The robots come from CSOT

Robots are used everywhere in my company which is a high-tech manufacturing company and produce TV screen. Robots apply to the places humans can’t,such as carrying the heavy machine or doing work required high precision. But most often, robots perform routine assembly-line jobs that increase productivity and lower costs, like packaging produce or attaching labels to panel.

The robots come from CSOT_第1张图片

As board of directors debate what effect AI, machine learning and automation will have on the future of our company, we kicked off a lots of projects to accelerate the smart-manufacturing process.

Just like setting up following project:

VM Project: virtual metrology, it helps us to measure the size in a convenient way, quicker and more accurate.

ADC Project: auto defect classification. Previously, our operators watch the potential defect picture then classify it one by one, which is inefficient and easy to make mistakes. With using this system, there is no need too much manual work and help us to analysis defect picture.

Robots perform an increasing large proportion of menial tasks in my company, having a profound effect in shaping all aspects of our firm. By investing more and more intelligent robots, we will get a window on innovation then catch a break point of growing.

One hand, those menial, low-profile and manual work will be replaced by the new generation of robots, it does help enterprise gain more profit and become more efficient. We see it becoming more distributed, more flexible and diverse.

On the other hand, 20% of workers seriously considered to be laid off in the next few months. everyone is worried about losing job.

As the trend continues, we need figure out how to reflect to the challenge, continually learning new knowledge. In the meantime, government need to add robots to create an optional job, dig out the potential of new workforce.

你可能感兴趣的:(The robots come from CSOT)