

1. 论文结果意义的阐释部分应该从哪里开始?是否依据原有的“故事线”?

从literature gap开始, 依据原有故事线逆向总结,从逻辑图顶端开始往下走。

2. 论文序言的关键内容都有哪些?最关键的部分如何组织?



(3   核心对象/变量的主要影响因素/构成要素及原因



3. 基于前两次作业,列出你的课题相关的理论和实践意义。如果得到了预期的结果,理论和实践意义都有哪些?如果没有得到或部分得到预期结果,理论和实践意义又有哪些?此外,列出引言部分需要展现的要点。

Employees are the important objects for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, and are also the executors for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities to other stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility should be promoted to become a sustainable development force by internal and external cooperation. As an important part of internal links, employees are the supporting force for the development of enterprises. Only when an enterprise undertakes to master the cognitive level and true mental state of employees, can timely adjust and improve the company's corresponding CSR behaviors and initiatives. Moreover, it may improve employees’ loyalty and goodwill towards the enterprise, thus stimulating the greatest potential and providing internal motivation for the sustainable development of the enterprise. In other words, it can create a win-win situation. Enterprises could gain better reputation and commercial status through the good performance of CSR, thus bringing better economic benefits to the company. At the same time, companies can better understand their employees and create better working conditions and benefits for their employees. Hence, employees will have a stronger sense of well-being.

A huge number of previous literatures have already demonstrated the role and importance of CSR, and at the same time, they clarified CSR's influence on corporate image, reputation, and economic aspects from the perspective of external stakeholders. Although many CSR related research has been conducted widely, the potential impact of CSR to employees’ perception towards the entire company’s CSR performance has not been clearly defined. Therefore, this article focus on the internal perspective, from the personal perspective of employees' perception of CSR (micro perspective), extend to the company's CSR level (macro perspective). In addition, compared to the quantitative approach used in most of the previous articles, this article will use the qualitative method to interview employees at different levels within the company.

4. 你对本课程有什么意见和建议?



