
1. 准备数据

在此习题集中,你将处理另一种类型的 infobox 数据,审核、清理数据,并得出一种数据模型,将数据插入 MongoDB,然后对数据库运行一些查询。数据集中包含关于蛛形纲动物的数据。
对于这道练习,你的任务是解析文件,仅处理 FIELDS 字典中作为键的字段,并返回清理后的值字典列表。

  • 根据 FIELDS 字典中的映射更改字典的键
  • 删掉“rdf-schema#label”中的小括号里的多余说明,例如“(spider)”
  • 如果“name”为“NULL”,或包含非字母数字字符,将其设为和“label”相同的值。
  • 如果字段的值为“NULL”,将其转换为“None”
  • 如果“synonym”中存在值,应将其转换为数组(列表),方法是删掉“{}”字符,并根* 据“|” 拆分字符串。剩下的清理方式将由你自行决定,例如删除前缀“*”等。如果存在单数同义词,值应该依然是列表格式。
  • 删掉所有字段前后的空格(如果有的话)

[ { 'label': 'Argiope',
'uri': 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Argiope_(spider)',
'description': 'The genus Argiope includes rather large and spectacular spiders that often ...',
'name': 'Argiope',
'synonym': ["One", "Two"],
'classification': {
'family': 'Orb-weaver spider',
'class': 'Arachnid',
'phylum': 'Arthropod',
'order': 'Spider',
'kingdom': 'Animal',
'genus': None
{ 'label': ... , }, ...

import codecs
import csv
import json
import pprint
import re

DATAFILE = 'arachnid.csv'
FIELDS ={'rdf-schema#label': 'label',
         'URI': 'uri',
         'rdf-schema#comment': 'description',
         'synonym': 'synonym',
         'name': 'name',
         'family_label': 'family',
         'class_label': 'class',
         'phylum_label': 'phylum',
         'order_label': 'order',
         'kingdom_label': 'kingdom',
         'genus_label': 'genus'}

def process_file(filename, fields):

    process_fields = fields.keys()
    data = []
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for i in range(3):
            l = reader.next()

        for line in reader:
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            set = {}
            set['classification'] = {}
            for i in process_fields:
                new_field = fields[i]
                temp_value = line[i].strip()
                if temp_value == 'NULL':
                    temp_value = None
                if i=='rdf-schema#label':
                    temp_value = re.sub(r'\(.*\)',' ',temp_value).strip()
                if i=='name' and line[i] =='NULL':
                    temp_value = line['rdf-schema#label'].strip()
                if i=='synonym' and temp_value:
                    temp_value = parse_array(line[i])
                if new_field in ["kingdom", "family", "order", "phylum", "genus", "class"]:
                    set['classification'][new_field] = temp_value
                set[new_field] = temp_value
    return data

def parse_array(v):
    if (v[0] == "{") and (v[-1] == "}"):
        v = v.lstrip("{")
        v = v.rstrip("}")
        v_array = v.split("|")
        v_array = [i.strip() for i in v_array]
        return v_array
    return [v]

2. 向 MongoDB 插入数据

Complete the insert_data function to insert the data into MongoDB.

import json

def insert_data(data, db):

    # Your code here. Insert the data into a collection 'arachnid'


if __name__ == "__main__":
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    db = client.examples

    with open('arachnid.json') as f:
        data = json.loads(f.read())
        insert_data(data, db)
        print db.arachnid.find_one()
