Hello Sery,
Thank you very much for the most impressive contribution!!! Can we send
your document to Chinese users of MFS? Or maybe you are going to publish it
on your web site? I would be very glad to provide a link from our web
Best regards,
Pawel Kalinowski

> hi Pawel Kalinowski
> Thank for your help! i have run a MFS applicaton in my work environment
. It is ok!
> I wrote my MFS operation document by Chinese . it is in attache. I hope
it is useful to other.
> thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> sery
> 2009-03-30
> sery
> 发件人: MooseFS
> 发送时间: 2009-02-16  20:50:38
> 收件人: sery" "
> 抄送:
> 主题: Re: need to help about moosefs
> Hi Sery,
> Thanks for your e-mail! I hope your MFS installation will be serving
> fine!
> Everything is OK! MFS is not erasing files immediately to let you
> the delete operation.
> You can configure for how long files are kept in trash and empty the
> manually (to release the space).
> There are more details here:
> [url]http://moosefs.com/pages/userguides.html#2[/url]
> in section "Operations specific for MFS"
> In short - the time of storing a deleted file can be verified by the
> mfsgettrashtime command and changed with mfssettrashtime.
> Best regards,
> Pawel Kalinowski
> Support Manager / MFS
> > hi
> > I developed a mfs system, It is good work.I mfsmount mfs to a
> when I delete files or directories the mfs's size didn't reduce.please
> me about this.thank you!
> >
> > I am sorry,I  am Chinese,I am not good at English.
> >
> > 2009-02-16
> >
> >
> >
> > sery