
1.malformed    adj. 畸形的,难看的     2、flaxen  adj. 淡黄色的;亚麻的;亚麻色的

3、den n. 贼窝,私室;兽穴,窝巢;小房间  vi&vt          4、gazebo n. 露台,眺望台

5、turmoil  n. a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.

6、impenetrable  adj.  impossible to get through, see through, or get into;very difficult or impossible to understand

Summary and Reflection

这一章节主要讲了某日下午女孩Sophie在自家花园信箱收到两份信和一张给Hilde Moller Knag生日贺卡,信中主要问了两个问题- Who are you?  Where does the world come from?  由此引发了Sophie一系列关于自己、人类、生存、世界等的思考。

苏菲的世界-第一章THE GARDEN OF EDEN_第1张图片

关于自己和人类     She could choose her own friends, but she certainly hadn’t chosen herself. She had not even chosen to be a human being.  我们不能选择自己的出身,但可以选择交什么样的朋友

关于生死    Was there a life after death? This was another question the cat was blissfully  unaware of.         

only by conjuring up anintense feeling of one day being dead could she appreciate how terribly good it was to be alive. 往往需要有所比较方知珍惜

关于世界  For the first time in her life she felt it wasn’t right to live in the world without at least inquiring where it came from.

Surely everything that exists must have had a beginning?      At some point, something must have come from nothing. But was that possible? Wasn’t that just as impossible as the idea that the world had always existed?  从无到有,那世界又是从何而来,还是一直存在的呢?

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