#mount -a
check /etc/fstab

#mkdir -p /abc/sfs/ad  
recursly mkdir

#mount -o nosuid,noatime /mnt

#fuser /mnt
check who is using   mount point  /mnt

#mount -o rw LABEL=guest_data  /srv/guest_data

#mount -o remount,rw /mnt

Boot sequence
MBR--/boot--vmlinuz(initrd)--ro(/)--init--(/etc/inittab)--rc.sysinit(locad/etc/fstab again mount / with rw)---rc.x----rc.local--tty-xdm
change label

#dumpe2fs /dev/sda5    ---check /dev/sda5 filesystem states
inode count : how many files
block size: 1024 1k or 2k or 4k up to 16k , if the file in the system are
large size , we can use lager block size
mount count:  how many time system boot

#tune2fs -i0 -c0  /dev/sda5   change filesystem dratures

#display or change the filesystem label
# e2label /dev/sda5
# e2label /dev/sda5 new_laebel
#blkid -s LABEL

SWAP size suggested by Redhat 
M<2G     swap    Mx2
M>2G   swap  M+2G
create swap by swap file
#dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=500
#mkswap /swapfile
#swapon /swapfile
#vi /etc/fstab
/swapfile    swap     swap  defaults   0 0