小词大用 第十五期 on the grounds


因此,在英语中,“ground”也可以表示“基础”。我们来看一个来自《经济学人》(The Economist)杂志中的例子:

Politicians, for the most part, have refused to raise taxes on fossil fuels in recent years, on the grounds that making driving or heating homes more expensive would not only annoy voters but also hurt the economy.

句中,“on the grounds”自然不是“在地上”的意思。上面说过,“ground”可以表示“基础”。因此,“on the grounds”的意思就是“基于,由于,因为”,相当于“because”,当然也可以解释为“be based on; on account of”。



走在路上,和地面接触最多的是人们的双脚。我们常说,成功没有捷径,需要一步一步脚踏实地地走出来。这个道理放之四海皆准,因此英文中也有“脚踏实地”的说法:keep one's feet on the ground。

但是,“keep one's feet on the ground”的意义要比“脚踏实地”广泛”一些。我们来看它的英文解释:to be and remain in a calm, stable, sensible, and pragmatic state or condition。可见,“keep one's feet on the ground”还可以表示“讲究实际““实事求是”,或是“坚定自己的立场”。

例如,It's great that you are so intrepid in your entrepreneurship, but you have to keep your feet on the ground or you could end up losing everything.

想要创业成功,确实需要“脚踏实地”,但同时,我们也要“keep one's ear to the ground”。



如今,印第安人和野牛的威胁已不复存在。但是,把耳朵贴在地上这个诀窍已经成为了一个习惯用语,也就是“keep one's ear to the ground”。

从上面那个故事,我们应该可以猜到“keep one's ear to the ground”是什么意思。的确,它表示“保持高度警惕”或“集中注意力”,用英文解释就是“to devote attention to watching or listening for clues as to what is going to happen”。

例如,一个想要取得成功的企业家,可能会经常对他的下属说:You should keep your ear to the ground so that you’d be the first to know of a new idea.

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