Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)

Morning Jogging Slogans

Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第1张图片

Morning jogging Day 16-19

Exercise every day and stay away from pharmacies;         

Life goes on in sports and health is strengthened in fitness;

No one can succeed easily. It comes from thorough self-management and perseverance;

When water stops for a hundred days, poisoning occurs, and when people rest for a hundred days, they become ill.

Keep up the great work!!! 

截止3月2日为止,第一期运城国际学校教师晨跑社团最终名单如下:魏智渊 严盈侠 谌志惠 张建文 曹晓丽 迟庆民 刘晓萌 孙帅 赵振东 李银花 史海荣 刘玉琴 黄玉琦 张艳霞 赵格芳 许方颖 吴传莹 李玲秀 汤春亮 王萌 侯付芳 范鑫 刘平芳 陈冬霞 张慧娟 田瑞洁 严文侠 范志婷 丁石燕 接下来的21天,体育组庞钊老师会给各位老师制定具体的饮食、作息、训练计划,希望大家都能通过21天的训练锻炼身体同时养成影响一生的好习惯!另外,如在挑战过程中有老师遇到困难,请及时和体育组老师沟通,我们会在不违背规则的原则下尽力给各位老师提供尽可能的帮助。加油!









(4)请勿脚跟着地 尽量使用前脚掌接触地面。                                                 




打卡第五天,坚持,身体终将因奔跑而改变. 如果您早起感到身体不适,或肌肉酸痛,属于正常现象,说明您的身体正在进入一个适应期,大家一定要坚定信念,打破自己的舒适区,胜利属于我们。









打卡第十五天。“晚霞诚可贵,健康价更高;欲享老年福,运动是个宝。” The sunset is precious ,but the price of health is higher. Sports is a treasure ,if you want to enjoy the happiness of aging.

晨跑第十六天。“天天练身子,远离药铺子”。加油  (Practice everyday and stay away from pharmacies) 

打卡第十七次。“生命在运动中延续,健康在健身中加固” ( 

打卡第十八天。“谁也不可能轻易成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力”。(No one can succeed easily. It comes from thorough self-management and perseverance.)


Morning Chanting 

This morning I taught the song When You Say Nothing at all again In Grade 8, class 2. More beautiful and better. 

Morning Reading 

English Original reading Day 24 from the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull

By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity, the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no faster.He was flying now straight down, at two hundred fourteen miles per hour. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he’d be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. But the speed was power, and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty.

Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第2张图片

Skin Care 

Today after dinner I went to Mary Kay's Beauty salon. First I ran four kilometers , then I took a bus . My skin is more smooth and refreshed , like a baby face . 

Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第3张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第4张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第5张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第6张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第7张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第8张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第9张图片
Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第10张图片

My son's sensational incident 

It never rains but it pours (不鸣则已一鸣惊人) . My son doesn't care about his small tests , but does well in his exams or comprehensive tests. 

Terrific Thursday: Our morning slogans ( March 28)_第11张图片





Talk with Gregg 

Beijing time from 5:21 am --6 am 

G: Hey baby girl , I just got out of work. 

A; Hi, I just woke up. 

G: well , good morning sunshine. 

A: Good afternoon. How was your work? 

G: Very busy. 

A: You must be tired. Have a good rest. 

G: Did you sleep well? 

A: Yes. I am ready for my morning jogging. 

G: You go girl ! 

After my breakfast , I saw his message at 8:17 am 

G: How was your run Yuqi? ( Wow , he can remember my name so clearly !)

A: sent two voice messages  ... How I wish I could fly like an angel. 

G: It would be amazing so see you fly like an angel !!!

A: You can imagine ... 

Our last reading together 

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