Journal Proiect: The Development of My Personal Epistemolog

Journal Proiect: The Development of My Personal Epistemolog(30 points)


(each entry should be 1-2 typed pages, double or single space, 12 pt font)Journal entries should be written as an informal re flection essay. You are encouraged to integrate class discussions and assigned readings into your entries. Please note, the pagelimit will be strictly adhered to, so plan your content carefully. Each of the commentariesshould answer the following questions, in this order. There are no"correct"answers Moreover, these questions are designed to develop your critical thinking and to help clarifyyour own ideas about"how you know what you know about human nature and change.Responses are evaluated based on their completeness, relevance, and clarity Only answerone question each week(due at the beginning of the class)


JOURNAL#/at exeriences andor factors have contribued to your interest in mariage and日志1目 family therapy、


journalf2-wha yow persoal belie bo he bas nare of man beings god bad?日志2

sinhu holy, basically flawed or basically normalfimctionalp end)?然个人(对于人类本胜的信念是么(例如:券恶?有神圣的?基不上是有缺倍本上是正消或功能皮好?

JOURNAL ow do you derermine what cows as kn wedge and r uh) I you were o日志3

learn about a new discovery, how would you determine the truthfulness or validityI of the new infornation?



Is permanent change in human behavior possible? Defend your answer with an日志4



JOURNAL #5 What are you ideas about some of the important condiions or change in human日志5

behavior and relationships? What factors are most important? What actorsare over or umder-appreciared in our curent cuture?




Based on your answer to the previous question, consider the process of change inuman benavior

Specifically, consider whether people change because theirthoughts/feelings/beliefs/values change(intrapsychic)or because their contextand interpersonal relationships change


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