香奈儿艺术总监“老佛爷”Karl Lagerfeld 于 2 月 19 日去世,享年 85 岁。
我从众多外媒报道中,精选了 4 份主流报纸的讣告选段。和你一起从不同风格、不同角度读读这位传奇设计师的一生,看看他有哪些主要成就。
The New York Times
《纽约时报》讣告,标题是 Karl Lagerfeld Dies at 85; Prolific Designer Defined Luxury Fashion。后面 5 个词就表明了 Karl Lagerfeld 的身份、特点和影响力。
Karl Lagerfeld, the most prolific designer of the 20th and 21st centuries and a man whose career formed the prototype of the modern luxury fashion industry, died on Tuesday in Paris. He was 85.
上面标红的插入语就是对标题的具体解释,再次强调 prolific——这几乎是所有 Lagerfeld 中都会用到的词。他 80 高龄还坚持在一线工作,还能一年平均设计 14 个系列的服装,确实够 prolific。
后面用 form the prototype of 替换了标题里的 define,还是强调他在时尚界的地位。
...his output as a designer was rivaled only by his outpourings as a master of the telling aphorism — so much so that his quotations were collected in a book, “The World According to Karl,” in 2013.
Lagerfeld 的金句中有他的审美哲学、幽默,也有毒舌,数量多到可以集结成书,英文叫The World According to Karl,中文叫《卡尔的说话之道》。
这段话写得很巧妙、工整。一边是 his output as a designer,一边是 his outporings as a master,中间用 rival 连接自然过渡。一副才华横溢、对工作一丝不苟,同时有很特立独行、口无遮拦的人物形象跃然纸上。
BBC 的语言风格是简单、口语化,说话方式贴近年轻人:
There is a reason why Karl Lagerfeld, who has died at the age of 85, was called the emperor—or "Kaiser" in his native German—by fashion insiders.
After all, he was one of the world's most iconic fashion designers, at the heart of not one, not two, but three fashion houses.
The man who steered Chanel for more than 30 years combined artistic flair with business acumen which would see the Parisian label's sales reach $10bn (7.7bn) in 2017.
BBC 的讣告主打 Lagerfeld 最知名、最有特色的标签“皇帝”,Kaiser,在国内一般称为“老佛爷”。后面紧接着就解释了他的过人之处,有艺术天赋(flair)也有商业才华(acumen)。这里的 steer 可以理解为“执掌”,其它报道中常出现 helm,表示“掌舵”。
Lagerfeld 1965 年开始为 Fendi 设计,Fendi 经典的 F 标就是出自他之手。1983 年成为 Chanel 的艺术总监,带领 Chanel 起死回生成为最赚钱的品牌之一,1984 年创立个人同名品牌。因此说他at the heart of not one, not two, but three fashion houses,这里的 not...not...but 比较口语话,起到了强调作用。
The Guardian
《卫报》的讣告一如既往的精彩。它的语言很讲究,和上面的 BBC 风格截然不同:
The designer Karl Lagerfeld,who has died aged 85, explored and exploited couture, ready-to-wear and even mass-market fashion for more than 60 years. He had a genius for visual quotation and allusion, impersonation and pastiche, especially atChanel, the fashion house he headed for more than three decades, and it made him the first postmodern fashionmeister.
第一句话介绍了他的设计范围之广,高中低端都有涉猎。第二句话用一个“had a genius for“(有些报道还用到了 have a knack for)写出了他的艺术才华、博学和主要成就。
这里 couture(高级时装) 和 pastiche(集大成之作) 是法语词汇,准确、带有贵族气息,简直是单词里的香奈儿。顺便说《华盛顿邮报》就称 Lagerfeld 是“a German-born couturier”。
最后的 fashionmeister 是“时尚达人”的意思,常与名词搭配表示”xx专家/高手“。meister 来自德语——Lagerfeld 就是在德国出生的,选用这个词可能和称他 Kaiser 一样是考虑到了这一点。
The Times
《泰晤士报》为他选的标签是才华和古怪。和前面几份讣告不同的是,它在第一段中把重点放在了“怪”上,引用了一段往事表现了 Lagerfeld 的狂傲和毒舌:
Karl Lagerfeld was a man renowned as much for his successful career as a fashion designer, most notably at Chanel, as for being one of the industry’s most prolific eccentrics. He was acerbic about his contemporaries. “They should have taken a big name. They did, but in music, not fashion,” he said, remarking on Stella McCartney’s appointment at Chloé.
网上也有一些声音是声讨 Lagerfeld,说他是种族主义者、歧视女性,不该为这样的人哀悼。
读了这么多报道,Lagerfeld 的一生让我想到了王尔德和 Freddie Mercury,都是那么才华横溢,那么孤独。
Largerfeld 的妈妈烟抽得很凶,14 岁时他也想抽烟,妈妈对他说,你手不漂亮,抽烟不好看。
因为看了场 Dior 的时装秀,他 18 岁离开德国去巴黎。21 岁那年虽然专门读过艺术学校,却在服装设计比赛中获了奖,于是被 Pierre Balmain 选为助理,开始了设计师生涯。
他精通德语、英语、法语、西班牙语;爱读书,尤其是历史和艺术类,可以说是设计圈的百科全书。他摄影也不错,在 Chanel 也做广告创意总监亲自操刀拍广告。
他和 Chanel、Fendi 签的都是终身合同。他说只要还没死,就一直工作。也说不要说我工作多么努力,没人逼我这样做,是我自己喜欢而已。为了穿 Hedi Slimane 设计的衣服,瘦了 93 磅。
他一个人住在左岸的公寓,陪伴他的是书、衣服和一只叫 Choupette 的缅甸猫。两个月前有消息说他正在写自己的回忆录,他澄清说没这回事,自己的故事也没什么可讲的,还说 I’m actually trying to make sure that I won't be remembered.
Rest in peace, Kaiser Karl.