       模块化nf-HiPAC的工作只能排在晚上完成,周四晚上折腾到12点终于算是完成了。效果也还不错,最初的tar包放到了下载频道“模块化的nf- HiPAC”,也会有另外的人放在github上,下载频道的主要是为了使用,而github上的主要是为了更新,这主要鉴于nf-hipac在还有很多 TODO的情况下就停止了更新,这些TODO在其网页http://www.hipac.org/status/todo.html是可以查到的。


Planned Features:

    implement better algorithmic core: The new core will dramatically reduce memory usage while at the same time improving the running time of insert and delete operations. The lookup performance will be improved radically too, especially for bigger rulesets. The concepts and the design are already developed, but the implementation is still in its very early stages
    add support for transactions
    add support for ipv6
    add support for MAC matches
    add functionality similar to iptables-restore
    add native support for set of ranges (e.g. ippools). Each native match is not a single range but instead a set of ranges, which makes a single rule more expressive
    consider making HiPAC available for NAT and mangle tables
    consider removing "rule prefix mismatch" limitation
    the next big step in the far future will be to extend the HiPAC algorithm to do classification with several stages. The HiPAC algorithm will then be capable of combining several classification problems in one data structure, e.g. it will be possible to solve routing, firewalling and traffic control with one HiPAC lookup. The idea is to shorten the packet forwarding path by combining e.g. fib_lookup and iptables filter lookup into one HiPAC query

Outstanding Bugfixes:

    fix handling of jump rules containing iptables matches (currently only some known iptables matches are allowed in jump rules)
    in the current version the number of rule updates per second is limited by the number of synchronize_rcu() calls per second. This slows down rule updates dramatically. Future releases will work around this problem and will offer full rule update speed again

Other Stuff:

    man page for userspace tool
    add more documentation
    more in-depth performance tests

模 块化后的nf-hipac可以直接编译出一个ko文件以及一个用户态的工具nf-hipac程序。值得注意的是,我在移植过程中,去掉了和 iptables模块的联动机制,这有两方面的原因,第一是因为这方面的移植比较复杂,iptables的内核API在内核版本之间变化太大了;另一方面 就是还真的不怎么会用到iptables的match/target模块,如果使用了大量的iptables match/target模块,还不如直接就用iptables呢,再者说,iptables模块只是延展了nf-hipac的功能,对其性能是一个打折 的过程。




这 部分比较容易。2.6.13版本的netlink的input回调函数参数是一个socket,创建者需要自己创建内核线程来从该socket的 queue中持续获取skb并且维护queue本身,这部分工作在高版本内核中得到了简化,因为input回调函数的参数就是skb本身,队列的维护由 netlink系统完成。


在原始的nf-hipac中,为了节省内存,用了两套内存管理方案,即mini alloc/free以及big alloc/free,在调试这部分的时候遇到了不少问题,加之现在内存没必要那么节省,我就统一采用了big alloc/free,也就是说统一在vmalloc区域进行分配。

4.net namespace问题

说实话,2.6.32内核对net namespace的支持也只是个半吊子,但无论如何接口已经适配了,这就是说我必须按照net namespace的要求来处理proc_net。



patch -p1 < $path/nfhipac-1.0.0.patch

就 会将所有的文件和目录置于该目录下,然后make;make install即可。注意,编译的时候需要准备好你的当前内核版本头文件,链接到/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build。 最后给出一个比较长的patch,即nfhipac-1.0.0.patch文件:51CTO下载中心。