Huskies are a particularly high-maintenance breed. If they don’t get the at least two hours of daily exercise, they can be very destructive. But people are increasingly buying them without doing their research, which often results in a lifestyle clash. As a result, lots of huskies are ending up in shelters.
1.pursuit/pərˈsuːt/ n. 追寻,追求
词性拓展:pursue (v.)
搭配短语:pursue a lovely boy
标题句:fans' pursuit of real-life dire wolves...粉丝们渴望生活中有条真的冰原狼,
2.dire wolf 冰原狼;恐狼
而死去的冰原狼留下了小狼崽子,正好有六只,恰好代表了史塔克家族的六个孩子,所以它们分别归六个孩子抚养,分别是罗柏·史塔克的灰风(Grey Wind)、珊莎·史塔克的淑女(Lady)、艾丽娅·史塔克的娜梅莉亚(Nymeria)、布兰·史塔克的夏天(Summer)、瑞肯·史塔克的毛毛狗(Shaggydog)、和琼恩·雪诺的白灵(Ghost)。
3.husky/ˈhʌski/ n. 哈士奇 (Siberian husky)
4.pay the price 吃苦头,付出代价
例句:If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.
5.replicate/ˈreplɪkeɪt/ v. 使复现;复制
搭配短语:replicate the bug
6.stature/ˈstætʃər/ n. 高度(尤指身高)
搭配短语:a woman of short stature
7.protagonist/prəˈtæɡənɪst/ n.(故事或戏剧中的)主要人物,主角
近义词:main character
原句 The animal actors are shot on green screens, doubled in size to replicate dire wolf stature in the show, where they have served as loyal protectors of the protagonist Stark family.这些动物演员们先在绿幕前完成拍摄,然后它们的身型(通过特效)被放大一倍,来模拟剧中冰原狼的高大体型。在剧中,冰原狼是主角史塔克家族的忠诚守护者。
6.shaggy/ˈʃæɡi/ adj.(毛发)粗长而蓬乱的
英文释义:having or covered with long, rough, and untidy hair
7.pointy/ˈpɔɪnti/ adj. 有尖头的
搭配短语:a pointy hat
8.lupine/ˈluːpaɪn/ adj. 像狼的;与狼相关的
Their shaggy, gray and white fur, pointy ears and lupine facial features make them near-doppelgangers of dire wolves.它们凌乱蓬松、灰白相间的皮毛、尖尖的耳朵、以及与狼相像的面部特征,使它们几乎成为了冰原狼的翻版。
9.doppelganger/ˈdɑːplɡæŋər/ n. 相貌极相似的人;幽灵
Doppelgänger 英文释义:ghostly double high-maintenance/ˌhaɪ ˈmeɪntənəns/
adj. 难伺候的,需要大量关注和爱的
词性拓展:maintain(v. 保持;维护)
maintain 英文释义:to keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition
maintain 例句:A small house costs less to maintain.
搭配短语:high-maintenance hairstyle难打理
搭配短语:a high-maintenance girlfriend难伺候
10.breed/briːd/ n.(动植物的)品种;(人的)类型
搭配短语:a breed of dog
例句:Natalie Portman was that rare breed of actress.
13.clash/klæʃ/ n. 冲突,矛盾
搭配短语:a clash of personalities
14.end up 最后成为;以…告终
例句:If you go on like this, you'll end up in prison.
15.shelter/ˈʃeltər/ n. 掩蔽(处);收容所
16.veterinarian/ˌvetərɪˈneriən/ n. 兽医
相关词汇:veterinary(adj. 兽医的)
veterinary 搭配短语:veterinary medicine
veterinary 搭配短语:veterinary students
17.be hooked on 沉迷于;对...上瘾
hook 搭配短语:a fish hook; hook a fish
原文:a veterinarian and senior lecturer at the Royal Veterinary College, is hooked on "Game of Thrones." ...是个《权游》剧迷
例句:She is hooked on skiing.
18.media-driven adj. 受媒体驱动的
派生词:a computer-driven machine
19.play out 发生;出现
英文释义:When an event is played out, it happens.
20.on impulse 一时兴起,心血来潮
相关词汇:impulse(n. 冲动)
impulse 搭配短语:a sudden impulse to laugh
impulse 搭配短语:impulse buying/shopping
例句:I dyed my hair green on impulse.
21.accessory/əkˈsesəri/ n. 配件,附属品,配饰
原文When you get a dog on impulse because of what you see on television, he says, you’re treating the dog as an accessory. “You’re buying the image you carry around in your mind 当你因为看了电视上的狗狗就一时冲动买了一只时,你其实是把狗狗当成了一件附属品。他还说:“你只是在购买你脑海里浮现的画面。”
22.debut/deɪˈbjuː/ v. 首次公演;首次亮相
词性拓展:debut(n. 首次公演;首次亮相)
原文Siberian husky rescue groups across the U.S. and U.K. report observing a significant increase in the number of abandoned huskies since 2011, when "Game of Thrones" debuted. 英美两国的哈士奇救援组织都报告声称,从 2011 年《权力的游戏》首播以来,被遗弃的哈士奇数量显著增加。
搭配短语:a successful debut
例句:The film will debut next month.
23.pun/pʌn/ n. 双关语
It’s not a game,” says Swanda. “No pun intended.” 她说:“这并不是什么游戏,我没有要双关的意思。”
throne n. 王座
shoot v. 拍摄
double v. 翻一倍
destructive adj. 有破坏力的
高级讲师:senior lecturer
rescue n. 营救,救援
intended adj. 有计划的,有意图的
相关词汇:intend(v. 计划,打算)
enter 前置
enter 前置,通常用于舞台的登场,可以产生一种戏剧感,比如哈姆雷特登场了!"Enter Hamlet!" 作者用在这里有一种幽默感,仿佛眼前就能看到一只只哈士奇跑出来。
"You'll train them yourselves, you'll feed them yourselves, and if they die, you'll bury them yourselves."
— Ned Stark
"It's your dog, but you are it's all."
— Hachi: A Dog's Tale