一次愉快的 bug 修复经历

使用 jQuery 插件 Jcrop 裁剪图片时,发现一个问题,如图:

一次愉快的 bug 修复经历_第1张图片
Bug of Jcrop

不知道这里的 radio 哪里来的,很郁闷,因为以前用过一次,没遇到这个问题。
到 stackoverflow 上查了也没有类似的问题。

There is a strange radio input in my page, I don't know where it comes from, I think you can help me.
If you can give me your email address, I will send the pictue to you.


Hi... I think the option to turn that off is keySupport: false...
I have a new version that is completely rewritten, and much better...
Check "WIP-2.x" branch on github.
Should allow keyboard support without the (supposed to be hidden) radio input...
Documentation in progress...but should be similar in most cases.

我尝试了一下,在代码中加了 keySupport: false,OK,问题解决。

Hi ! Thank you for your reply.
With your help, I have successfully solved the problem.
With thanks again and best wishes to you !


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