1. 概念:
2. 讨论的问题如下:
T1 / E1的时钟问题
数字线路承载的语音通道的pri0-group 配置
ISDN / PRI的Q.921,Q.931的调试
sh diag 查看E1接口卡的槽位
isdn protocol-emulate network 将此接口的设备仿真为网络端设备
card type E1 0 2 定义slot 2上的模块为E1类型
network-clock-participate wic 2 打开VWIC slot 2上的时钟功能
network-clock-select 1 E1 0/2/0 配置时钟原的优先级
R2 - Config
Card type E1 0 2
Network-clock-participate wic 2
Network-clock-select 1 e1 0/2/0
controller e1 0/2/0
frame crc 4
linecode ami
clock source internal
pri-group 0 timeslots 1 -6 // 此命令会自动产生虚拟接口s0/2/0:15 和voice-port 0/2/0:15, 这里的接口编号是固定的,E1:15, T1:23. 此时的timeslots的数量受限于DSP的处理能力 //
isdn switch-type ? //可能是IOS特性不一样,有的是NET5//
basic-1tr6 1TR6 switch type for Germany
basic-5ess Lucent 5ESS switch type for the U.S.
basic-dms100 Northern Telecom DMS-100 switch type for theU.S.
basic-net3 NET3 switch type for UK, Europe, Asia andAustralia
basic-ni National ISDN switch type for the U.S.
basic-qsig QSIG switch type
basic-ts013 TS013 switch type for Australia (obsolete)
ntt NTT switch type for Japan
vn3 VN3 and VN4 switch types for France
int s0/2/0:15
isdn protocol-emulate network //确认为局端//
isdnincoming-voice voice //默认命令,进来的voice交给DSP处理//
dial-pvoi 1000 pots
forward-digitall //转发所有,相当于不吃号//
forward-digit4 //保留后4位//
dial-p voi 2000pots
port 1/0/0
R1 – Config 除里局端配置部分,基本和R2差不多
Isdn switch-typebasic-net3
Card type E1 0 2
Network-clock-participate wic 2
Network-clock-select 1 e1 0/2/0
Controller e10/2/0
frame crc 4
linecode ami
clock source line //时钟源来自局端//
pri-group 0 timeslots 1 -6 //与对端一致 //
dial-peer voi 2000 pots
destination-pattern 0T
port 0/2/0:15
dial-p voi 1000 pots
destination-pattern 1000
port 1/0/0
通过sh isdn statues 查看ISDN的连接情况:
R1#sh isdn status
Global ISDN Switchtype = basic-net3
ISDN Serial0/2/0:15 interface dsl 0, interfaceISDN Switchtype = basic-net3
Layer1 Status: ACTIVE
Layer2 Status: TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED
Layer 3 Status: 0 Active Layer 3 Call(s)
Active dsl 0 CCBs = 0
The Free Channel Mask: 0x800FFFFF
Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID =47
Total Allocated ISDN CCBs = 0
尝试1000拨打2000,发现此时听到”二次拨号音”,呼叫无法建立,通过debug q931,看到plan 和type均为unknown状态。
R1 / R2:dial-p voi 1 pots
incoming called-number . //请注意这个点,意义是命中一位即可//
direct-inward-dial //DID//
1. 在R1手工添加一条语音路由,但在实际生产环境中,可能企业中会有几百个电话号码,如果逐条添加,会增加IT的工作量。
2. 定义转换规则
translation-rule 1 //定义转换规则1//
rule 1 ^12341 1 //将12341开头的号码转换为1//
Voice-port 0/2/0:15
Translate-called 1 //在此接口的入方向调用转换规则1//