




condense from…into...从...压缩而成...

Intriguing(ly) / intrigue sb. 有趣的/引起兴趣

be composed of 由...构成

contend that ...主张

spurt up 喷出

go about business 继续做要做的事

play host to life 养育生命

seem plausible  pos:看上去似乎可能的;

                            neg: 花言巧语的

derive from 来自于...

penetrate into 渗透

dissolve chemicals 溶解化学物

imply 暗示 (n. implication)

be confined to 仅限于

bear more than a passing resemblance 极为相似


life's debut 生命首次亮相

one-off 一次性的事情

palaeobiologist 古生物学家

microscopic pore 微观孔隙

hydrothermal vent 热液口

microbe 微生物

basalt 玄武岩

lava 火山岩

vein 纹理

root nodule 根结

living organism 有机体

cloud of dust 灰云

interstellar gas 星际气体

stromatolite 叠层石

photosynthesising bacteria 光合作用的细菌

hollow tube 真空管

a lump of haematite 一团赤铁石

corkscrew 启瓶钻



1. The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates,(--) where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.



Bear more than a passingresemblance to: passing指的是过关,及格线,morethan a passing resemblance指远超及格线,非常相似。

这句句子结构相当复杂,从句套从句,牢记就近原则,但是最后一个where打头的从句,前面一个逗号与破折号之间的部分是修饰hydrothermalvents的插入语,所以where修饰的也是hydrothermal vents。

2. Such a find is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen as a plausible candidate for the cradle oflife.


3. Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the suggestion that hydrothermal vents have played host to life for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.









This article about a plausible cradle of life impresses me a lot. For so long, we humans believe life's debut was because of photothesis. However, the intriguing discovery of new fossils may reveal the suggestion that hydrothermal vents play host to living organisms, which provides a larger blueprint about origins of life. Since photothesis, requiring strict conditions, may not happen in other planets, while chemical reactions seem more plausible for other planets to give birth to lives. Seen from this lense, it proves that lives may exist elsewhere, which may stir up scientists working on astronomy.

I do hope life was not just a lucky one-off confined to the Earth. It may penetrate into each possible corner of the universe. In that way, humans are no longer lonely in the wide galaxy, but companied with possible partners looking for us as well.

To tell the truth, not only the possibilty that life may exist everywhere if the discovery is true intrigues me, but also the process of searching for details about hydrothermal vents and thinking over corresponding Chinese expressions. The logical thinking seems to be more than a little significance. Bear in mind to restructure sentences in a logical way. That does make sense.  But more practice is essential to enchance to ability.
