GNU make manual 翻译(二十四)


   When a `.c' file is used automatically in this way, it is also 
automatically added to the list of prerequisites.  We can therefore omit 
the `.c' files from the prerequisites, provided we omit the recipe.                    
   Here is the entire example, with both of these changes, and a 
variable `objects' as suggested above:                    
     objects = main.o kbd.o command.o display.o \                    
               insert.o search.o files.o utils.o                    
     edit : $(objects)                    
             cc -o edit $(objects)                    
     main.o : defs.h                    
     kbd.o : defs.h command.h                    
     command.o : defs.h command.h                    
     display.o : defs.h buffer.h                    
     insert.o : defs.h buffer.h                    
     search.o : defs.h buffer.h                    
     files.o : defs.h buffer.h command.h                    
     utils.o : defs.h                    
     .PHONY : clean                    
     clean :                    
             rm edit $(objects)                    

当一个.c 文件被这样自动使用的时候,它也将被自动加入到 前提条件里。

因此在我们省略掉片段的时候,我们也可以在前提条件中省略掉 .c 文件。

下面就是一个完整的例子,包含上面所说的改变,和对 变量 objects的使用:

objects = main.o kbd.o command.o display.o \
insert.o search.o files.o utils.o

edit : $(objects)
cc -o edit $(objects)

main.o : defs.h
kbd.o : defs.h command.h
command.o : defs.h command.h
display.o : defs.h buffer.h
insert.o : defs.h buffer.h
search.o : defs.h buffer.h
files.o : defs.h buffer.h command.h
utils.o : defs.h

.PHONY : clean
clean :
rm edit $(objects)


