Access restriction: The type FtpClient is not accessible due to restriction on required library F:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar
sun.net包里的内容,在eclipse/myeclipse里默认是不让用的。解决办法是自定义access rules
工程上右键->工程属性->java builder path->Libraries标签,点击JRE System Library里面的Access rules,add sun/** 为accessible,如果该项存在,就edit。然后选择workspace default jre(jdk1.6.0_18)
package com.suma.exchange.ftp; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import sun.net.TelnetInputStream; import sun.net.TelnetOutputStream; import sun.net.ftp.FtpClient; /** * ftp上传,下载 * @author why 2009-07-30 * */ public class FtpUtil { private String ip = ""; private String username = ""; private String password = ""; private int port = -1; private String path = ""; FtpClient ftpClient = null; OutputStream os = null; FileInputStream is = null; public FtpUtil(String serverIP, String username, String password) { this.ip = serverIP; this.username = username; this.password = password; } public FtpUtil(String serverIP, int port, String username, String password) { this.ip = serverIP; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.port = port; } /** * 连接ftp服务器 * * @throws IOException */ public boolean connectServer(){ ftpClient = new FtpClient(); try { if(this.port != -1){ ftpClient.openServer(this.ip,this.port); }else{ ftpClient.openServer(this.ip); } ftpClient.login(this.username, this.password); if (this.path.length() != 0){ ftpClient.cd(this.path);// path是ftp服务下主目录的子目录 } ftpClient.binary();// 用2进制上传、下载 System.out.println("已登录到\"" + ftpClient.pwd() + "\"目录"); return true; }catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * 断开与ftp服务器连接 * * @throws IOException */ public boolean closeServer(){ try{ if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (os != null) { os.close(); } if (ftpClient != null) { ftpClient.closeServer(); } System.out.println("已从服务器断开"); return true; }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * 检查文件夹在当前目录下是否存在 * @param dir * @return */ private boolean isDirExist(String dir){ String pwd = ""; try { pwd = ftpClient.pwd(); ftpClient.cd(dir); ftpClient.cd(pwd); }catch(Exception e){ return false; } return true; } /** * 在当前目录下创建文件夹 * @param dir * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean createDir(String dir){ try{ ftpClient.ascii(); StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(dir, "/"); //sign s.countTokens(); String pathName = ftpClient.pwd(); while(s.hasMoreElements()){ pathName = pathName + "/" + (String) s.nextElement(); try { ftpClient.sendServer("MKD " + pathName + "\r\n"); } catch (Exception e) { e = null; return false; } ftpClient.readServerResponse(); } ftpClient.binary(); return true; }catch (IOException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * ftp上传 * 如果服务器段已存在名为filename的文件夹,该文件夹中与要上传的文件夹中同名的文件将被替换 * * @param filename 要上传的文件(或文件夹)名 * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean upload(String filename){ String newname = ""; if(filename.indexOf("/") > -1){ newname = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); }else{ newname = filename; } return upload(filename, newname); } /** * ftp上传 * 如果服务器段已存在名为newName的文件夹,该文件夹中与要上传的文件夹中同名的文件将被替换 * * @param fileName 要上传的文件(或文件夹)名 * @param newName 服务器段要生成的文件(或文件夹)名 * @return */ public boolean upload(String fileName, String newName){ try{ String savefilename = new String(fileName.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "GBK"); File file_in = new File(savefilename);//打开本地待长传的文件 if(!file_in.exists()){ throw new Exception("此文件或文件夹[" + file_in.getName() + "]有误或不存在!"); } if(file_in.isDirectory()){ upload(file_in.getPath(),newName,ftpClient.pwd()); }else{ uploadFile(file_in.getPath(),newName); } if(is != null){ is.close(); } if(os != null){ os.close(); } return true; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Exception e in Ftp upload(): " + e.toString()); return false; }finally{ try{ if(is != null){ is.close(); } if(os != null){ os.close(); } }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 真正用于上传的方法 * @param fileName * @param newName * @param path * @throws Exception */ private void upload(String fileName, String newName,String path) throws Exception{ String savefilename = new String(fileName.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "GBK"); File file_in = new File(savefilename);//打开本地待长传的文件 if(!file_in.exists()){ throw new Exception("此文件或文件夹[" + file_in.getName() + "]有误或不存在!"); } if(file_in.isDirectory()){ if(!isDirExist(newName)){ createDir(newName); } ftpClient.cd(newName); File sourceFile[] = file_in.listFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < sourceFile.length; i++){ if(!sourceFile[i].exists()){ continue; } if(sourceFile[i].isDirectory()){ this.upload(sourceFile[i].getPath(),sourceFile[i].getName(),path+"/"+newName); }else{ this.uploadFile(sourceFile[i].getPath(),sourceFile[i].getName()); } } }else{ uploadFile(file_in.getPath(),newName); } ftpClient.cd(path); } /** * upload 上传文件 * * @param filename 要上传的文件名 * @param newname 上传后的新文件名 * @return -1 文件不存在 >=0 成功上传,返回文件的大小 * @throws Exception */ public long uploadFile(String filename, String newname) throws Exception{ long result = 0; TelnetOutputStream os = null; FileInputStream is = null; try { java.io.File file_in = new java.io.File(filename); if(!file_in.exists()) return -1; os = ftpClient.put(newname); result = file_in.length(); is = new FileInputStream(file_in); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int c; while((c = is.read(bytes)) != -1){ os.write(bytes, 0, c); } }finally{ if(is != null){ is.close(); } if(os != null){ os.close(); } } return result; } /** * 从ftp下载文件到本地 * * @param filename 服务器上的文件名 * @param newfilename 本地生成的文件名 * @return * @throws Exception */ public long downloadFile(String filename, String newfilename){ long result = 0; TelnetInputStream is = null; FileOutputStream os = null; try{ is = ftpClient.get(filename); java.io.File outfile = new java.io.File(newfilename); os = new FileOutputStream(outfile); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; int c; while ((c = is.read(bytes)) != -1) { os.write(bytes, 0, c); result = result + c; } }catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ try { if(is != null){ is.close(); } if(os != null){ os.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } /** * 取得相对于当前连接目录的某个目录下所有文件列表 * * @param path * @return */ public List getFileList(String path){ List list = new ArrayList(); DataInputStream dis; try { dis = new DataInputStream(ftpClient.nameList(this.path + path)); String filename = ""; while((filename = dis.readLine()) != null){ list.add(filename); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public static void main(String[] args){ FtpUtil ftp = new FtpUtil("","tstbill","tstbill"); ftp.connectServer(); boolean result = ftp.upload("C:/test_why", "test_why/test"); System.out.println(result?"上传成功!":"上传失败!"); List list = ftp.getFileList("test_why/test"); for(int i=0;i