, "p3 = %s\n", (char *)p3);

    fprintf(stderr, "\nIf we memset(p4, '4', %d), we have:\n", evil_region_size);
    memset(p4, '4', evil_region_size);
    fprintf(stderr, "p4 = %s\n", (char *)p4);
    fprintf(stderr, "p3 = %s\n", (char *)p3);

    fprintf(stderr, "\nAnd if we then memset(p3, '3', 80), we have:\n");
    memset(p3, '3', 80);
    fprintf(stderr, "p4 = %s\n", (char *)p4);
    fprintf(stderr, "p3 = %s\n", (char *)p3);

0X01 手动调试与原理讲解



int main() {
    void* a = malloc(0x100);
    void* b = malloc(0x100);
    printf("%lx\n", b-a);
    void* m = malloc(0x100 - 8);
    void* n = malloc(0x100-8);
    printf("%lx\n", n-m);
    return 0;

b-a = 0x100 + 0x10 = 0x110

n - m = 0x100 - 0x10 + 0x10 = 0x100

这个答案的不同关键在于,这个 chunk 的 size 在计算的时候有没有考虑下一个 chunk 的 prev_size。如果有考虑,就会存在「空间复用」,如果没有考虑就「没有空间复用」。

实际上是只有申请的 chunk 的大小是 16 的整数倍的时候,就没有空间复用

如果我们修改了一个 chunk 的 size,free 的时候会有哪些检查:我在调试的过程中没有发现 free 对 chunk size 有特别多的检查。

就如同 How2heap 中给的例子那样没有什么很多的构造,仅仅是把两个 chunk 的大小合并成了一个 chunk 的大小,就绕过了所有的检查。。。

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