
Batch size 1 in series production


Joinery business Voit takes a new approach

to panel cutting. The specialist company combines the revolutionary production

cell HPS 320 FlexTec with an intelligent horizontal storage system.

细木工行业Voit使用了一个新的方法进行板件切割。这个专门的公司结合了革命性的生产单元HPS 320 FlexTec与一个只能水平存储系统

"Depending on the cutting pattern, we

can manage up to 1500 parts per shift."


storage system.?

Joinery business Voit takes a new approach to panel

cutting: quality plus quantity


Panel cutting has been completely

overhauled at production specialist Voit. The joinery has made a technological

quantum leap and combined two apparent opposites: flexible batch size 1

production and high throughput. The key factor is the integrated combination of

a HPS 320 FlexTec from Holzma with intelligent panel storage from Homag


板块切割已经被生产专业公司Voit完全地彻底切割。这个细木工业已经完成了一个技术性的质量性飞跃并且结合了两个显而易见的相对面:灵活的批量生产和高生产量。主要因素是综合结合了德国豪迈的HPS 320 FlexTec与从豪迈自动化生产的板件存储系统

HPS 320 FlexTec

More than three years have passed since my

last visit to the Voit joinery in Au in der Hallertau, when they added a

brand-new edge banding machine with laser technology and integrated robot management

(can be read in BM 6/2013). Even then, I noticed that master joiner Stefan Voit

(60) is a real techie. He is open to new things and, particularly important, he

can recognize the potential of modern technology and how to harness its

benefits for his company. I assumed that that would still prove to be true

during this visit.

离我最后一次拜访在der Hallertau的Au Voit细木工业已经过去了三年,当他们增添一个拥有最新技术与完整的机械化管理的崭新封边机(可以。。。)即使如此,我注意到工匠大师Stefan Voit(60岁)是一个真正的高科技专家。他打开了一个新的东西,并且,尤其重要的是他能认识到现代技术的潜能并且为他的公司去使用它好的地方。我认为在这次拜访中仍然是一个正确的。

can be read in BM 6/2013 ?

Specialist and first port of call for automotive


Around 11 years ago, the Voit joinery

specialized exclusively in showroom concepts and furniture for the automotive



The company currently employs 65 people and

customers include BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi and Renault.


As well as fitting out their car

dealerships, Voit also designs and produces backdrops and furniture for events

for its discerning clientèle; for example, launches of new models or series,

such as the BMW i3 or i8. In 1985, the master joiner took over his parents'

company with its five employees at the time.

并且获取他们的汽车代理权,Voit也设计了并且生产背景布幕和家具为它的敏锐眼光的顾客;例如,新模型或系列的发布,比如BMW i3 i8.在1985那个时间,细木工业大师接管他父亲的公司和它的五个员工。

Today, that number has grown to 65. A

production area of around 8500 m² boasts the latest production and packaging

technology. Voit is a classic family business: In addition to Stefan Voit, both

his wife Barbara and his two sons Stefan (31, master joiner and wood

technician) and Alexander (26, joiner) are on board. The core expertise is

processing plastic-coated boards (around 90 %).

今天,这个数量已经增加到65人。一个8500平米的生产区域最新的产品和封装工艺。Voit是一个经典的家庭商业:在板材行业上,除了Stefan Voit,包括他的妻子和两个儿子Stefan(31岁,细木工大师、木材技师),Alexander(26岁,细木工)。核心技术是生产塑料涂敷的模板(90%覆盖率)

Furthermore, Voit processes and paints

through-dyed MDF panels and uses membrane presses to produce shaped parts for

the latest shop concepts of the automotive manufacturers. Their motto is that

nothing is impossible. But even Stefan Voit knows all too well that standing

still means going backwards. And the cutting concept he had been using was no

longer a perfect fit if he wanted to keep using the extreme flexibility of his

company to stand out in the market in the future.

此外,Voit处理染色中纤板并且使用薄膜加工生产异型部分为了汽车厂商的最新商场概念。他们的格言是:没有东西是不肯能的。但是尽管Stefan Voit知道都太好了,长期性的仍然意味着倒退。并且他已经使用过的切割概念不在完美地适应如果他想在未来他的公司能够在市场站住脚保持极其灵活。

Youcould argue that was really "complaining at a very high level." Afterall, he had been using a Holzma HPP 530 plus automatic panel storage unit fromHomag Automation; a high-performance saw-storage combination with a highthroughput. Book cutting was the name of the game. On the one hand, however,the existing storage unit no longer offered the required capacity (space) forthe significant growth in panel and decoroptions. And on the other hand, StefanVoit was looking for a concept that ensured maximum cost efficiency in batchsize 1 for panel dividing, as the batch sizes in his production were becomingsmaller and smaller. Nonetheless, Voit now processes around 1500 m² of panelmaterial daily – and, believe it or not, 50 semitrailers full of assembledfurniture leave the production halls every week.

你可以讨论那是真的“一个高水平的抱怨”。毕竟,他已经使用德国豪迈HPP 530+自动板块存储单元从豪迈自动化;一个高性能存储锯结合了一个高生产量。Book切割时游戏里的名字。然而,一方面,现有的存储单元不再提供可要求能力(空间)在板块和装饰的重大发展上。另一方面,Stefan Voit正在寻找一个确保最大费用效率在一个班次板件切割的概念,当在他生产中一次的产量变得越来越小。尽管如此,Voit现在一天加工大概1500平米的板块材料-并且,不管是否相信,每周有50量半拖车装满装配好的家具离开车间。


"Tailor-made technology"特制技术

While he was searching for a suitable

strategy for the future, Voit took a very close look at the issues of panel

cutting and of nesting. In particular, he used Ligna 2015 to carefully examine

what was on offer on the market and to inform himself comprehensively about the

concepts from the large machine manufacturers. And then came his Eureka moment:

Voit "discovered" the brand new HPS 320 FlexTec in Homag-City. Holzma

had used this concept to open a new chapter in panel dividing and given trade

visitors from all over the world an impressive demonstration of what Cutting

4.0 means to the company from Holzbronn. Voit: "I was impressed and I

realized immediately that what I saw there seemed to be tailor-made for


当他为未来找到一个合适的战略,Voit紧密关注板块切割和镶嵌问题。特别地,他用Ligna 2015小心地检查市场上提供什么并且告诉他自己一切关于从大机器厂商获得的思想。并且他的Eureka时刻的到来:Voit“发现”豪迈城市的新HPS 320 FlexTec品牌。德国豪迈已经使用这个观念在板块分割打开一个新的篇章并且给来自全球的贸易拜访者一个感人的示范关于对于一个公司切割4.0意味着什么。Voit:”我感到很自豪,我立即实现了我所看到的似乎就是为我定制的”


Eureka moment
